>Triple AAA titles
Triple AAA titles
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>Triple AAA
Nice, 7/8, here's your (You).
What game?
What's an AAAAAAAAA title?
I'm not giving them free advertising.
Nothing good.
this is the main character
Seeing if weather clips through buildings or roofs or what not is always a good measure on if a game is a piece of shit or not.
GTA Vice City confirmed a piece of shit.
>garbage developer
>known for making garbage games
>releases newest game
>it's garbage
why are you surprised?
sniper GW 3
>Indoor rain
>Shoots entire rounds
>54 metascore
What a piece of shit.
Can you tell us what game is it? Seems like only you and OP knows.
>why are you surprised?
I'm not surprised but I know who is.
Oh so it's not even an AAA title, OP is a lying sack of shit.
sniper ghost warrior 3
Loving Every Laugh
>that blonde in the middle
I want to smell her feet so badly
really shows you why video games need more diversity tbdesu
The only one who looks respectable in that photo are the people way in the back with grim looks on their faces.
I fucking hope they die soon.
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Reddit hates this game for some reason
>everyone hates this game for a good reason
fixed it for you
its not even a triple a, let alone triple aaa
Someone give me a rundown about why these people are hated so much right now
Just because it has minor glitches it's not a bad game.
cutie on the left :3
CI Games has been developing horrid, sub-50 metacritic shovelware for quite some time now.
I played the beta of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, which was a disaster for two reasons: one, they labeled it "open beta" when it was actually a closed beta, which caused a great deal of salt on the Steam forums. Two, the game was horrifically optimized, we're talking Dishonored 2 launch-status broken.
The sad thing is though, despite all its issues, a certain part really struck out at me. Before heading out for a mission, you get a certain amount of money to buy whatever weapons/equipment you want. I thought that was neat, and in a better game it'd be satisfying to customize all the gear to your playstyle.
>no promised multiplayer on launch
>no promised guns in DLC on launch
>the game was delayed 3 times and it still came out full of bugs
>the PR team is a joke
>Investors are fucking pissed
>Two, the game was horrifically optimized, we're talking Dishonored 2 launch-status broken.
Ran much better on my Fury than Dishonored 2.
You're talking about the initial beta, right? Dishonored 2 on launch ran a hell of a lot better for me than SGW3's beta. But then again I did use the Process Lasso tweak to fix Dishonored 2 (i.e. Akane was so incompetent that the game process would automatically set to lowest priority, so using Process Lasso to force it to highest increased fps quite a bit.) So you might be right.
>using Process Lasso to force it to highest increased fps quite a bit
Process Lasso? Can't you just do that with the default windows process manager?
Yea, the closed beta that was improperly labelled.
I could get ~30-40 FPS at 4k on high, 60 FPS at 1440p on very high, and ~50 FPS at 3200x1800 on high.
Meanwhile, even in the most recent Dishonored 2 demo I can barely maintain 60 FPS on high settings at 2048x1152 and 4k is pretty much unplayable on anything but low.
>Someone give me a rundown about why these people are hated so much right now
Giving 0 fucks about gamers
Giving 100 fucks about their stock prices
That's my theory.
Probably, but for some reason the steam forums recommended Process Lasso. It might be because Lasso forces it permanently into high priority. But if task manager does the same thing then I have no clue.
No no.
>0 fucks about gamers.
>5 fucks about games.
>30 fucks about diversity.
>65 fucks about stock prices.
But of course that's my theory.
Well fuck, I may have been mistaken then. It does make sense though, Cryengine is a shitton more optimized (even with a sham dev like CI) than the old abomination that was Id Tech 5 (at least in the hands of Arkane.)
>But if task manager does the same thing then I have no clue
It does, I've used it in the past and the priority setting seems to stick even after your computer is restarted, at least that's what happened for me, not sure if Dishonored 2 is a special case where that doesn't work.
Was that the one that showed the whole bullet (casing and all) being fired in its launch trailer? Or am I confusing it with another Sniper title?
Lets not pretend to like shit games just because Reddit hates it.
Yes that's the one.
>drop 2 million bucks on a cgi trailer
>no one proofs the concept and makes sure a bunch of Democrats aren't making a 'badass scene' the laughing stock of their product launch
Quadruple AAAA titles when?
is that sean murray there near the back left?
One day we will have a studio photo be all gangstas from the hood.
Then and only then, will we get a GTA better than SA.
Well, to be fair they removed that trailer from their official YT channel and supposedly made a new trailer fixing that (honestly I didn't see that trailer as I don't want to know anything more about this shit game) but the damage was already done by then.
It is embarrasing that they didn't know the BASICS of weapons when making a WEAPONS game.
>playing westrash
What did you expect?
my friend is playing it right now and says it's fun
>Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
>Triple A
This shit is fucking shovelware.
That's not what the marketing team said ":^
>Triple AAA titles
>"Triple Triple Ayy titles"
5 star post
Is this true?
It's a me, Mario!
nice one
/vr/ reporting in
It's not easy to fix it but fixing it is a must, or just dont put rain in your game.
depends really on how they coded that shit since the rain is just a layered visual from the looks of it. So yes it probably is hard if they did not think ahead and no if they weren't retards and did think ahead.
Do you think this flop will end up in the gaming press or is it too low to make more fun of CI?