So I just applied for a job as a game tester. What am I in for?

So I just applied for a job as a game tester. What am I in for?

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Enjoy hating games

A job.
Don't think it's going to be better than any other entry-level job just because it's related to video games.

No career progression, low pay, no future, no hope.

If you get it, you'll be forced to play shit games like a robot with deadlines.

Have fun.

Fun job, minimal responsibilities, but slow career advancement. It looks good on your resume, though. Proves to employers you can work in an office surrounded by fellow retards and still get shit done

game testing

Tested the Xbone before launch. Depends what kind of testing you're doing. It can be pretty enjoyable if you have a focused team, but absolutely awful if you're packed with a bunch of retards.

Long hours; think 14 hour shifts, shit conditions, zero job security, the ever lasting hatred of whatever you work on, being fired within two months unless your contract states you've got longer.

That dog is literally what you're in for

That's what I'm worried about most.

Honestly to me it really is just a temporary job. I've been working in customer service too long and wanted a change of pace for a bit, plus its close to where I live.

>It looks good on your resume, though.

Is there any good way to spin this to help me get some sort of office job in the future?

this post made me ponder

and ive come to the conclusion i hate games

>Is there any good way to spin this
I was just thinking about that when I read his post

I would call myself a software debugging associate or something

Lets hope you are more skilled than a Valve playtester

Pretending to like their games with half a smile

>Experience with computers
>Experience with deadlines
>Experience with communication
Off the top of my head.

Lots of companies need 'data analyst' jobs where you just pull shit in and out of spreadsheets.

A testing job shows you are A. capable with computers and B. have some attention to detail

anchovies are better

Also shows you aren't so retarded that you had to work in fast food or retail, and can function in a office setting

Games testers don't get told to like a game. They're told to break it as fast and as often as they can. The devs then "fix it" so the testers break it as fast and often as they can. "Is the game fun" isn't something that that particular cycles gives a shit about. You say "This part breaks because the sprite goes through the wall and glitches" will be fine. You say "This jump cannot be compelted with the current build because the jump length cannot allow it in the current build is listened to." "This jump can't be done 9/10 time because the intended length has been mis-applied" won't even be looked at in the minor bug stage."

Betty Spaghetti.

>people unironically getting jobs for videogames
you're going to end up hating videogames, you fags

This basically.
I write code, so I have to do this shit by myself to see if my application works appropriately though not usually to the extent 'Game Testers' have to.

>don't want to get a job doing something I like because I'll soon hate it
>don't want to get a job doing something I hate
What am I meant to do???

You'll need to find that out for yourself, user.

If you're testing code yourself, realistically how many working hours can you give yourself for a any given project?

get a job on something you mildly enjoy, but won't mind losing it as a hobby/outlet/whatever you might call it
or something vaguely related to videogames, but not as close as tester or developer

Find a job doing something you like - not something you love and certainly not something you do as a hobby.

every programmer tests their code

You'll most likely have an official position of Quality Assurance Tester, or QA Analyst

Which sounds legit enough for a hiring person who knows nothing about software

Been doing it for about 2 years now. I went from testing the software to creating tools to test the software after learning the environment. Getting much more money now then day 1. It's a chill job but I hope to get a development job in the future with the experience I have made making tools.

You will also get super good at games. Ridiculously so. You'll have to make sure achievements/trophies work as they've designed to. From the mundane like beat this level, to beat the final level on the hardest difficulty without using a checkpoint.

Become a YouTube eceleb and try to get a job with FunHaus or something.

Have fun playing Imagine Babies 4D and being forced to write book reports on every hour you play

y dog is sad? ;_;

That job woukd be great for me. I love critical analysis and I love writing. I also have plenty of experience with shitty games.

dog nose it wuz bad