TF2 would be better without Medic

TF2 would be better without Medic.

Would be better with out Pyros

Ah yes, the Official Reddit Videogame.

How would you know what Reddit video games are? Hmmm

Reddit detected.

found the player with no skill


trying too hard, obviously a redditor

Hey, you just proved my point.

the fuck does comparing something to reddit even mean anymore?

Demo actually.

Found Linkara

Skill? The problem with Pyros are that they are literally a WM1 class that f2ps play. My biggest problem with them is that the burntime is just too long.

Remove engineer from the game I'm tired of endless ctf and payload games

what is this thread
I just feel Med needs nerfing thats all

Reddit should be filtered to something without any meaning, like weeaboo.

Actually sweetie, medic is needed to break up chokeholds, without medic attacking would be near impossible as engineers would reign supreme.

burn does absolutely nothing
half the classes in the game can get rid of burn, half the other classes can heal themselves

Learn how to counter it faggot.

>afterburn is too strong!

stop, you are bitching about the most underpower class in the game

Did this game get any better? Been playing since vanilla, couldn't take it by the time the robot update came.

>Did this game get any better?
Most people will tell you no but I find the most changes bittersweet.

>TF2 would be better without demoknight

>engie the only unique character is countered by everybody and useless at comp

whats with the hitreg in this game. Sometimes it never seems to work

what about with gunslinger the mini+the gunslinger are pretty good

Good heavens, god forbid anyone enjoy anything

the widowmaker I ment I'm tired

>Useless at comp
A well placed mini sentry at the beginning of a round can take out the best teams
Unless there a half competent spy and nobody spy checks, that sentry is going to last

>set guy on fire
>destroy sentry around corner with hammer
>put down the guy with shotgun before he can panic his way to the safe room
>"wow nice w+m1 faggot much skill"

Sure thing

1 in a 100

It would be better without spy, easily the least useful of all the classes and that is really saying a lot.

Look up a pro Pyro montage on YouTube, it isn't just WM1 if you're playing against good players you dumb cunt.

Sorry for making you mad, big boy, but what I said is true.

He probably ment actually comp, so no.

Damn, that makes me want to play team fortress 2 again

The festive ruined it.

What TF2 needs is for Medic to receive an overhaul.

He's boring to play, he's only got 2 viable unbanned loadouts, he has the lowest number of weapon unlocks in the game, and he's so overpowered that it's MANDATORY to have one, and basically game-breaking if you have 2+ per team, since there's so much healing nobody actually dies.


Medic himself encourages "chokeholds".

Players need to die in TF2 for teams to capture objectives. Medic's sole purpose is to stop people from dying.

If you've got a RED and BLU Soldier on a middle control point fighting, both of them with 5 Medics each healing them, the game will never end, because neither can do enough damage to kill each other.

Yes, Ubercharge is beneficial for the pace of the game. But Medic himself isn't.

remove overheals
make quick fix ubers airblastable
make ubers bonkable
remove 20 max health for holding the kritzkrieg
remove crit resistance from vaccinator

>remove overheals
Bad idea. Overhealing encourages aggression by providing rocket/blast jumping players with a timed cushion of HP to jump with, and which is on a timer, forcing them to act quickly. It's good for TF2.

>make quick fix ubers airblastable


>make ubers bonkable

the fuck are you doing

>remove 20 max health for holding the kritzkrieg

stop you fuckwit

>remove crit resistance from vaccinator

ironically shitposting is still shitposting


The sticky launcher nerf before the great flood of demo tears was a good change. it should be a defensive weapon not a fuck up everything everywhere in almost any situation with air bursts weapon.

Turn crits off in matchmaking

Doesn't really make sense.

Spy isn't support, not even a little bit.
Sniper can be pick/support if we're taking into account piss snipers.
Soldier can be anywhere from power/pick to power/support depending on loadout.
Heavy can also be power/support because of food items.
Scout can be pick/support because of milk or pick/power because of power being a rather vague term here.
Engineer could be considered support/power for the same reason.

protip: as engi you can do more than just stand around while your sentry does work.

Today I had a 2vs2 game on casual server where we dominated enemies near their spawn with our melee weapons. It was fun.

I'm genuinely worried that this was made unironically.

Wm1 is how f2p players get started, but pyro has some tricks up his sleeve.
>deflect rockets and demo nades
>extinguish friendlies
>separate uber medics from heavies
>backburner ambush
>airblast + reserve shooter
>crit chain w/ philo gun
>destroy engineer builds
just off the top of my head.

or use reserve shooter on rocket and sticky jumpers

>Spy isn't support, not even a little bit.
sapping isn't support?
telling your team the HP, classes, locations and Uber % of the enemy team isn't support?
>if we're taking into account piss snipers.
read the filename, S T O C K.
>because of power being a rather vague term here
a power class is one who can tank somewhat, and take on multiple combatants at once.

i've seen this webm like 6 times in the past several weeks and i laugh every time.


The game would be better with a decent amount of the classes removed. Just remember that no matter how easily they're countered, Spy, Pyro, and Sniper are cancerous.

>play backburner pyro on payload maps
>mow down entire enemy team with good positioning and flanking
>reflect rockets consistently granted I have ammo
>"lol wm1 pyro git gud"
every time

every class is "cancerous"

go play something else, you prissy bitch

>you prissy bitch
I'm 5,000 hours deep here, just giving my opinion. Go fuck yourself.

Does Heavy really benefit a team more if he uses the Sandvich over a shotgun?

In an organized format? Probably.

no U

>deflect demo nade
>it doesn't go anywhere

>try to extinguish someone
>they run away from you

>try to separate uber pair
>the beam just gets longer and longer

And shitty pyro vs pyro situations where one dies and other leaves with low hp, just makes me pick another class.


>it's a "friendly soldier gives free rockets to the enemy pyro" episode
I have PTSD from this shit.

>destroy engineer builds

what how

>>deflect demo nade
>>it doesn't go anywhere
That's when you crouch jump over the nade and go for a melee kill with the propulsion
don't you like having fun or something

>deflect a soldier's rocket as soon as he shoots it point blank
>he gets knocked into the air
>reserve shooter his ass

Not Him, but I usually harass sentries and the engies with the Scorch Shot, I use the Maul to destroy them when I can. If a Ninjaneer is in my sights, I airblast them and W+M1 them.

>>airblast + reserve shooter
You should kill yourself if you do this

>destroy engineer builds
That doesnt ever happen

Learn to reflect sentry rockets.

I do, it's highly unreliable as the Sentry can gun you down in a matter of seconds, reflecting sentry rockets only comes handy when the Sentry it's on the open.

I'm not saying it's not a heplful ability, but it's highly unlike you actually get a sentry/player kill with a sentry rocket in a real good match, where engineers are not actually braindead.

Keep trying to sound smart.

>Can't deal with W+M1 Pyros
>Can't deal with afterburn
Quit this game. Seriously. You fucking kids refuse to git gud and instead resort to whining.

>They will never un-nerf the axtinguisher

Seriously, why? What was the purpose? They destroyed an entire playstyle for the pyro, now all you can do is use stock and do an occasional decent reflect.

Valve is run by fucking morons.

Coincidentially it's F2P players, who complain about Pyros the most.

Kepp crying pyro pleb

>Not Him, but I usually harass sentries and the engies with the Scorch Shot
Scorch Shot does laughable damage against buildings, and engineers most of the times will keep a handy dispenser near; Rescue Ranger and The Wrangler furthers reduces your effective as Pyro against Sentries.

You make little sense, Pyro has no reliable way to deal with Sentries, that's how it should be.

You sound like a little bitch.

>people actually main pyro

go back to sucking dicks and making pony sprays shitter

I have a pony on my waifu stick

What you guys meant to say is that TF2 would be better without the spy or just had a hard limit of 1 spy per team

How much fucking longer until the Pyro update?
Overwatch doesn't fill the void and almost none of my friends play TF2 anymore. Shit sucks when you enjoy the game still but rarely get in anything that isn't Hightower/Upward/2fort

Nerfing it was a good idea, now it's perfectly equally balanced alongside stock like every weapon should be. Their mistake was making it fucking useless. They should have done what they did with Eyelander and Big Earner on Demo and Spy: Make them balanced as well as useful.

my guess? October. Would match TF2's 10th anniversary, since this is going to be the second biggest update Valve has ever done.

what if pyro could set engineer buildings on fire, too?

same damage as to players, extinguishable with jarate, milk, or repair

would make flares less pathetic against buildings

Was the biggest one bread?

Why did the TF Team take balance cues from a Scout main that despises Pyro? The update is going to be a mess and there's nothing you can do to stop that faggot b4nny from ruining this game.

TF2 would be better with proper matchmaking. I'm tired of being put into

>They can't call me a pleb, if I call him pleb first
Not only are you obviously F2P but also obnoxious too.
Just uninstall

I use the Scorch shot to keep the engineer in a state of panic, providing they dont have the rescue ranger, they could be kept away from repairing their buildings, the Maul would be pretty useful in destroying buildings provided you get close enough, usually getting behind the nest (if possible) works.
But yeah, its not really reliable, I only go for it if a sentry is out in the open. like in payload maps.

You said something?

>Dude just remove the healer xd
>we can just get by with ammo packs every 10 seconds
tf2 would be better with rebalancing some weapons and removing some bugs

Although the hammer does a signifcant damage against buildings, still takes 2 hits to take down a sentry, within that time, the sentry gun will gun you down, that if the engineer is not there repairing it.

>play backburner pyro on payload maps
>hold WM1 and get a kill on a soldier
>run away as his teammates approach
>hide for a second
>hold WM1 and kill a scout with afterburn
>run away and hide again
>rinse and repeat

Do what I do, main vaccinator. I've used that weapon vonstantly for years and it makes medic a ton more fun, especially when you have a great pocket.

>main vaccinator.
my nigga of fine taste.

What the fug.

Is this a pyro thread?

Thats why you backburner him before you break his toys.

TF2 would be great without Engineers.

>want to get into using vaccinator for teams that are using mostly one weapon type
>afraid I'll fuck up and don't bother

Is it really as simple as it looks?

not him but just try and keep and eye out for what does the most damage to your pocket/team and always keep switching to match it.
Use Uber for crits, sticky spam, sentries, etc.
always have finger on switch.

>cl_interp 0.1