There is no reason for this game to be open world there is fuck all to explore on this desert

There is no reason for this game to be open world there is fuck all to explore on this desert.

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8 hours in and I still havent found the armor from that poster :(

How did you slip through the downsyndrome purge?

it's a fucking desert. what did you expect, Shibuya?

there is nothing to do in this fucking game other than "le roleplay I'm in a wasteland"
it's bad even in terms of roleplaying, the dialogue is fucking awful

Stop looking around cunt. Every area scales to your leve and stays that way forever even towns. Wait until your like level 18 at least and then start to adventure more and eventually NCR will wear it

60 hours in and still havent got that armor

Maybe they shouldn't set their game in a fucking desert then?

if you're expecting anything other than a desert when playing a game set in a desert then maybe you should play other games, rather than expect them to magically guess that you personally don't like deserts in your desert games.

>It's a user expects zany and wacky random encounters every square mile of the map episode

what does this game provide then?

I wish we had more run in with the Marked Men

An entire faction of ghoul NCR and legion Renegades was my jam

A cohesive and well built world.

>it's bad even in terms of roleplaying, the dialogue is fucking awful
Nice bait; you haven't played it.

>Every area scales to your level
Except that isn't true. It has minor level scaling but it isn't prominent. NCR Rangers start wearing that armor at a key point in the story, when the Baja Veterans come in to prepare for war against Caesar's Legion.

One of, if not the finest written stories/narratives in video games, and an open world that coalesces with that narrative in a natural way.

user you're meant to praise it because it's made by Obsidian

see and It's a game that shoehorns CRPG pacing and mechanics into Bethesda's version of Fallout, but it's really a platform for modding and roleplaying. If you're just playing it for what it is then don't get mad at it being mostly desert and mostly railroaded. Mod it to your liking.

3 > NV

>using the term "railroaded" to describe New Vegas

How, and why? Next to Fallout 1 and 2 themselves, there might not be many RPGs around that offer such a deep level of freedom and choice.

>inb4 le epic u-turn argument

I have like 30 hours, playing without any mod
the dialogue is fucking bad, the story is terrible
the only thing I like is the "wasteland casino" feeling but when you play it it feels awfully bad executed

you can love it as much as you want, but you gotta admit NPCs feel like they're retarded autists

I put the game disk into my own anus and I still haven't got that armor :(

Sometimes I question if you NVFags are joking or falseflaggers, or if you're actually this retarded and fanboyish. New Vegas was poorly written and designed even more poorly.

i never got this meme. there are plenty of towns. settlements and military stations all over the place.

and better yet all these places are explained why they are located there. how they get supplies and such.
in fallout 3 there's just areas in the middle of nowhere that literally make no sense.

Fuck off Todd Howard

>the dialogue is fucking bad, the story is terrible
>admit NPCs feel like they're retarded autists

How is this even an argument? Present me with examples. Occasionally the dialogue might fumble and become clumsy with random NPCs, but almost all of the main characters are expertly written. Case in point: Caesar, House, Dean Domino, Arcade Gannon, Joshua Graham, Legate Lanius, Elijah.



Good or you, now fuck off.

I'm not touching the main quest anymore, I'm just doing every quest I find
and I know these are usually less important, but holy fuck it's like I'm dealing with down syndrome people
there are worse games of course, and these npcs are not the worst out there, but doesn't help build a good roleplaying wasteland atmosphere

I mean, the settlements do make sense in FO3. They're all in places that make sense in a defensive setting.

Like how Arefu has one entrance point, Rivit city is a battleship with one entrance that's heavily guarded and Megaton has one entrance with a huge fucking gate made from a plane that crashed there, which was likely carrying the bomb

Although that still doesn't explain how people live in an area where the water is so polluted that nothing fucking grows. Ah well, ,makes more sense then Fallout 4's settlements

The only thing I dislike about this game are the horrid animations and the awful looking power armors. Other than that,I really like how they force the player to specialize and roleplay.

It's not open world, it's for all intensive purposes on rails because cazadors and deathclaws block you from going south so you're railroaded into making a horse shoe shaped path around the mountains to get to Vegas.

Just give me an example of a character's dialogue/quest narrative that is poorly written already.

>le epic u-turn argument
Every thread.

Nothing is stopping you from getting past the Cazadors/Deathclaws. It's difficult, but certainly feasible on a first playthrough.

Alternatively, there are about 2 more routes to New Vegas from Primm that aren't the suggested one.

Is Project Nevada worth it?

>I'm too retarded to sneak, run, or use the cliffs to the side to outmaneuver deathclaws

I never finished the main quest line. I got swept into doing the exploring thing and finishing the DLC. Played for like 60 hours? Decided to cool off on it for a while. Lot's of fun if you can get yourself into the right mood for it. Maybe have a nice whiskey, listen to some jazz/old style blues like they have on the radio in game and just let yourself become part of the fiction. I think some of the problem's some anons are now facing when it comes to games is that their imagination is dead. It's not their fault. That is what life does to you sometimes. They are groomed to think that letting yourself dive into something as simple as a game or a book is too childish. Not letting yourself get lost in your own mind and seeing if it can make you happy.

>Nothing is stopping you from getting past the Cazadors/Deathclaws

Except a small starting HP pool

Sure thing Josh Sawyer, sir.

All the NPCs mention the war, which is what the entire fallout series is about. They absolutely add too the wasteland experience. Despite humanity blowing everything up, war still exists. A good critic on humanity, instead of coming together to help the species survive, they instead decide to kill each other.

Every faction's ideals are not for the greater good. The NCR re over extended and too focused on creating old world bureaucracy and not railroads. Caesar's legion believe in the up most order but not technological improvements. Whilst Mr House wants to recreate Vegas but fails too expand too far to make any real difference.

Its an overall war between a bureaucratic liberal democracy, an empirical leader and a capitalist mogul. The things one could blame for the great war herself

You aren't supposed to fight them, for god's sake.

get gud faggot

for example I was doing the quests where they bomb you before entering, can't remember the name
the final quest is where you have to recover a sunken airplane
the dialogue overall was pretty bad, the conversation checks retarded, and specially the quest where you have to search for that red-haired girl, that's the worst one
it's like Todd himself is writting it

read dead redemption gives a 600% better feeling in terms on wasteland, dialogues an characters

>pre summer Sup Forums is even worse than summer Sup Forums

Where do we go from here?

I feel like that user is probably some 10 year old COD player who thinks he's supposed to shoot everything that moves, and be able to do it without losing any health.

You don't have to. They have a vision distance like a telescope and make a b-line straight at you.

It's "linear" up to a point, but you can "sequence break" if you're not a little bitch.

tl;dr it's only as linear as your thinking is

>Obsidian are expert writers!
Are you 14? None of those characters are expertly written.

Mr. House is just an Andrew Ryan rip off, Caesar is a terribly written bad guy who has no explanation for any of his wrongdoings other than "it's what I say to do, cuz I'm evil!" And he fucking trusts a random courier to do as he says. Every faction leader trusts a random guy to do some of the most important, crucial things to their cause after just meeting them 5 minutes ago.

It's terrible writing, kid.

Sorry that you're blind. Personally, I find new shit every time I play. Last time I played I uncovered a mystery with the radio host.

I enjoyed this game more than the others produced by bethesta

>Every faction leader trusts a random guy to do some of the most important, crucial things to their cause after just meeting them 5 minutes ago.

>random guy

The Courier does some pretty noteworthy stuff before being given any "important" tasks. I bet you didn't even single-handedly purge Nelson of the Legion.

>Not getting superior enclave armor

First playthrough of house I got the enclave armor second playthrough I'm doing now with NCR I don't even care about fancy armor, more fun playing with leather armor+sneak crits

Absolutely not, get JSwayer Ultimate

The main esm just adds several new mechanics to the game such as sprinting and bullet time which might be worthwhile to you. Rebalancing, Cyberware and New Equipment are part of their own mod category so they're completely optional

Nothing for you, clearly.

You may find it more enjoyable for you to just go outside and fondle some cocks instead.


Caesar has no reason to trust you with the fate of his group instead of just telling Vulpes or Lanius to do the important things.

Andrew Ryan is rippers straight from Ayn Rand, could it be possible that both are inspired from Rand?

Caesar does have an explanation you faggot

They have too trust the courier because Caesar doesn't want any of his men of himself touching the chip as its against the legion's principles. Did you not listen? House has no choice but too trust you. Yes man is literally working for you & the NCR are just incompetent

Bet you think fallout 4 is a good game

Admittedly the quests for the Boomer's are bad, but you're accusing Jack from the Boomer's, a man within a community that has never been in contact with the outside world, of sounding autistic in his speech.

Of course they sound retarded - that's the point. If you pick up on it, nobody else in the game sounds like those assholes. Listen to the kid in the museum speak in comparison to the rest of the children in the wasteland.

>Caesar is a terribly written bad guy who has no explanation for any of his wrongdoings other than "it's what I say to do, cuz I'm evil!"

Did you even speak to Caesar for an extended period of time? His worldview has an entire philosophical school of thought behind it, which he expresses. Sure, just mentioning philosophy by itself doesn't automatically make something complex or deep, but he addresses his thoughts, rationale, morality, actions, etc to such an extent that his character becomes totally solidified. If you want to debate the finer intricacies of Caesar's motives in a moral/long-lasting sense, sure, go ahead, but he literally never espouses anything along the lines of "lol I'm evil". Go ahead and provide me with excerpts of Caesar's dialogue and I'll gladly debate you.

I don't share your interests user sorry

This is one of the worst threads I've been into.

What the fuck happened?

>what is sneaking and using a Stealth Boy

Half of this post was directed at

Right now Americans are at work so we're left with Euros doing some last minute shitposting before bed.

Caesar is a megalomaniac who thinks his loose confederation of rehabilitated totem-worshippers will last more than 10 years after his death. The man isn't exactly a genius. Just like the Master, he's got blinder's on his intelligence. He's willing to take ridiculous risks for minimal reward.

Caesar literally says why he wants you on your side, because you lived through a fucking bullet in the head and went after the guy who did it, he recognized you're that much of a badass and, even if you fucked over the Legion before, allows you the chance to reconsider and join him, even meeting you to explain his situation.
Caesar, in his own way, respects you.

He's a faggot who talks out his ass. Anyone who goes Legion is a retard

Jokes on you, I'm American and go to work in 5 hours.

I loved the world building in New Vegas

with the interesting NCR camps stationed around, all the soldiers have something to say. you can really feel the low morale. and then seeing the big city light up in the distance.

damn it now i need to replay.

>He's a faggot who talks out his ass. Anyone who goes Legion is a retard

Say that shit to me on the Eastern side of the river, not online, see what happens.

I'll give you a hand

it's 6pm here faggot
it's fucking midday

It should have been much bigger, with the same amount of stuff in it. It's too crowded to be the desert. You should be able to just barely see a handful of landmarks on the horizon from any given landmark.

>desert means "desert" and deserts IRL are empty so it makes sense for a game in the desert to be empty
Are you fucking retarded? Do you genuinely have a medical condition?

Rolling. Gonna start over tonight.

I'll decorate that tent with your guts

Tell me that in a year faglor. What's that? You'll be dead from a brain tumor leaving a mass disparate group of mindless warlords in charge? If I wanted that shit I'd move to Liberia.


Sure, Bethesfags will claim that Fallout 3 has 'atmosphere' but New Vegas has one of the best worldbuilding I've seen in a video game, and atmosphere means fuck all if there isn't a good worldbuilding

FNV is the worst Bethesda published Fallout game. /thread

Not if he had Arcadia

>NV has bad dialogue
>when 3 has pic related

This is the worst bait in the entire thread, considering Bethesda published 3 and 4.

But dude that dialogue is fucking EPIC! An upboat for you, good sire.

Yes, go PN and its modules (sans rebalance), jsawyer and Cirosan Classic Overhaul
Ignore fags who'll claim PN is bad. They're autists who think making the shooting parts of the game not stupid somehow makes New Vegas less of an RPG

That's intentionally campy.

Open world > Linear

But i understand poeple like you need there hand held.

Yeah, but this isn't.

Hmm. Not a bad roll.

>implying non-existant level design and scaling enemies and loot aren't the worst kind of handholding

Nor this


If you're talking about the cock-thirsty doctor from the Followers you should at least get his name right before invoking him to save Neo-(insert some jumped up little shit that deoesn't even rate compare to Napoleon, Hitler or any person that saw world conquest as a real goal before their death).

What's wrong with this?

All this complaining about the Mojave makese wish for a nuclear winter

-t antifa

Enjoy your game! Make sure you kill as many NCR scum as you can


You don't need an Intelligence check to say something so obvious.
Three Dog responds like you're a fucking genius when you pick it.

Dude, you are not giving examples, you are just repeating ''these dialogues are retarded'' over and over again.

>New Vegas has BAD writing

Heads= pavements is the only math that a proper soc ally needs.

Arizona is pretty fucking big. And Caesar practically does own it.

There's a speech check in New Vegas where you literally say "Pretty please?"

Don't act dumb.