Redesign Thread

How would you a black Sephiroth?
Long white dreads doesn't seem right.

Redesign Thread

Looks even worse than the original design, Which is a pretty big acheivement.



Clowdwon Strafem

LaTifa looks like THAT???




Nig-loud Slave

I like it. Reminds me of Zazalamel from SC. Pretty sure that's how his name was spelt, been awhile.

Need to breed activated




Is there a libcuck film adaptation incoming?

Really makes you think...

Well the lower half is an improvement.


So would Barret be white in this game or would you have Dyne in your party instead?

artist made Barrett look like swole Jensen

Artist actually did make White Barrett. Kinda wish is was posted.

All of the other designs are garbage but LaTifa really is actually just better than Tifa.

Make her thicker


Also, the dumb tumblr fuck that drew this thought all these characters were white, even though its a god damn anime.

Looks like he never asked for this

And did they really need to give Barrett shades in the remake??

Ahhh, alright. Barrel will go nicely with Cloudwon, Latifa, and Sefrof.

Adam got buffed.