
Seriously, is it just me or has the Overwatch Community and the games balance itself gotten worse with every update from Blizzard for the last 6 months or so?

Used to play for hours, now i play 3 matches im ready to be done, and the skins dont motivate me to keep playing either because why unlock skins for a game im growing to hate and barely play.

For example, today I played 3 matches, a random heroes match, a two 3v3 matches with no wins and i was always the last one standing.

In the random match I died twice but my team refused to work together and all rushed in and died.

One 3v3 was the same, they wouldnt group up or form a team comp, and the third featured community member who felt the need to tell me each and every move i should make after he died in in the first 30 seconds or less.

Wouldnt bother me if these kinds of behavior were in the minority, but its becoming the majority rapidly.

We sell these things at the store I work at. Not this robot one specifically but the weather station one and some other one. Same company though.

Possibly. In this most recent season, I played around 40 games and won around 15.
Ok I accept if I'm the worst player in the world but at least drop my SR ridiculously low to put me in more competitive matches.
I installed the game for the second and final time.

Thats the thing I ace 1v1 matches, i win the vast majority but as soom as i have to deal with a full team and work with others it goes to shit.

The majority of rhe community wont communicate details about the match at all, and wont pick team comps well. I have better luck in ranked by far, but even cancer hits those often. Dropping is super common, and people will continue to go in and ignore everything and fuck the comp. It happens less but it still does.

it was never good to begin with

>Blizzard Game has shitty gameplay, community, and balance

Stunning revelation there.

It blew up but I have a feeling it will fall even faster

>Team gets pinned down by ONE Pharah or Zarya
>refuses to take it out and continues to fail
Come the fuck on

Every Blizzard game starts out interesting and then gets choked to death with uncreative shitty balancing and terrible cash grab updates

I used to solo, but the community for this game is baffling at how bad they are at the game. I will only play if I can get atleast 4 other people to que with me. I placed in diamond the first 2 seasons. This season I didn't want to wait around to play with a group of friends so I just did my placements solo and placed in silver.

I just really wish there was a way to get graded for individual skill, but the game essentially in solo play is crossing your fingers for a somewhat intelligent team and then avoiding getting tilt and trying to carry them when they're absolute retards with shit aim 80% of the time. Just shit like when you beat mercy on healing as sombra, or I beat DPS on damage as a tank or support. Like come the fuck on, do your job, otherwise what's your point? If you're not putting out the highest damage as dps, then wtf are you doing??

Theres way to many shields now its just boring

>Community and the games balance itself gotten worse with every update

i am shocked. SHOCKED

OP,I've learned the true way to play OW
>go comp
>press P
>mute every kind of communication with other players
>pick any hero you want to play and do your best
>enjoy the game
Seriously,try it at least once and you can actually feel your nerves not bursting into boiled blood for the first time in the end of a match

I greatly enjoyed Overwatch in the initial open beta (which is what convinced me to actually buy it when prior to that I had no interest), but maybe a month after release I couldn't stand to play it anymore.

Not sure what it is but something about this game makes me go from "Hey I'm having fun" to "I hate this and I want to die" so much faster than anything else I've ever played.

You don't need game balance if the roster is racially diverse :)

Under level 50s in Skirmish are the worst
"You're standing and saying hello? Im going to keep shooting and kill you every time even though you dont retaliate because this is CoD"

Wow this really made me think

you're not surprised actiblizzard is shit at making and balancing games, are you?

>it's another "people who never played Overwatch shitpost an Overwatch thread until the ecchifags come in and post asses and everyone jacks off together" episode

>and the skins dont motivate me to keep playing either
Congratulations, you're not their target audience. And I mean that sincerely, the game was designed to sell skins to retards, not to be a well-balanced competitive game. Blizzard made half a billion on OW last year, why would they bother doing anything to improve it for the people that aren't giving them that money? It's literally a mobile game, it exists to incentivize micro-purchases.

Picking Widowmaker on attack is gamethrowing. Stop fucking doing it. You aren't good. You aren't "getting them off the point for us"
You are standing there looking through a scope doing nothing, sometimes shooting at nothing to look busy.
Switch to a tank or support. You are the reason we are losing.

I don't care about balance I just masturbate to Pharah

Why does it seem like my team is the one filled with complete retards and the other team has all the people who know how to actually play the game?

I'm not even complaining about skill level. I know I'm not a great player either, but at least I'm trying to win the game. There are too many times on a Control map where we gain control over the point and EVERY SINGLE other member of my team decides to run off to the far corners of the earth leaving it undefended. I get killed because I can't take on a group of enemies by myself and we lose control. So we try to take it back and guess what? The OTHER team actually knows to stick together and prevent their opponents from getting on the point again. Every time it's always the team I'm not on that at least knows the one basic strategy. Did they invent some kind of algorithm that identifies the most brain dead players out there and specifically puts them on my team every time?

Widowmaker is actually generally more valuable on attack than defense due to the attacker's respawn advantage. Getting even one valuable pick can cause the entire defense to eventually cascade due to respawn streaming.

Of course, the opposite is true at the last section of each map when the respawn advantage flips in favor of the defenders.

You pick Wdow on attack you guarantee I pick Winston or Mei and constantly block your view. You decide to throw, I'll help you.

The game balance is actually the best it's ever been. Not actually balanced by any reasonable metric, but relatively balanced compared to previous seasons. The problem is that most of the easy low-skill "I win" characters were either nerfed or reworked to require a higher effective skill floor (again, relative to Overwatch not FPSes in general) which is why most of the shitters you're playing with suck more.

did someone say asses?

how are people so fucking bad at this game?

Ah, cool. You're an idiot and have no idea how to play the game, yet still aggressively assert your misconceptions even when it's explained to you why you are wrong.

I swear to god, the overwatch community is full of some of the stupidest, angriest and most petty children I have ever encountered in a video game.

Widowmaker = Throwing. End of.

Sleepy Knights right, Hell is other people.

Pretty much quit the game at the start of this year. Only attempted to play 2 games maybe once in February and once in March. Last thing I did heftily was like 3 hours of aim practice on bots in January. Lmao. Only enjoyed 76 and Zenyatta what does this say about me?

Why comp instead of quick play

you enjoy flinging fast projectiles with a little bit of healing

You'd probably enjoy tribes