*blocks your patch*

*blocks your patch*

Other urls found in this thread:


just started playing this game, where can I get power armor?

The only time you NEED to go near cazadors is if you want Chance's Knife.

>invented by reddit
>obnoxious in every conceivable way
>exist only to make your life hell
They have to go back.

Easiest way to obtain power armor and training imo is to complete the BOS quest-line and get T51b from the Brotherhood safe-house when they give the key to you.

sneak up black mountain, in the crater

I killed Benny and I have no motivation to keep going, what is the objective after getting your sweet revenge?

You dont go in the savanah if they're is lions nearby. just follow the safest route.
power armor won't change a thing, they will kick you ass so quick it will be like lightspeed travel, only sollution snipers aime for the wings, or very powerfull shotgun and only if they re few.

Taking over the city

Fuck you you S'wit. The first time I played through FNV I got gang-raped by like 6 cazadores upon leaving Vault 3. I literally had to restart because I ran all the way to a bootleg beer or cap counterfeiting building nearby and got trapped inside with no saves at a decently low level.

*Interrupts your battle*

uninstall the game and play something that's actually good.

melee weapons are super effective against them

Fuck off, Odin.


*throws grenade*

Fuck off, Todd


Chosing who you want to fuck over. If you truly believe you've got nothing better either quit and complain in the multiple new-vegas threads, or go yes-man and start killing everyone.

>radiation in a can


*plays Johnny Guitar three times in 20 minutes*

Explosive builds were my favorite.

>no quest where you meet mr new vegas, fight a horde of super mutants outside his studio and help him fix a radio dish so he can tell you about where benny went

why was Zion so comfy

>Favorite characters doesn't include Easy Pete
step it up user

Wasnt my favorite character. He was still cool though. That dynamite made the powder ganger fight so easy.

>beautiful canyon countryside
>best weapon

except for the caves it wasn't

Gather up dust from the wastes. Put it in a can. Radiation in a can. It's simple engineering.


>best weapon
Only cause he used it against the fucking Kwuebecois. I refuse to even spell their filth right.


user I think that's because Mr. New Vegas is an A.I.

the story about the "father" made me tear up at parts. I just love bittersweet shit like that. Emphasis on bitter

Guys should I feel bad about killing Mr house? The quiver in his voice as I approach his tube just makes me feel sad for killing the guy but I mean he did sic his robots on me.

the quiver is just him finally facing the fear of mortality, which any other person would have done years ago

I'd ask how deep this meme goes, but I'm scared of the response.

I don't think a lot of people realise Mr. New Vegas is a House built/programmed AI to keep the status quo if not in the Mojave at least in the borders by altering public perception in the ways House needs to keep the status quo.

What an ugly screenshot

Well, it's an ugly game.

>southern nevada wind farm

it's an ugly game and zion especially so

What can you expect from Half-Life.

this game is completely ruined by the crazy slow walk speed

>he doesnt know about the running mod

If you think being old somehow excuses the mess he's created, you should've killed yourself as well

they're doing all the raping and killing. some, I assume, are good cazadors

If they're mindless and choose indiscriminately how can you say if they know they've chosen good targets, even if 99% are "those kinds"?

I really, really love this gun. Always rush to that Vault for this.
It's a shame that FO4 weapon selections are so shit because gunplay is much more smoother and fun. Modding scene is already dead, so there are only few weapons with custom animations.

Really wanna try NV again but I've already finished it 3 times with the same build along with this goddamn gun. Also, fuck replaying Dead Monies.


>spend an entire day researching and installing sexmods
>end up uninstalling them all, disgusted with yourself

welfare queen pls

at least install sex mods for skyrim where stuff looks good, why the fuck would people want it in NV

Look in Quarry Junction. People might try scaring you away by telling you there's deathclaws there, but they're just trying to stop you from finding OP armor too early in the game.

I just spent 4 hours fruitlessly digging through a herm race mod looking for ways to make the race count as male but still use the female bodysuit during sex.

Because the animations line up, the dialogue is actually decent, mods actually creative and not shit ported or ideas borrowed from other places, and their not stupid anime shit?

Ignore the stupid troll. Go northeast to Nellis AFB, there are two dead paladins in the town ruins.

it always ends with me once again realising how stupid sex is in vidya, mechanics wise

>Calls me a troll
>Is trolling himself
>Hurr just go to this area that will kill you at an early level
Fucking faggots.

well at least he's telling the truth

Oh jesus christ don't remind me.
>Get key to Follower's Safe House
>ok cool, walk from Caravan Wreckage to it
>see a Cazadore, but it's far enough away to be snipper snapped
>get what I want from safehouse and leave
>spawns fucked up and four Cazadores descend from the hills to the right
So ended my hardcore playthrough

for skyrim i just have a separate mod organizer profile just for sex mods. at least skyrim provides the allure of other races having sex

FUCK Cazadores

This thread made me want to start a new run, so I'll leave this here for you guys too.

>crash out of Eclipse mid-pretending to work, system partition running out of space
>flush the bog, nothing changes
>start digging around in temp files and recycler, eventually start the printer spooler to see if it somehow woke on accident and choked on something from three years ago
>find nothing, check My Documents
>My Documents weighs 23GB more than it should
Turns out CASM had accumulated about 15,000 savegames. Just what in the dick.

fo' sho bro

>It's a bot tries to shitpost but ends up making better shitposts then most anons

ring a ding baby


Been too long since I shot the burgers to shit.

Holy hairy cozadores flying hairy balls!

My standard build, but with a loose limiter. Fuck that noise.

Save the english language! www.com


>play unarmed
>running into cazador means vats or timing ranger takedown perfectly
I dig it.

This is the first *blocks your path* that actually triggered me.

>has both bartering bonus clothes
>always catches you off guard pissing you off
>lies about not collecting sarsaparilla caps when he actually has 5 or so on him

Is there any reason not to kill him?

Big money

I think my melee guy was immune to cazador venom, either way his fist were buzzsaw with love and hate and could just mow down swarms of them.

I'm already playing Killer Queen. On a male character, but he is a huge queen so I guess it still works.

are you the user who got bitten by a tarantula hawk wasp?

Luckily no.

I mean, house really is the smartest man in the mojave, he's got the best chance of rebuilding society. And he seems like an honorable guy that as long as you don't betray him, he'll make sure you're taken care of.

>he seems like an honorable guy

lets go baby

>has a chance to take over vegas for himself
>works for someone else instead because "muh future of the wasteland"



I actually killed them all after a whole hour and progressed through the left hand side.

oh baby

>"Ha! I will never lose to an inse-"
Guess it's game over for me then.

I wish there wasn an option to destroy them all tbqh.

Best chance, sure.

But he's not gonna do that, he only wants vegas.

Thats his fault, he's the most stable, immortal and ready leader but he wont give a rats ass about anything outside vegas as long as it doesnt indanger vegas.


>tfw got hyped for burned man
>its some religious tribes fighting dlc, no ceasar revenge story or anything
>tfw got hyped for courier vs courier
>its a walking symulator


Is there an estimation of when it will be done?

But user, this is a blue board.
What would the janitors do if they caught me posting explicit images of lolis being impregnated by giant wasps?
I'm a rule abiding user of this board.

Plus I'd feel bad derailing one of the few threads that actualy stay consistently on topic around here even though that's regretably what I'm doing already.

>invented by reddit

I need sauce on that please

House is only a good choice in the mid-game, getting information that you need from him before disposing of his mummified body
