All these kids who get their first taste of capitalism

>all these kids who get their first taste of capitalism
i feel bad for how happy it makes me to see youtube ad rev's crash and burn
we might actually live to see the death of e-celebs
soon we will return to the era of people who actually care about games making videos as a hobby

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my exact thoughts, kills the business aspect which is only good

It would take a competitor to overthrow youtube and nobody makes money anymore via ad rev, it's patreon now.

Oh like that vidya crash that was supposed to happen since what 2008? You Sup Forums kids are delusional. You are not getting your good 'ol days back. Face the reality.

Fuck I wish I was an eceleb :(

Why, what happened now?

that has nothing to do with youtube

Just turn to Patreon and Twitch donations :^)

Honestly everyone I care about already makes most of that sweet e-cash on Patreon or Twitching shilling so idc

this changes nothing. Ive always made videos for reasons that werent abount money.

Im thinking of switching to though.
There seems to somewhat actually be a community there.
Ill follow the communities.

>nobody makes money anymore via ad rev
You realize the implications though? All the big internet companies (except Wikipedia) literally cannot survive without ad revenue. All these sites will die if they can't make money off ads.


>the only thing left on the internet will be one encyclopedia and patreon porn

Sounds about right.

Which is why instead of putting ads in your face internet companies would rather sell your info to the highest bidder. It worked for Google and now others are just now getting on the bandwagon like Microsoft.


i doubled my views and minutes watch this month compared to last month and made half as much
i'm thinking of switching to twitch

youtubes primary problems
1. diversity hire ceo's that don't know what they're doing
2. only approved channels get adds, these channels make up less than 1% of channels
3. videos flagged as mature content don't get adds even though adult swim proved you can cater to adults with adult products easily
4. no feedback at all. not even a heavy hitter like pewdiepie can get his emails read
5. google cares less about making money with youtube than they do using it to push their political agendas

My revenue is up, subs are up, views are up, and all this while getting slammed with 114 of my videos being censored and restricted.

about 1200 of my videos are now restricted and removed from the search engine

Sup Forums - YouTube

What's wrong with earning money doing something you like? Either way, Twitch is getting bigger every day, nothing's gonna change, people might just move to a different platform

Its fucking delightful isnt it? Luckily my Malaysia and Vietnam views are skyrocketing for some reason because YouTube fucked up their algos again. Southeast Asia is discovering me and I don't know what to think.

Maybe you shouldnt have invested in a business with no boss or line of communication


Video games shouldn't be something to profit off of, nor something to be enjoyed.

its just a hobby for me
project your inadequacies elsewhere numbnuts


Im just happy that profiteering off of sheer laziness (95% of YTers) is being stamped out.

Time to get a job in the REAL world.

So, what's going on with youtube? they're pulling ad rev for some reason or what?

A tonne of advertisers withdrew ads cause of "muh racism and misogyny" and now E-celebs are fighting over whats left like hungry dogs, H3H3 has been the most notorious one so far considering all he seems to do lately is make videos complaining about it, who knows, maybe mainstream trash will finally disperse huh ?

Pretty much. Except most of Sup Forums doesn't seem to realize most ecelebs get money for patreon. Or they genuinely just do it for fun and don't give a fuck about the money.

>if it's not working in a mine shaft or as an office wage slave it's not a real job

I dislike the e-celeb culture as much as the next guy but it's still a legit job.

doesnt change the fact that most of them will leave youtube entirely

Advertisers are boycotting YouTube until the site finds a way to keep ads off of videos that aren't "ad friendly" such as politics channels, "sexist" channels, and racist/hate channels.
YouTube decided it was a good idea to mass-restrict videos based on keywords such as
>christian, muslim, jew, isis, religion
>sexy, butt, boob, vagina, penis
>gun, firearm, weapon
>black, white, race
There are a lot of banned keywords, and users are no longer allowed to know what they are, but if your video description, title, or search keys contain one of the banned words, you get pushed down in the search results, ads cannot appear on that video, and it is completely removed if someone enables the YouTube "restricted" mode, which is like Google's Safe Search.

I have found that one of the terms which is outright restricted no questions asked is "Senran Kagura" Which kinda fucks my Senran-Centric channel.

>tfw the days of most things on the internet being free will soon be over and everything will require subscriptions and shit

Also, advertisers have nobody to blame but themselves for this shit with their 5mb blinking flash ads of a wiggling cocks.


Youtube still has the only decent viewerbase, and while they might not need as many views to get by they do need new people to discover them all the time so they can keep the money rolling.

many of them arent going to bother putting videos on youtube if it makes them zero dollars

Nah I don't see that. Unless they actively don't give a fuck about their fanbase and were in it for money the whole time.

I can see less people doing it as a full-time job though.

They they are retarded since more viewers means more patreon money.

Where else are they gonna put them?

make it happen
like every other day chop a little bit of your fingers off and post it on Sup Forums

>it's just a hobby
>I doubled my views on a popular platform
>I should move over to Twitch
Sorry for the confusion, but it sounded like you were mostly doing this for the money, oddly enough.

Youtube is killing monetizing on big/popular channels/videos
Even the most kid-friendly videos with millions of views get demonetized just because they dont want them to get money

>they forcefully obscure videos based on your title/description

That sounds pretty dumb of youtube to do, especially with words like white/black. Looks like youtube actually might have a chance to die this time.


don't ever reply to me again

Presumably a competitor will emerge in a free market and provides a better service that steals Youtube's userbase.

I always thought about doing videos for fun, but with the market being so saturated and all this shit it doesn't seem worthwhile. is the only one gaining any traction and even that is miniscule. And the worst thing is, it's very SJW and removes all controversial videos from the front page, as well as the front page being cancer since everyone is making clickbait garbage.

Possibly. If that one user is right about obscuring videos, then it won't be long before youtube starts to actually delete those videos. youtube will go down fucking fast if that happens, and as other anons stated, users will simply move to patreon and another video site.

For the best anyways, youtube has been cancer for a longtime.


What would replace YouTube?


Sup Forums

>Facebook (god forbid)


Kek, no.


Because user is a google exec hopping on Sup Forums to see whats good nigga and you hurt his feelbads.

Dailymotion is more strict than YouTube regarding video content and Vimeo is for artists and musicians, and twitch is a streaming site not a video sharing site.

post the last 3 videos you uploaded to your channel

Twitch has added a new feature where you can upload to your channel, and they have opened up an "entertainment" category other than gaming. They are going to fill the power vacuum when YT goes under

Ironic how so many anti-SJW YouTubers are going to that place.


>go check out
>see the layout
>leave immediately

Please god, please do not let take YouTubes spot.

Brianna Wu sounds like Kermit

Who knows.

But when youtube starts to go full no-fun mode, you can bet there is going to be other sites popping up to try to seize the opportunity to get some of that newly discarded traffic.
not one of the last 3, but one i'm pretty happy with
no bully pls

t. Kiketuber

I went to a job interview and the interviewer asked me if I played video games, I said yeah and he went into this story about his son wanting him to buy all this expensive equipment so he can make money off youtube. I agreed him that it wasn't a good career path with a pokerface but I was dying inside hearing it. I thought it was just memes but this stuff is actually happening around me.

I was actually thinking about starting one of those weird superhero baby thing channesl or something for extra revenue since kids will eat up any garbage.

>I have been telling my dumbass friends for years that the YouTube bubble is going to fucking crash and burn
>"Nuh uh"
>Every YouTuber is jumping ship, the Best Friends have all but broken up, most of the "high profile" YouTubers are screaming and crying or moving back in with their parents
>Wow holy shit blowing my money on bullshit and mansions instead of living within my means and trying to secure a future in case shit goes south has come back to bite me

I have no sympathy for this fucking morons and the people who enabled them

I personally like h3h3's content here and there but the way they were talking in that recent vid about how advertisers now have the choice to not advertise on controversial content is horrible is kind of retarded.

You're saying advertisiers shouldn't have that right? That they should just be able to take a joke? Of course the world would be really cool if everybody could take retarded goofs not literally but you don't see this shit anywhere out there. TV and more conventional medias have always aimed for the lowest common denominator with normie tier ads inserted in normie tier content. You can whine about big advertisers not picking your type of content, but don't tell me they shouldn't have the right to choose who they advertise on. It's your fault you went into what's not selling. If you want to keep your artistic integrity and focus on staying true to yourself, do like Million Dollar Extreme and essentially be poor (Or go somewhere else)

>youtube being replaced my vidme
>twitter being replaced by mastodon
>Sup Forums being replaced by suicide

Golden age of the internet is upon us

>Golden age of the internet is upon us

You could not be more wrong. The Golden Age of The Internet ended in 2008. Its only going to get worse with time.

If you got the money to splurge then it might be worth the investment to make some extra bucks on the side of your REAL job. A lot of people think they can live off this stuff though, then when something happens in the future and they're out of money they'll be looking for work with like 3-10 years of absence of any work history, that's not gonna be fun.

Exactly how I feel honestly.

I don't even mind that their simple, desirable, absolutely high paying job they "broke into" is actually decided by absolute random chance. And that given those often acknowledged circumstances (at least among youtubers I've watched) I see almost fucking zero youtubers with backups for when they're incredibly lucky brake turns into an incredibly unlucky sudden and abrupt end to your cash flow

That's GNU Social based isn't it?

>not 2004-2006

I'll just assume you're underage

doing just fine over on Twitch

>Not pre 1995
Do you even BBS

Vinny streams might be a 50/50 shot of him being a whiny faggot or actually entertaining but at least he was smart enough to never leave his parent's house in the first place, and was a good enough son to just do upkeep on the house he already lived in PLUS has his music career (lol) on the side.

I like his music though

I never understood why advertisers are the most entitled cunts in the world.

one of the CEO of the yogscastis a millionaire (his words) and apparently has no fucking furniture other than the most necessary things. I think he's pretty down to earth

It's a fact the golden age of the internet ended with the rise of the iphone and the release of the bazinga show. Thats also the time vidya started declining into what it is today.

Because they got the dosh and you don't

sure if your idea of good internet is a bunch of text with no video or animations

2004-2006 was the creative boom

I work in the media industry and we get loads of kids in for work experience who want to be professional youtubers and a lot of people who want to be trap producers too.


>I don't even mind that their simple, desirable, absolutely high paying job they "broke into" is actually decided by absolute random chance.
You mean like all jobs?

This will only hurt the smaller channels, since all the big ones have huge patreons that are completely unaffected by the ads shit.


Worst electronic "music" i've ever heard.

>Everything will require a subscription
>You will still get ads
>You will still get your information sold
>But now you're paying for the pleasure

Significantly more random chance than usual though

I hadn't considered this, I hope you're right. All I see are fucking morons contributing to MASSIVE e-celebs patreons, you know, the massive channels that make like 500'000 a year from simply existing. Makes me sick.

I'll never understand this.

Why do people donate to random idiots on the internet? Why do they gain at all from donating? Any other way of spending your money would be a better idea, even throwing it down the toilet. It honestly completely baffles me.

I don't think the best friends are broken up, user. Liam left for personal reasons.

am I the only one that actually enjoys more working on the thumbnails and editing and stuff?

A lot content creators enjoy editing, especially the shitty montage makers.

>e-celebs spend years living beyond their means, buying $1mil+ houses and sports cars they don;t even use
>YouTube pulls the plug on the jackasses
>Now all they do is spend time complaining about not having money

Genuinely hope the dumb cunts actually die, they have dmaged our youth beyond repair, nobody understands the value of money anymore.


This is why I only watch channels where the people have real just and just make videos on Youtube for shits and giggles. It's how it should be.

