Always mentions he's hungry

>always mentions he's hungry
>has barely enough money to get around town
>no one gives a shit
>meanwhile protag walks around with 200k in his pocket from selling Palace loot
Is P5 cast the most heartless bunch of bastards ever seen in viday?

being poor is a virtue
>Madarame was behind this post

Yusuke has bad money management, that's why.
>buys lobsters
>"are you gonna eat them?"

He just wants to live like Jean-Michel u plen

It's his fault not wanting to sell his art.

Art is money.

he's playing the "artists are always hungry" trope

i hope you made him some coffee

Shut up, Yusuke, maybe if your useless ass learned charge or swift strike like Ryuji I'd buy you a sandwich.

He is like the kevin of Persona
Always gets fucked, no one cares

they're thieves and steal people's most valuable belongings to sell them to a shady guy in a back alley, I would say yes.

Giving Yusuke 100K just results in 1000 bags of bean sprouts and 50K worth of paint

he's doing the whole "starving artist" thing

best boyo btw

>go to hawaii
>he ditches the babe hunt to pick up several trays of lobster and shrimp
>no indication that he intended to share it
I thought that his gimmick was that he was a glutton that blew all his money on expensive food (because autism) and still was hungry, not a poorfag.

I'm going to marry Yusuke!

He would have plenty of money if he didn't keep blowing it on random shit. He probably gets a share of the palace loot too, but it immediately goes into buying lobsters for their aesthetic value.

Yusuke is the sort who will waste his money on stupid shit. Sure the protag will spend his money on 5k yen fortune telling, burgers, and get scammed, but Yusuke is even worse in that regard. He will just get distracted and buy art stuff, then starve because he wasted all his money.

I was never able to send him home without his curry whenever he visited.

He's too autistic to manage his money properly.

C'mon user, he didn't have any adult figure who taught him how to manage his money.

>the words "autistic" and "artistic" are just one 90 degree flip of an r away from each other

>Can pay your slut teacher 5k several times per week
>Can't donate to Yusuke's patreon

Biggest flaw in the game

>buys two live lobsters just because they're aesthetically pleasing

What do you think would happen if he was in charge of the team's money?

but he'd just waste it on more lobsters user

I always felt like there's something missing in persona games. Like you are the leader of the group yet you're the only person that does fucking part time jobs to get money and buy your parties gear. Something like managing your party outside of dungeons would be nice, because assholes like ryuji love to spend their time at the fucking arcade for example.

they'd go bankrupt in record time

He mentioned once that he got a lot of cash and used it to buy an art book he's always wanted and has been eating water and salt for the past 3 days since then.

>tell your retarded best friend to stop spending money at the arcade
>S.Link reversed!

nigga Ryuji ain't the trickster here

do your job

It was just lobsers, and he bought them for inspiration, he kept them from Futuba because they weren't to be eaten. he's an idiot and an artist

I agree user, personally I think Persona games haven't really bothered to explore their full potential and are more focused on changing up the style and aesthetic than making steady improvements to the core game

but demons being in P5 is really nice, I gotta admit

He did have Madarame. Who pretty much forced him to get use to the poor lifestyle. Which actually makes it worse, since Yusuke probably has zero concept of saving money.


>assume I'm the only one with money from dungeons becaue I buy everything
>think anything I keep for myself is just deserved through responsibility
>as a joke, attempt to spend all my money and get stuck on subway
>can't ride back from church now
>"I guess I'll just have to bail you out this time"
>says Morgana

1. Where the fuck does he get money?
2. Where does he keep it?
3. How can he even purchase anything as a cat?
4. I pay for his living and food, what does he still need to buy???

He is a glutton though. It's just that gluttony for art>gluttony for food. He really does love food though.

he stole it

morgana is a master thief

Madarame is a manchild, I bet he didn't give him an allowance.

Some stuff I can understand. Like people often want social links to talk to each other in events and such but that would require them to either make the daily life part more linear where social links progress themself or remake a bunch of scenes a couple of times and only show them to you when your social links are past a certain level. That would be a shit ton of effort, but some minor gameplay elements like party management outside of dungeons should be doable.

He probably bribes the stray mollycats with food to get his spiky dick sucked

He's saving up money to take out Ann when he turns human.

Yusuke gets money from the Palaces as well, but he's fucking awful with his money and buys shit on a whim, hence why he's always broke as well.

Joker spends his money on equipment and other necessities. Giving Yusuke some Yen will only result in him some goddamn paint or something

they have mentioned wanting to make big strides forward in Persona 6 in some interview, so we shall see

do you anons think there'll be a Persona 5 FES/Golden equivalent?

He gets money from Sojiro for making you go to sleep on-time everyday

I like to think that Protagonist-Kun splits up the winnings at the end of these games.

But until then, gotta get those best weapons.

Since the Protagonist is out in charge of battle command, he's also responsible for outfitting, which means he's also in charge of the money.

I'd like to be able to loan people money and suggest what they should get. I bet Ann would be able to get better prices than you at a number of places.

The money is literally change. It's like 3.50 for the train rides. He's a definitely not a cat who's attracted to treasure. That much change isn't hard to come by.Especially if you're a cat and just go in the tithe box when nobody's looking because who the fuck expects a cat thief.

P5G is already trademarked

10 live lobsters.

Morgana had a good teacher, that's all.

That's hilarious. And sort of adorable in a retarded way. Goddammit Yusuke.


all the way at Rank 9

Like rank 8 or 9

I wonder if they actually ate those lobsters or if Yusuke just kept them as pets around his dorm or something.

don't yell at the qt bumpkin

He probably released them back to the sea.

I honestly have no idea what major improvements could be taken in Persona 6, this game already solved every major complaint I had with 3 and 4 and even used the ideas I really wanted.

i ship them btw

Wish Raidou would make more cameos. He has the means to do it.

>best girl
>not even a party member
Every time.

Love that man

he gets his share but he blows it immediately integration into the story is one major thing that they could work on.

Chihaya is the beautiful girl in P5. That's undisputed. I want to hug her

>takes your money when you need it the most early game
>gives you back your money when 100k yen is literally fucking nothing later in the game
Gee thanks

>is constantly low on food
>saved the lobsters because they were too aesthetically pleasing to let die

>Being a poorfag at all when Yoshida exists.

>date four girls in the fucking group at the same time
>literally nothing happens or changes until Valentines Day
C'mon nao.

You gotta put a ring on it before you get the dowry. Don't be a graverobber user.

It's worth it for affinity and money fortunes.

Is Chihiya anywhere on rainy days? I need my money fortunes.

Yeah, that's one of my persistent nitpicks for the series as well.

Finding a balance between Social links and long-term character development in the main story and how your evolving relationships are reflected in it. Maybe branch out the end results of social links a little depending on what you say and do.

No, you can't get readings on rainy days.


Persona diehards, I have a question that I'm curious about:

Are personas at all inspired by stands in JoJo? I am not trying meme and say IS THAT ONE OF THEM THERE JOJO REFERENCES, I'm just saying that the concept of an otherworldly representation of someone's true self bound to a person sounds like it was at least partially inspired by JoJo.

I might be way off the mark, and they're entirely original or based off of something else that I don't know. Forgive my ignorance. I'm just curious.

The main character is the one who is in charge of the PT economy and does most of the work. The other people are there out of their own will to support and they never bring good stuff with them. It would be pretty cool if they introduce a system where you can pay your team mates a salary in future games though.

I know they don't want to hear the "WOW wtf i didnt know that i was suppose to max out my friends by the end i h8 this game now they dont give me enough time" complaints by casuals but this really needs to be added. It feels like relationships is meaningless other than for abilities

>can't romance best girl
Can't make this shit up.

The concept definitely, but their designs and roles are still SMT in nature.

Hell, part 4 is basically Diamond is Unbreakable. A killer who can kill people with a trace is caught by a group of teenagers with the same power as him.

hey fags with the jp voice clips ripped
post chihaya's cute mumbling thing she does pls
or post the jp voice rip link so I can find it

Why would you want to romance something that has ears growing out from cheekbones?

Man, DiU became shit when the killer shit started

I wouldn't be surprised if they took inspiration from the idea at some point.

I probably made more comparisons to Pokemon while playing P5 though.

The baffling thing is that Atlus literally put in a relationship check for like one scene in the game during a plot event and never did it again.

I think a way to do it is if the game goes full linear for like the last 3 months or so and they throw in a bunch of extra events, like Persona evolution, if you maxed out a party member's link.

The ORIGINAL Persona is more based on Jungian psychology (Philemon, shadows, etc.) but there's half a chance it is at least partly inspired by JoJo because JoJo is fucking HUGE and a cultural icon in Japan.

she was going to be early in development but her stuff was scrapped for time because of how long the game would have gone on otherwise

also explains why shes more interesting than both Ryuji and Ann put together

>walks around with 200k i
This is like what 3 dollars?

I liked that P5 gave every social link a clear benefit as time went on. But more story integration would be nice.

>for like one scene in the game

To be fair, he opens up to this over the course of his social links, but he's still determined to be independent and succeed on his own merits



Barely $2k.

Answer this guy assholes
I want to hear the mumumu thing too

The final study group scene. If Joker is dating a girl in the party when Ryuji asks if Joker wants to get married someday then they'll get flustered.

It means that Atlus actually put in a flag for that event that checks if Joker is in a relationship with the girls in the event, but never used it anywhere else.

Why is every Aquarian in SMT and Persona games literally me?

Why is Yusuke so pissed? Did someone eat his lobsters?

>wears hoodie to the beach because he can't afford to get skin cancer
>nor can he afford sunscreen lotion either for that matter too

I think she's a little too similar to Yukiko to have made it as a full party member. Similar look, similar crazy beneath the surface, and similarly being pushed into a career by family.

I disagree with your opinion.

Shut the fuck up Yusuke this is no time for your cheesy puns.

>Mara is a slime reskin instead of glorious tentacled dick riding a golden chariot
P5 fags will defend this.