This thing only had 661 games, and maybe 15 of them were good

This thing only had 661 games, and maybe 15 of them were good.

You literally cant list me 15 good games released on this gen

That's more good games than Wii and Wii U have

as much as I enjoyed the cube, having a smaller disc size pretty much had developers say "fuck it" and either half assed a port, or not release it at all.

fucking 2 disc games.

I'll bite.

>Super Smash Bros. Melee
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Sonic Gems Collection (I'll count it as 1, but Fighters, R and CD are all awesome)
>Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
>Super Monkey Ball 2
>Sonic Adventure DX
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Zelda: Twilight Princess
>Zelda: Four Sword Adventures
>Star Fox Assault
>Star Fox Adventures
>Kirby Air Ride
>Zelda: Wind Waker
>Donkey Konga
>Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat

and I still haven't mentioned F-Zero. Didn't even have to jewgle

custom robo
kirby air ride
animal crossing
monkey ball
wind waker
paper mario
double dash
tales of symphonia
viewtiful joe
star fox
f zero gx
def jam ffny
super mario sunshine

>>Sonic Adventure DX
>>Sonic Adventure 2
>>Sonic Collection
>>Wind Waker
>>Star Fox Assault
I've narrowed your list down to like 8.

While this is true, the GC had a surprising amount of multiplats that were the best on it.

Yeah, this is true. I was an idort at the time and almost never played my GameCube, there were a few good games: prime, sunshine (which was viewed as crappy and unfinished compared to 64), monkey ball, viewtiful joe, twin snakes to name a few, but compared to PS2 and even Xbox it was extremely lacking. It's one of those consoles that people remember fondly but at the time they were kind of shit.

gaunlet was the WORST on gc
fuck you

most others were just about PS2 tier
all multiplats were best on Xbox, that is fact

honestly user I think you're wrong in a few cases, namely Sonic Heroes.

>your reply will be doesn't count because its a shit game

Ok then

Wind Waker
Paper Mario
Eternal Darkness
Metroid Prime +2
Pikmin 1+2
Rogue Squadron
Tales of Symphonia
Path of Radiance
Sonic Adventure 2 battle
Viewtiful Joe
Animal Crossing
Four Swords
Luigi's Mansion

i can't reply due to your shit ability to actually make a sentence

>your reply WILL BE doesn't count because its a shit game

no user, your shit game

>gaunlet was the WORST on gc
Are you serious?
The PS2 port was fundamentally broken

I would argue
>Sands of time
>Ribbit King
>Sonic Heroes
>Ultimate Spiderman
Were all best on the gamecube

Not to say Xbox didn't have a shit ton of ports that were the definitive version such as Gauntlet and GOD DAMM among others

This is what happened in the later stages of Xbox 360. 4 disc Wolfenstein.

the reply and content of his post indicates he was talking about THIS (current) gen, not gamecube-era. Are you autistic?

but then it got ported to Xbox, and the Cube never got its sequel, Xbox did.


>fucking 2 disc games

So? One of those two disc games is one of the best fucking games ever made.

>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
>Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
>F-Zero GX
>Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
>Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
>Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
>Luigi's Mansion
>Metroid Prime
>Metroid Prime 2
>Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
>Pikmin 2
>Resident Evil 4
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Super Smash Bros Melee

And those are just the games that I'd still consider must-play. There's still the decent Gamecube games that weren't amazing but still fun (like Pokemon Colosseum, Kirby's Air Ride, Mario Kart: Double Dash, etc.)

the funny thing about the GC is that even back in this generation, the multi-platform and 3rd party games were not any good

now people bitch about how there are no third party games on wii u as if they've ever been good games. Nintendo just isn't producing enough of its own imho.

I used to fap to the Baten Kaitos battle theme.

>the multi-platform and 3rd party games were not any good
Are you fucking kidding me?
>Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
>Killer 7
>Star Wars Rogue Squadron II
>Baten Kaitos

What is up with your contrarians and 3rd party games? They are VITAL for a console to survive.

he was referring to the picture dumbass
Why would he be talking about this current gen right after replying to the picture of the gamecube?
Are you autistic?

>They are VITAL for a console to survive.
I'm consumer not a shareholder
I don't care how much money a console makes or how many other people buy it, I just care about how many cool looking games it has that you can't play on anything else

And I have every last one of them for dolphin. Good times.

>criticizes my allegedly inability to construct sentences properly
>doesn't adhere to grammar rules, doesn't punctuate, doesn't capitalize, literally is just as lazy of a cunt as I am

yeah buddy fuck you too

are you people retarded? I played Metal Arms Glitch In the System, Alien Hominid, Cubivore P.N.03, the list just goes on and on. they were all fun and fine.

Did you people even play the Gamecube library?

because OP was already implying that there weren't 15 good games in the gamecube gen, and the post we're talking about was clearly implying that OP was wrong, you fucking mongoloid?

An actual honest to god nintenbro and not someone who is merely a nintendo fan

>Ninten.d.r.o.n.e. filters to nintenbro
What the h*ck

All of these are pretty good, and they are more than 15

>final fantasy
>wave race

You don't like 3/4 of a console library being shovelware? Fucking FAG!

You fucking retards.

The guy was saying OP can't list 15 games from this CURRENT gen. He's saying the GameCube obviously has a better library than what's available today.

Like most Ninty consoles.

Switch doesn't even have 15 games.

How many games did GC have 2 months in?

This thing had 1433 and maybe 5 of them were good.



>1443 games
you had one job

Is this thing purple or blue

depends on if you bought a blue or purple one

>That SNES launch lineup

Oh my

nes had it right. Switch should have had a wii sports and racing game with hard copies in the store to go with the launch.

>Vroom in the night sky
Remember when Nintendo actually used to have some sort of quality control?


>Remember when Nintendo actually used to have some sort of quality control?
Yeah, people used to write articles all the time about how mean Nintendo is to indies

Lugi's Mansion
Mario Sunshine
Pikmin 1
Pikmin 2

Mario Kart Double Dash
Mario Party 4
Kirby Air Ride
Metroid Prime
Custom Robo

Gotcha Force
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Zelda: Wind Waker
Animal Crossing

Could probably go to about 30 or so. Nice troll, but i'd say maybe 30 of those 661 are good.

Fucking idiots lol

it couldn't compete against ps2

>The Falsebound Kingdom


What a terrible fucking game

>slow ass pacing
>dull ass gameplay
>retarded combat

You're an enormous fucking pleb

It does have a wii sports though.

I had it when I was a kid and downloaded it for nostalgias sake
I aint tryin to impress you nigga, just having fun playing videogames without worrying about whether or not they get me Sup Forums cred

Mines black

Don't mind the broken front cover, I ended up smashing it with my fist during a super smash bro's game

Fuck your shitcube, Whats with the snes controller back there?

My brother broke a finger after punching a wardrobe during a super smash bro's game. He also threw the controller to the ground and broke the joystick some years after that. That black controller was my favourite...

james rolfe remembers

It should be noted that 007: Nightfire on PC is much like Spider-Man 2 on PC, in the sense that it's a completely different (and worse) game than the console versions.

>getting that angry at a game

Control yourself fag

You might have autism.

*farts in your face* SNIFF THIS YOU GAMECUBE HATER

>hitting the cube
be happy it was just that if you played me you'd break the whole thing in half

2 of the best games ever made if you count RE4, which I do.

thanks for the info, I'll look it up

I really to update that list

Third-party exclusives that were good:
Gotcha Force
Rogue Squadron 2&3
Baten Kaitos
REmake & RE Zero
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Pac-Man Vs
Billy Hatcher
Go Go Hypergrind
Mega Man Network Transmission
PN 03
Lost Kingdoms 1&2
Bomberman Generation
MGS Twin Snakes
Tube Slider
Medabots Infinity
Amazing Island

Also forgot PSO Episode 3