*blocks your patch*

*blocks your patch*

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just started playing this game, where can I get power armor?

The only time you NEED to go near cazadors is if you want Chance's Knife.

>invented by reddit
>obnoxious in every conceivable way
>exist only to make your life hell
They have to go back.

Easiest way to obtain power armor and training imo is to complete the BOS quest-line and get T51b from the Brotherhood safe-house when they give the key to you.

sneak up black mountain, in the crater

I killed Benny and I have no motivation to keep going, what is the objective after getting your sweet revenge?

You dont go in the savanah if they're is lions nearby. just follow the safest route.
power armor won't change a thing, they will kick you ass so quick it will be like lightspeed travel, only sollution snipers aime for the wings, or very powerfull shotgun and only if they re few.

Taking over the city

Fuck you you S'wit. The first time I played through FNV I got gang-raped by like 6 cazadores upon leaving Vault 3. I literally had to restart because I ran all the way to a bootleg beer or cap counterfeiting building nearby and got trapped inside with no saves at a decently low level.