keep playing your Cod garbage
keep playing your Cod garbage
I don't feel like playing another ubisoft openworld game thank you very much.
I'm getting it for PC. I thought the first 2 were fun, for $40 it can't be that bad.
I'm not going to buy your shitty game, so please go back and stay there, thanks.
My family poos in loos thanks to my posts
>keep playing your Cod garbage
>while playing an actual Cod garbage
>5 minute loading times
>5 minute load time
>enemies disappear at 250m
Nice game
Meh I'd rather play the Sniper Elite games.
Who the FUCK keeps making these games
>£21.99 on the home of stolen goods, cdkeys.com
i unironically enjoyed the second one, despite being over in 5 hours. I just want a game that lets me go full autism over bullet drop and windages and whatnot.
I bought it. Just finished 2.
No awards for writing, but it's fun.
Do you guys think they should go to activision and try and sell this as a spin-off series for Call of Duty?
that way we can have ghosts 2
But seriously, it's like all ghillied up was its own game.
I'll play if if it gets cracked. The first two were pretty bad.
>pose with airsoft AK
>forget to take the large battery i duct taped to the handguard and massively obvious tamyia connector off
>"i'm a hardcore russian u guiez"
I think that's for PS4.
I had less than one minute and it's not even installed on my SSD
>paying for caca
Ubisoft has nothing to do with this whatsoever.
I'm gonna leave this here.
Maybe the casing was enclosed in a larger calibre casing
>russian doll of death!
i saw it somewhere, its a new type of bullet, like from 2017, it just shoots bullet with a casing so new type of weapons would not need a hole to spit the casing. its genius
I only found this which is a fucking long ass bullet that can be fired underwater, but it still has the same casing shell concept.
I don't know much about guns (just the basics) but I think that thing you say would be fucking retarded and useless as you would need to create a whole new retarded weapon.
Its made by a notoriously shit company, 1 was garbage so fuck this shit game
i have the game, the bullet is from a 1987 weapon. there's no way this shit exists
Caseless ammunition isn't new
image is obviously satire
>keep playing your Cod garbage
But this is Cod garbage you retarded shill.
He's talking about bullets that fire together with the whole shell.
You are all kukolds. Go prep bulls. The bullet pictured dont have a hammer dent. Thus it means it was enclosed in a larger casing
Also Denuvo confirmed for firing bullets with encasing
is what happens when you have women and cucks on your dev teams?
look like far cry 4 clone desu senpai
CI Games stock investors are said to give 10/10 on metacritic to this game to save stock price!
You're bating right?
Dumbass, you can't act superior to CoD kiddies when Sniper Ghost Warrior developers know even less about guns than CoD developers who model their shit after airsoft, at least they have the common sense to know a gun doesn't shoot the bullet with the casing.
>still spending money on mindless shooters in 2017
I know Sup Forums plays shooters but not mindless ones.
at this point i don't think he's baiting
Sup Forums went full-blown SJW instead of post-ironic falseflagging, because everyone believed in the shitposts as actual posts
i don't know anymore
I don't understand how they keep making these.
I bought the first game unknowingly when it came out. Played 30 minutes and returned it right away.
But why? How?
Again, why?
What's an example of a non-mindless shooter?
Maybe its time to tie the rope? Op here. This and sniper elite series are the FUCKIN BEST SHOOTERS OF ALL TIME. They aint mindless arcade garbage
It's a niche product. You have to like it. It's not for everyone.
Rumor has it that these games are just a money laundering scheme. The developer is Polish so it's not out of the realm of possibility.
no im OP. i was fucking baiting
The fuck would I know? I just don't know if people are being ironic or not anymore.
I haven't played the others and I don't give a shit about /k/ issues but it looks fun.
Jesus first I see a fucking HotS thread and now this?
Sup Forums has fallen to the newfag-borg. Most people here haven't been here for more than 3 years and it's all the same shit getting reposted with shit games and shit memes.
Bugger off i didn't even start the last Sniper Eliet
>bitching about threads about VIDEO GAMES on Sup Forums
And then user was the cancer.
Stay on Reddit forever then, you cross-site bitch. You don't belong here at all.
Am I seeing crimping at the ends? Is this a fucking blank round?
It's alright, but very run-of-the-mill
Also their stocks plummeted to oblivion because of the so fucking low review scores.
It looks picturesque in most screenshots and open world sounds good on paper, but how is it? How do missions work? Fast travel options? Customizable HUD?
Isn't the first one pretty much a CoD clone?
Sure how about you go make a fucking Candy Crush thread or how about more hype threads for the new fucking CALL OF DOOT DOOT YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING
Don't worry. Full scale damage control from the company allowed everyone to make money on that company today. First it dropped another 18% but at the end of the day it closed on -8%.
The CEO said that the game is good, it's selling great and that the reviewers are wrong xD
I wouldn't go that far but I do like these games.
It looks like worn down Russia. Pretty standard. Missions are mostly going somewhere and shooting dudes or blowing something up. There's also sidemissions and outposts to take over. And yeah, there's fast travel.
HUD is determined by difficulty setting.
Fucking kek, took me a second to work out what was wrong then.
Guess i'll be pirating it instead.
I'm pretty sure the DLC comes with a vehicle, so that.
>Guess i'll be pirating it instead.
Someone give him a quick Denuvo rundown?
>outposts to take over
Do you keep them forever or can they be lost?
>HUD is determined by difficulty setting.
Sounds cool. Is the hardest zero HUD? What else does hardest do? I appreciate the info.
Just looked it up.
appears i have been out-jewed once again.
Hardest takes away what little health regen there is, no "red dot" (you have to estimate bullet drop and windage yourself) and minimal HUD. Enemise one-shot you. It's considered pretty hard.
:^) you fell for a meme. Now reek the benefits
Israel always wins baby
You should be thankful it saved you from a shit game
Did none of you try out the open beta that was going on a few months back? The game is absolute rubbish, a FC4 clone with worse graphics and performance along with, somehow, an even worse Ubishit-tier open world with meaningless outposts and shit all over the map. I'm still surprised that it looks as bad as it does and runs so poorly. I get that it was a beta version of the game but reviews out today and yesterday seem to suggest that these issues have not been fixed. There's still no way to turn off the abysmal motion blur, it seems, and generally a small amount of graphical options is available to you. The UI is fuckhuge and there's no FoV slider at all which makes the game even more nauseating to play if those sort of things bother you. In all honesty, I'm shocked that CI Games are on their third game of this series and still haven't learned to make a better overall game, they just decided to make the game open world and call it a day. The Sniper Elite guys at least learned to make the games run and look great before they started making the games less linear and, even then, they just resorted to huge levels in SE4 instead of a full-blown open world.
Well it sounds great to me. Worth the price or wait for a sale?
I'd wait I guess. I bought it so I could get the day 1 DLC but I'm a fan