The Walking Dead

>there are people who are choosing Kate over your own brother

If any of you are actually forcing Javi to do this then you are beta as fuck and also a fucking moron that enjoys being a doormat for women.

Other urls found in this thread:

>only you and 25% choose to not cuck your brother

Fucking nu-male beta fans of Telltale.

Also i really hope that Clementine is becoming a woman to sex up Javi and not that little shit that got him stabbed.

choices don't matter

i want to hug!! clementine

>not choosing Conrad.

I'll be damned if Telltale pulls this one off and actually makes him a player choice in episode 5 whether he dies or not. I was really surprised when he turns up again and actually helps you.


Good lord this number keeps dropping with every release. When EP 1 was barely out this was actually pretty close, but as time passed, people kept falling for the cheating bitch because it fulfills their "nice guy saving the girl from the asshole" fantasies. I hope choosing Kate gives people the worst possible ending.

Family first. I thought this maxim was made clear with the shit-tier Jane ending that Janefags got.

Not gonna lie I actually killed Conrad and Gabe ended up fucking my relationship up with Tripp and Elleanor. If Telltale actually doesn't pull the usual bullshit and let a character you can choose to kill off actually live then I'm gonna be frustrated.

>GabeXClem will actually be canon

The least TT could do is make Gabe not Ben/Nick/Sarah tier, but they want him to act like a fucking retard.

Can Conrad surive in Ep4? I tried to jump out of the way when that cuckoldry queen did a Lori Grimes driving lessons on me and Conrad an heroed in a cutscene

>Season 4 is you playing as Gabe and dating Cleementine

>even worse, you are Clementine and you can only pick up lines flirting with Gabe

Yes, he can. They kind of bailed out with him in this episode at first but him again getting a live or die scene with the truck I think it's coming apparent that he will actually be a player choice.

According to this he can actually not kill himself when cuck queen doesn't pull a Lori Grimes. Look around 3:40

>pull a Lori Grimes
God I forgot about that retarded scene

Fuck, good to know. Of course since theres no longer episodes scenes to replay, i will have to actually replay entire episode 4 to dodge this truck this time. Fine i will do it when episode 5 premiere and finish it at one swoop.
Also does shooting that old chink instead choosing to take the deal somehow change the ending? Like you actually shoot her and Clint survive?

It's a miracle your Conrad has actually lived this long. It seems like a majority killed him in EP 1, then another batch had him killed in EP2 by not giving him the gun. In EP4, that dumb bitch wife could have run him over when he saves Javi from her.

>mfw Kate is Lori and you can choose to be Shane while David is Rick

>25% are fucking Lori faggots

>pick Lori
>Rick ends up killing Shane

I hope this happens to all the retards that force Javi to do this. Shane was valuable, but he got his mind fucked over by a dumb bitch who was already someone else's.

Yeah, if you shoot the hag they drop David and let him hang as a distraction. Clint runs away, but he'll probably think you're still out to kill him and will probably fight you in EP5 in place of the hag.

Haven't gotten to play this episode yet, are there flashbacks again?

I meant 75% were Lorifags, since only 25% picked to not accept her confession.

God it was soooo satisfying telling her that you don't want it and her feeling so stupid that she thought that we had "moments" when i clearly never pick any romantic moments in any of the flashbacks(she also acknwoledge that if you never kissed her back too and always stayed aways from her)

>It seems like a majority killed him in EP 1

I didn't shoot Conrad because I saw that he was panicking while having a mourning phase so I chose to negotiate with him.

>then another batch had him killed in EP2 by not giving him the gun

He bro'd the fuck up so why not. You can see he's not a bad person. I wasn't even aware he can be killed with the truck before watching some videos of it.

David dies if you shoot her? Also cool that you can actually kill her since you now have no reason to split with David and Gabe who went after her.

Only in the beginning with you and David. I have no idea if missing the ball do anything.

>Gabe whines like a little bitch
>Kate is trying to force herself on you
>Vesemir and dr.Bitch complain about Conrad who pulled a gun on Gabe earlier
So, my brother is the only relatively normal human being in this season?

Game wants to kill him off in every episode past ep1. Wonder if he can actually survive until the end.
THey should have do the same with all characters in early seasons especially Kenny or Carley

Yes. It's time to kill em all.

>there are people who are STILL playing the walking dead game even after the fall

I was really surprised he turned up in ep 4 seeing as how I killed him in ep 2. Telltale are really outdoing themselves with the twists nowadays.

So Conrad is pretty much the Doug of S3?

I forgot to mention that Javi and Gabe cut him down afterward. He lives

>clementine hate you for not killing off a drugged depressed doctor

>she will probably cuck you with the mini-Ben

Doug and Carley never survive Lilly. COnrad is the Prince Charming from Wolf Among Us. The only character who can die or surive depending on choices.

>Doctor: I want to die. Help me, Javi.
>Javi: No thanks. I don't want to be responsible for killing the town doctor.
>Clementine: Okay. I'll help instead.
Telltale's ability to handle nuanced characterization continues to astound me.

NF is a MASSIVE step above S2 (aside from revealing what happens to Jane/Kenny/Wellington). So far it hasn't topped S1, but it still has a chance.

I thought he injected himself? And he dies anyway?

I meant as in how most players don't give him a chance like what happened with Doug.

I chose not to kill the druggie. I desperately wanted to find out what happened to AJ though.

Does he talk if you inject him?

>Asshole brother vs drug addict idiot
The only answer is to kil yourself

>wants to kill himself
>doesn't do it because he admits he's a coward

Aren't suicidal people cowards by default? You're not brave if you choose to kill yourself because you're too much of a pussy to live.

>Tell Tripp back in episode 2 that I had to shoot Conrad because he lost it
>Little bitch Gabe rats me out because "It was my fault" means "It was Gabe's fault"
>Well Tripp knows so this won't end too ba-

Why did I expect anything different from Telltale?

Yeah there are a few short Clem flashbacks.

Tripp didn't know that COnrad just wanted to take Clem as hostage. He thought he wanted to kill everyone.

I was tired of Tripp bitching about his oneitis every episode so when psychopathic Martha Stewart put him in the lineup I went with my gut, figured she'd pull the ol' switcheroo, and picked him to be "saved"

This whole season has been fucked up from top to bottom.
The flashbacks are just annoying at this point. They're superfluous extra weight in episodes already suffering from poor pacing.

No i mean he acts like Javi killing Conrad is entirely new information when I explicitly told him I did it right after it happened.

The way Tripp received the news in Episode 2 was even ridiculous. He just believed every word of a stranger he barely knew without checking up on it himself.

>Killing yourself means you are a coward
I don't get this mentality. I'd say killing yourself takes some massive balls because that shit goes against all of your instincts yet people do it anyway.

It's stupid as fuck but I wouldn't say they're cowards. Going to kill yourself then backing out however.

>flashback at the beginning of EP4
>tell David to go the military and I'll take care of his family in his place
>flash to present
>David tells me I talked him out of going to the military

Telltale really fucked E4 up.

Yeah the whole thing is stupid as hell.
In episode 2 he says it's fucked up but he gets over it almost immediately. By episode 4 Conrad has suddenly become his best friend and he hulks out.

>Say "It was my fault" so I don't throw Gabe under the bus
>"It was my fault that I let that stupid fucking kid Gabe fuck the mission up and get me stabbed"

This kind of stupid shit is why I'm glad I never played Telltale game past TWD 1.

There was something similar to that in S2 where Clementine could kill a walker by smashing its knee to bring the head low enough in the second episode, but by the fourth episode she acts like it's a new idea when Jane tells her about it. Not even a small acknowledgement that she'd already done it before.

I changed the topic and it worked out somewhat.

[GLASS HIM] isn't as stupid because where I come from that is actually a phrase for smashing someone in the face with a glass/bottle.
"It was my fault" honestly seems like they put that there just to fuck with you so you'd fall out with Tripp.

Gabe deserve humiliation

Is saying to someone you missed them a secret code for "I love you, let's fuck" in America? Because I was kind of baffled by this cunt's reaction on my refusal to cuck my brother.

How do we know that Doctor didn't injected himself with the poison after we refuse it?

If you tell him to fuck off and to do it himself he refuses.

When i saw "glass him" option i ealredy expecting him to hit him with it. it's probably just Americans who saw that phrase as peacefull offering

When Clem wants to do it he drop the needle and say that the deal is off. Ithought he injected himself and thats why they left him there.

It was blatant character assassination on Telltale's part but this episode's intro gave me the green light for cucking David. Whiny bitch who was trying to dump his family, and couldn't even handle Javi hitting some homers without getting pissy.

He gloats at the beginning about being a great shot and does a smirk at the ending when he shoots some enemies at the end of the episode. David isn't weak. He was shit at baseball but is better than Javi at shooting a gun.

My point is he's a shitty person, and a shitty dad.

Only real life cucks would cuck their own brother.
Javi can only score with her because she grow tired of Davids dick and want a beta faggot to take care of her kids. Dating Kate is literally what nu-male white knight like pic related would do.

Just reading this made me want to throw my monitor out the window.

He's still family at the end. I sure as fuck wouldn't butt into my brother's personal relationships for some pussy. What happens to Kate shouldn't be any of your concern.

>Asian Lady: We are a community based on rules
*becomes dictator*
>we need all the resources we can get to survive
>*bakes shitty useless cake - wasting priceless ingredients*
>I can't bear losing anyone else
>*erects town gallows and executes own people*
>especially children
>*orders goons to point guns at Gabe and Clementine*
Is Joan the greatest vidya villain of the 21st century?

Anyone who didn't smash the fuck out of every single one of those Baseballs is a fucking pussy.

But cucking your own brother is about as low as it gets.

Javi also has a short temper and tended to run away from his responsibilities before the apocalypse. The only person looking out for your old parents was your brother, but he had to juggle that with his shitty wife. He still loved his kids and his kids loved him back. After getting kicked ouf of the league, all Javi did was avoid his obligations and drift around. You and your brother are virtually the same

She just turned from subtle misguided antagonist into full blown villain with black moustache.

She's smart too. If you dont shoot her, she knew David would lose his shit and grab Clint, inevitably killing him. This put on a show for everyone, including Clint, that David -apparently- really was out to get them.

Plus as doctor mentioned he was the only one taking care of AJ. Clem and Javi are ungratfull bitches. David did good shooting everyone after he got free from noose because those people were responsible for killing his daughter.

Javi took care of kate for five years in the apocolypse after david bailed, she's his woman at that point.

Javi deserve better than Kate

There's not a lot of pussy action when you're on the run in the apocalypse.

I think they're doing a great job with David. He seems like a real person who just wants to walk the middle path but has issues with his temper (and he knows it).

David didn't want to bail though. They were separated after David tried to save their mother by taking her to a hospital. After their mother died, David had no other choice but to move on and hope Javi was looking out for them.

It depends on the reason why you would kill yourself, I think.

Not necessarily mutually exclusive views.

>David didn't want to bail though
>Opening of episode 4 is him explicitly saying he wants to bail
Really makes you think


Not even remotely. He said he wanted a break from his wife. His kids weren't an issue. Like he said, him and his wife "fought like cats and dogs." He wanted a break for a while by going to the military. In the meantime, he asked Javi to look out for them. He was going to return.

This seems like a good thread to ask, my girlfriend loves TWD show but she's never played the telltale games

Are the Android ports good? I'm thinking about pirating them so we can play together

He was thinking about bailing ya numbnuts

He went off to the military but he came back anyway. What point were you even trying to make?

>There are people who are playing a movie

How are you niggers gonna cry about Uncharted being 50% cutecenes and QTE, when literally 100% of this "game" is cutscense and QTE?

One's a Sony exclusive and the other is predominately played on PC.

Depends on the model of your android I think. If I'm not mistaken you should be able to get the first episode of S1 for free anyway. I wouldn't recommend playing it on a phone because mobile games are meant to be played in short bursts as a distraction from whatever else you're doing. Mobile games give people short ass attention spans.

They really don't run well unless it's the PC or XB1/PS4 versions.
I played the iPad version of episode 1 of season 1 and it ran like shit.

Did you think that maybe the same people who enjoy Unchared maybe enjoy other story-based games? It's not like everyone here has the same fucking mentality

>Armoured truck gets hit with a 375ml stubby full of petrol.
>Drives into a wall at like 40km/h.

The truck didn't blow up though, nor did it drive into a wall. It drove into a truck full of maybe gas or oil. That blew up, but the truck is fine, and Kate probably is too.

Ahh, I just rewatched it, it hit a tanker trailer that was part of the barricade - thing is those things are double walled and would need to split in half entirely to explode like it did.

Conrad is the MVP and the only character I give a shit about this point. I hope he gets to survive the season, or at least have an epic death scene in the final episode.