What should I go for next? Considering using the rest of my points for the salvage difficulty perks.
Please respond.
Is there any ship more overrated than the Sunder?
You show me another destroyer with a large energy amount that looks half as pretty and I'll eat my hat.
>tfw don't have the ordinance to put antimatter on my wolf
I'm level 30 and I haven't put a single point in combat.
Not choosing fleet upgrade perks is going to bite you in the ass when you get a bigger fleet.
Ditch the missiles.
idk, Power Grid Modulation or Loadout Design
with 3 typhoon reaper launchers and expanded missile racks
>one large energy and two medium energy slots on a fucking destroyer
yeah no
PFFFT, who needs combat perks ever. I only took them after I made my first 10m by salvaging.
Why wouldn't you take fleet logistics? It's probably the most impactful perk in the entire game.
And after you bumped up your level cap, it seems.
>Start with some shitty little freighter
>buy myself a tanker with tutorial funds for maximum fuel range
>just me and my tanker exploring the vast edges of space
Holy shit this is amazing.
I know the games biggest draw is it's wild combat, but i'm having so much fun with the exploration and industry side of things, I really hope the devs keep expanding that aspect of things.
Does this game have mining at all?
Because the game is too easy as it is.
Yeah, it's way too low.
No, but if happens it will be automatic.
Also: I have exploration fleet with 2 medusas, hammerhead, sunder, 2 wolfs, 2 lashers and fuckton of freighter. Can't defeat any big fleet, but enough for tactical retreat
Mods had mining and production. Vanilla will have it in the future.
>Game is too easy
>Takes all the easy money making, ship recovery, repair boosting perks, the perk that allows him to outrun EVERY npc fleet, AND bumps up the level cap
How was I supposed to know it's gonna be that easy? Literally my first 8.0 char. They should really nerf AI core payout.
I've become stranded in a system near the core worlds. HELP. Distress Call is not working and supplies are starting to run low.
How big can battles get?
There's a level cap now?
Big enough.
Also you have custom slider for that.
I want to go BIG
This ship is sexy as fuck, and a bane to big guys
What would be the max level for the player and officers to be able to learn every skill?
I don't really see why there's a level cap since it still takes xp to gain levels past 40 so it's not like you're getting it for free.
I can't start up my game. What should I do? I press start and then it says Fatal: null Check starsector.log for more info.
any ideas? No mods, just vanilla if that helps.
>tfw it's fucking payday
Around 96, I think.
>Mods had mining and production. Vanilla will have it in the future.
>No, but if happens it will be automatic.
I don't mind if it's all auto once it's setup, but it'd be neat to build facilities, setup production routes etc
Although it's probably the wrong game for stuff like that and I should be looking elsewhere. A 2D X game would be great.
>Also: I have exploration fleet with 2 medusas, hammerhead, sunder, 2 wolfs, 2 lashers and fuckton of freighter. Can't defeat any big fleet, but enough for tactical retreat
lol i've gotten lucky so far and both my freighter and tanker are relatively quick so I can escape 99% of encounters, but i've had to sacrifice my tanker in a few encounters to escape with my freighter.
Even losing a 12k tanker on each run i'm making decent bank.
Do I really have to spend $15 on it though?
Anyone have a mega of the newest version?
~96 for player
~44 for officers
>I don't mind if it's all auto once it's setup, but it'd be neat to build facilities, setup production routes etc
Giving me X3 flashbacks. Great except when the f#cking collisions destroyed the process.
I downloaded 0.8a and the MEGA crack from the other thread, but I keep getting FADE warnings ('if you like this game, support it!' / references to giant scorpion FADE etc) and I wonder if will have any impact on my gameplay in the future.
The game uses any FADE system at all? Will my shit start to suck past a certain point?
Did they double fuel usage or some shit? Really annoying now.
I think it'll look that you first survey systems for good locations, sink money into outpost, possibly defend it from everything, then get filthy rich from selling ore/metals/fuel/anything to the whole sector. Not sure about production routes, but Alex is planning on giving industry players something to do late game.
>Even losing a 12k tanker on each run I'm making decent bank.
Fukken S C A N S and waifu cores
the rng knows if you've pirated the game & increases difficulty
What is FADE system? I don't have any problems because of crack and I have pretty decent fleet already
fml senpai, is my crack bad or is 0.8a supposed to work like that?
Certain games have secondary triggers for detecting pirated content, so instead of making the game unplayable, they make it run fine but with a hidden FADE system that often kicks in later on the game, or gradually. Serious Sam 3 had a purple, invincible giant scorpion pop in the middle of nowhere and kill you, ARMA 2 had degrading accuracy for all weapons throughout the game, and so forth. Basically a debuff for pirates that might or might not be gamebreaking.
I'm confident the game detects this because I've been getting constant messages on the screen.
Fuel usage is the same, but Sustained Burn allows you to go twice as fast which doubles consumption.
why cuckmods filter fa.m to senpai, fuck this gay moonspeak slang
I don't see it in the notes, just fuel capacity nerfs on non-cargo ships to encourage use of tankers for deep exploration.
It's there just to spook you
I thought that was just a message to unnerve you, I've never had any troubles with rng.
>unironically putting points in combat
I guess it's because the map is 20 times bigger now. But still, I don't recall fuel being anything more than trivial in 0.72.
It's good if you don't want your ship to be sluggish.
Alex made Combat and, to a lesser extent, leadership complete trash this update. The new skill system feels like a series of disjointed bonuses with having to get trash bonuses to get to the ones you want, unlike before where you would get gradual increases to everything and you unlock hullmods or bonuses as an extra for reaching level 5 or 10 in a skill.
You mean it's good if you want your personal flagship to be OP as hell.
update your game senpai, 8.0 is out
Do updates invalidate my saves?
Yes, too much content is added
Most ships under human control are OP anyway.
It's fun to fly fast though.
>20% speed boost for all your ships
>-50% maintenance costs, make ships invulnerable to being destroyed, fucking +15% CR for all ships
>More than double the amount of officers you can field, making your fleet as a whole more than twice as strong
>Carrier skills that make your piloted carrier from ok to god-like
And Combat isn't trash, you either choose Combat or Logistics pretty much.
Every update is massive in content, so yes, older saves are incompatible.
I wouldn't worry though, money is easy to get.
I'm already running 0.8a.
The combat skill tree does one thing, buff the combat stats of the ship you're flying.
Since the AI in this game still isn't as good as a human, one on one with an identical ship you'll win anyway. With buffs from the combat skill, it's ezpz. The new skills definitely made it less dramatic over previous versions, but it's still the case. In 0.7.2 I nearly always prioritized my flagship and personally flew all combat missions. I would go technology and combat.
With 0.8a I decided to do a full fleet based run and went all logistics and industry. Lots of carriers, lots of fights I never leave the tactical screen. The skill tree is definitely better balanced now than it used to be, kind of comes down to how you play.
>piloting a carrier
Absolutely boring.
Although the Mora is an exception. You can put two Cyclone Launchers on those motherfuckers which is hilarious.
yeah nah
No worries, thanks.
I'll just play out what i've got a little more before updating then.
Git gud scrub
can someone post the crack for this game
why? just download the one that already is.
Do you even Sensor?
>just download the one that already is.
how do you even manage to turn a computer on, if you can't even function it?
Why are you using a name?
What do I need to do to actually make money salvaging?
Every system is fucking empty even if I roam around until I run out of supplies.
Is this a mod?
What types of ships would you like to see in a mod?
So basically it's a weaker tempest?
To trigger anons
Semi-realistic stuff. No fucking weeb shit or aliens.
Retrofitted industrial/civilian stuff.
Survey planets. Money can be made by finding habitats, research or mining stations which hold a fuckton of goods, but the real money lies in surverys and wAIfu cores.
Post your best Conquest fits.
I got fleet wiped by a shielded [REDACTED] battlestation with a level 20 commander.
I'm re-building my fleet now to take it out, but I have a Persean League commission so I'm trying to keep it to military market ships. I'll be running 2-3 Conquest with a small fleet of Herons, plus some cruisers or something.
The main benefit from the Industry skills actually comes from making (D) ships a lot more viable. Halving their negative side effects and making them extremely cheap to field compared to their fully functional versions.
Other than that you just hunt pirates as usual and get more stuff in general.
Thanks user, I appreciate what you've done.
Good rebuttal.
Search uninhabited systems for REDACTED don't waste effort trying to search the core worlds or floating debris unless you see cargo listed.
How do you get wiped by a battlestation? You can just leave if you figure you can't win. It's not like it can chase you.
Just a big fat bundle of slightly modified vanilla ships. Nothing stupid like that one mod that turns the Onslaught into a carrier.
Ty my friend. How do I install? put the crack in the starsector-core map? Or do I extract it?
Transforming ones.
> .exe
when growing up i had alot of bad experiences with exe's, but ill trust you this time.
>it's a "the probe isn't anywhere near any of the planets so you have to fly around each quadrant in the system like an asshole with a metal detector" mission
Diable/Approlight/Neutrino when?
BRDY is fucking gay
Cycerin is easily one of the best artists though.
You literally have the worst possible opinion.
Game could really use something similar to Eve Onlines scanning/probing mechanics.
>tfw you spend 60 days flying around trying to find a fucking ammo crate.
I just compared it to the setup on the site
it's literally the same thing
Type random numbers into prompt, close game, put crack in starsector-core and overwrite. Forgot about first step, without it you'll get fatal error.
>literally the same exe as from the site except on mega so you don't waste dev's bandwidth
You can trust me man
All the major modders are pretty talented, but I have a soft spot for MShadowy's organic looking ships. (now if he could just add a tiny bit more details and weathering to the mechanical parts they would be perfect)
>Go to the homeplanet of a faction I'm at War with
>Pick apart their fleets one by one for infinite fuel, supplies, weapons, and free ships
>No matter how much they send against me, I never have to worry about danger because I can casually fly away despite having 6 burn ships in my fleet due to sustained burn
Sustained burn is broken as fuck. NPC fleets really need to be able to use it as well. And the burn cap should be increased to 30 so that you're still punished for having low burn ships