Dark Souls 3

I really want to talk about Dark Souls 3.
I made multiple Bloodborne and DeS threads recently, but no Dark Souls 3 threads, and it's time to change that.

Tell me Sup Forums, what are your
>favorite boss
Friede and Gael
>most hated bosses
Crystal Sages in the grand archives, not a boss but fuck this guy
>favorite area
Lothric Castle, Undead Settlement, Archdragon Peak
>favorite weapons
Aquamarine dagger, Friede's scythe, Gael's greatsword, Double Gigantic Memeshit Swords of Uber Bullshit
>any fun story, pve or pvp
I went in TRC at NG+2 and died at Gael when he was so low on health his health was invisible, I was mad.
>Thoughts, questions on the lore? Things you don't understand? Ask away!
Who do you think was the scholar that influenced Lothric into not linking the fire? Aldia or Sully?

Or just complain about nerfed invasions and how "time is convoluted" is bullshit, whatever.

I'll bump the thread 3 times, I really want to talk about Dark Souls3, 1, 2 and BB are also accepted. But don't sperg out all over the place.

Other urls found in this thread:


das1 > bb > das3 > das2 > des > most other games

the opinions of pvp homofags and sony ponies are not valid

>opinions of pvp homofags are not valid
But PvP is the only reason dark souls games are good. Don't tell me you unironically think trial and error gameplay is """""""difficult"""""" and deep, user.

>favorite boss
Twin Princes
>most hated
>Favorite Area
Lothric Castle
>Favorite weapons
Dragonslayer axe, Lothric Prince sword
>any funny story, pve or pvp
Probably invisible ring great bow shenanigans in painted world dlc
>Thought,questions on the lore
Vaati stop baiting for more content

I wanted to avoid ratings in this thread, oh well.

Only god tier thing in DaS is the world design and connectivity, and that's only for 1/3 of the game. Every other aspect is better in the following games. Now you can say it's your favorite, and that's ok, it's a great fucking game, but objectively speaking, DaS is far from being the best, especially compared to BB and DaS3.


>favorite boss
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
>most hated bosses
Soul of Cinder because when it was released I thought we'd get something epic fight and close the "story" properly but we just got this humanoid shit again
The fight itself wasn't that bad but I expected more
>favorite area
>favorite weapons
Refined Broadsword +10 because I'm a shitter
>any fun story, pve or pvp
Getting into random fight clubs as a blue phantom is really fun, pic related

das2 > das1 > bb > das3 > des
but what's the point of this? people can have different tastes, you know

Can you explain to me what do the colors on phantoms mean? I always played pirated, and even when I bought the game recently, I never summoned or invaded. I just get invaded in Farron Keep and Grand Archives.

Well actually after beating Gael I went and summoned people to beat him in NG+ out of curiosity, and during the fight a red phantom killed the others two and killed me. Wtf was this? Only time I summon the guy kills me during the boss fight.

What do the colors mean? How do I chose a color? Is there more to multiplayer than leaving a summon sign to help people with bosses and invading? What's the point of covenants? I went with Rosaria's finger because she's cute and I can respec, but I don't see the difference with say, aldritch faithful.

boss-none they were all dudes with swords I completely lost interest after seeing yet another one in the dlc
hated boss- all of them none were challenging or even remotely interesting I literally can't recall a single one of them besides gundyr or friede cuz they were that forgettable
favorite area- again don't remember a single area cuz pure shit maybe irithyll had ok looking shit
weapons- pontiff great scythe and crescent moon sword actually loved these 2 weapons fuck the rest grey greatswords so interesting
story- getting ganked by 5 ppl when I was doing a low level char run literally 2 reds 2 purples and an invader fuck that shit
Questions about lore. Why does this game exist? It's the biggest rehash of 1 i've ever seen

PvP is literally the least important or compelling part of any game From has ever created.

invader. wants to kill you. kill them first. could be part of rosaria's fingers, but doesn't have to be.
invaded from warrior's of sunlight. more likely to get matched to other sun warriors, but otherwise just another invader
a blue sentinel summoned to help you becuase you got ^invaded, if you have way of blue active
or a darkmoon blade invading you to kill you, because you've been naughty and the guilty pay the price
invader from mounhd-makers. wants to kill either you or any other phantom. kill it or let it kill one of your buddies and they'll go away
your co-op summon
your co-op summon from warriors of sunlight
>pure purple
"friendly" mound maker summon. can kill enemies like a co-op phantom, but needs to kill either you or another phantom

>Favorite Bosses
Gael and Nameless were probably the most fun. I never felt like I was dying to cheesy shit against either one.
>Most hates bosses
Dancer is my least favorite boss to fight in that game, on my first playthrough champion gundyr was a huge pos
>favorite area
Cathedral of the Deep
>favorite weapons
old wolf greatsword
>any fun story, pve or pvp
I spent hours invading someones game on 2nd night of release, invaded in cathedral of the deep and just played as gay as possible, cheap shotting his friends and then running away to hide with branches. Ended up beating him at 2am, called in sick the next morning to work.

I don't really understand or care too much about lore, Dark Souls for me is about the way I feel when I finally beat that boss, or make it to that bonfire. On the first playthrough of every game I do my best with trying to beat it without looking anything up.

I will say that despite the shit DS2 gets the DLC more than made up for it.I did a playthrough of DS2 scholar of the first sin edition, it included more difficult enemies (you fight those turtle knights way earlier) as well as all the DLC, and I would give that whole package a 9.5/10.

Ashes of Andariel was a huge letdown outside of the bossfights.

The Ringed City was pretty good, wasn't a fan of the PVP boss fight, would have been fine if I didn't have to deal with players just running from me while the NPC was down. Ended up having to summon other players to help me, something I don't like to do on "boss" fights.

I've had a lot of good times with the series but it's time to move on. The formula has gotten a bit stale to me.

first time through:


I like the idea of invading other players with the sole purpose of just assfucking them. No Honor, no waiting for them to get full health. Just full on attacking them in the middle of 8 mobs.

Dark Souls has never been about being fair.

also i thought all the pvp faggots were playing for honor. why are y'all still in these threads

>It's the biggest rehash of 1 i've ever seen
It's the last game in the series, of course it's gonna reference das and das2. Especially when the game does plenty of new stuff on its own, and every reference has lore implications. Some people on Sup Forums act like all the content is from das with nothing new.

And don't forget that after das, people wanted something new, das2 came out, they said it's too different and wanted something very close to das, and now they're complaining about it being too similar.

> they were all dudes with swords
I fail to see how that's a problem. Humanoids>monsters, not matter the game.

But you're trying way too hard to fit in an anonymous image board, and you're phoneposting. Let me guess, you think dark souls is a flawless masterpiece with only memorable bosses?

You don't like Souls games in the first place, why did you bother with 3?

>White phantom
Co-op phanto summoned via a summon sign

>Gold phantom
Co-op phantom in Sunlight Covenant summoned via summon sign

>Blue phantom
Co-op PvP phantom summoned automatically by Blue Sentinels/Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant to aid palyers against invaders. In previous games they could straight up invade other palyers that had a high sin level.

>Red phantom
PvP phantom that invades other players using a red eye orb. They are ignored by world enemies unless a special item is used by the host. Their goal is to kill the host. Red phantoms can also be summoned to dual by using a red sign soapstone.

>Purple phantoms
Co-op PvP phantoms that can either invade or be summoned while using the Mound Makers Covenant. World enemies attack them if they are summoned. They must kill either the host or any other phantoms, including invaders.

>Blue and Red phantoms
PvP phantoms summoned automatically when players are in a certain area to kill the host. Watchdogs of Farron protect Farron Keep, Aldrich Faithful protect Anor Londo, and Spears of the Church can be summoned as a certain boss in The Ringed City

>Ok thanks user, now I now.
What covenant should I chose, IF I decide to start invading or something? I just fucked around in 3v3 arenas.

Or should I constantly change them to get all the rewards? How do 4-5 people end up in the area after Sully and start pvp, do you have to do something in particular?

>favorite boss
Champion Gundyr, Twin Princes, and Soul of Cinder. 2nd Phase Nameless King is great too.

>most hated bosses
King of the Storm and Aldrich

>favorite area
Archdragon Peak and Kiln of the First Flame

>favorite weapons
Dragonslayer swordspear, longsword, NotDragonslayer greatsword

>any fun story, pve or pvp
I always end up with 0 estus and very low health when killing Greatwood on NG. Don't know why.

>Thoughts, questions on the lore? Things you don't understand? Ask away!
Why the fuck are there only 2 DLCs?

>What do the colors mean?
also, you can get blue phantoms from watchdogs of farron while in farron keep/road of sacrifices. they're invaders, but are hostile to red phantoms. mound makers especally (purple) may decide to go after an invading watchdog over you

>How do I chose a color?
join the appropriate covenant

>Is there more to multiplayer than leaving a summon sign to help people with bosses and invading?
not really. mound makers twists it a bit by allowing other phantoms to fulfill the "kill somebody" goal, but basically you're either helping to beat a boss or looking to kill the world master

>What's the point of covenants?
1. extend the standard summon/invade dynamic with unique mechanics (watchdogs, mound makers)
2. provide unique rewards for fulfilling covenant duties (e.g. darkmoon blade lv. 2 gets you a ring that provides 2 bonus attunement slots)

Nah dark souls sucks in general. 2 had fume knight 1 had 1 cool boss in seath

>I will say that despite the shit DS2 gets
That's only on Sup Forums tho, and we know that Sup Forums have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to vidya. DaS2 is pretty great and improves on a lot of aspects of DaS. But yeah, the DLC are god tier and sotfs is nice.

>Ashes of Andariel was a huge letdown outside of the bossfights
Only issue for me was that it was way too short and had only one boss, wolf was shit. But the level design was fantastic, the visuals were amazing, lore was nice, Valorheart and Friede's Scythe were top tier. Friede was one of the best bosses from has made.

2 also had Alonne, Mirror Knight, Velstadt, Ivory King, Sinh and Pursuer.

Post webms anons

Going through the Ringed City and From Software is really starting to annoy the fuck out of me with the multiple health bar bosses. It was radical the first time in Biggie and Smalls, but the novelty's worn off, especially after fucking Sister Friede.

That being said, this DLC is an absurd jump in quality over Ashes. Running into the Ancient Dragonslayer again was fun, and enemies in that DLC have some creative attacks


>Especially when the game does plenty of new stuff on its own
It really doesn't. It has some new stuff but it's not very good either and it's still saturated with references to DeS, DaS and DaS2 when it's doing it.

>and every reference has lore implications
Even less so. It's almost always there because it's a reference.
You find Lucatiel's armor in a random tower because it's a reference. This invader guy is wearing Black Iron armor set and using Fume UGS because it's a wacky reference. There are black knights everywhere because it's a Dark Souls game but just the UGS and Greataxe ones because adding the Halberd and GS black knights would be more effort. Look at these Bat Wing Demons we have carrying you around because the first game had that too but you can't fight them because that would mean effort.

And a significant amount of them have negative impact on the existing lore and just draw attention to the inadequacies of the game.
Like what's with all these references to cutting tails off of dragons, which is something the player is never able to do in the game? Why does the purging stone unhollow you now instead of reducing curse buildup and for that matter why don't cursed players show up in your world anymore? Too much effort?

Ashes is short but the level design in Ringed City is complete ass.
If it's an absurd jump in quality then it's because Ringed City makes up most of the DLC content if anything.

>favorite boss
Gael and Midir
>most hated
Both dancer and friede can choke on a fat dick
>favorite area
Ringed city, farron, dreg heap and lothric castle
>favorite weapons
Gael's memesword, repeating crossbow and double great swords, sworn enemies of reddit
Popping giant seeds at invader spergs in the area with the 1000 stando archers
>Lore questions
Did aldia pursue the age of dragons or he wanted something like the painting?

You really contributed to the thread here. you should leave and never return.

>favorite boss
Twin Princes Aldrich
>most hated bosses
Cursed tree, Nameless King,
>favorite area
High Wall of Lothric, Lothric Castle, Grand Archives, Farron Keep
>favorite weapons
I like heavy weapons best of all. Last run with a Great club was a lot of fun.
>any fun story, pve or pvp
Drop attacking a host that was being chased by some reds once in the Aldrich area. His phantom dropped to his knees while the cherries clapped.

>You find Lucatiel's armor in a random tower because it's a reference.
Except it's never said it's Lucatiel's armor, only the armor worn by Mirrah's knights. And there's nothing stopping a Mirrah knight from going to the undead settlement. Or for a random dude to take the armor from a dead knight.
>This invader guy is wearing Black Iron armor set and using Fume UGS because it's a wacky reference.
Or maybe because he went to Eleum Loyce and killed Raime so he has his sword?
>There are black knights everywhere because it's a Dark Souls game
More because they are knights of Gwyn and they are not everywhere. Tell me, where's everywhere for you? Also they just roam the land, just like in DaS.
>but just the UGS and Greataxe ones because adding the Halberd and GS black knights would be more effort.
This is just retarded and makes no sense
> Look at these Bat Wing Demons we have carrying you around because the first game had that too
They are here because these lesser demons were serving the gods, so it makes sense for them to carry you to the ringed city. As for why they are in Lothric's high wall, Gwynevere was queen of lothric and her family is closely related to the linking of the fire, it would make sense for her to have a demon or two for transport.
>but you can't fight them because that would mean effort.
Again this makes no sense? Why would you fight them? They are just here to transport you.
And btw, demon in pain and demon from below are the same species but way bigger, so in a way, you do fight them.
>Why does the purging stone unhollow you now instead of reducing curse buildup
Why would it reduce curse buildup instead of unhollow you? It's a "purging" stone, not "curse reducing" stone.
>why don't cursed players show up in your world anymore? Too much effort?
Now this really doesn't make any sense

You are just fucking retarded.

Did aldia pursue the age of dragons or he wanted something like the painting?
He wanted to see what's beyond the cycles, and half succeeded when he and Vendrick found a way to stop hollowing. He literally lives in bonfires now, I don't think a painting is interesting for him.

The only other one is Friede and abyss watchers.

Ds1 literally has the DeS armor in the first cutscene you absolute retard.

>That being said, this DLC is an absurd jump in quality over Ashes
Not really, both DLC are fucking fantastic, it's just that ashes is way too short and has one boss. But other than that, it's god tier.

With the painting in the ringed city you DO escape the cycle
So I guess we made the only decent character in ds2 proud

But do we really escape the cycle?
In AoA we learn that a painting needs to burn and start over, otherwise it rots.

Friede was preventing the painting from burning by brainwashing father ariandel into whiping himself to stop the fire, because she's Yuria's sister. So cycles do affect paintings.

Or did I miss something?

Or did the little girl paint a new age of ancients? Or maybe even Bloodborne

It's implied that the painting you make from Gael's sacrifice(bless that beautiful bastard) is different because you have the dark soul, the real deal
Ariandels painting was just a restored ariamis, which was a basic painted world

While your point is fair the associated headwear is explicitly Lucatiel's and is also in this game except it's a crow reward for whatever reason.
Except Raime is in Iron Keep, in the past twice removed and also in Drangleic. It's a forgotten relic in the typical DaS2 style in DaS3 I guess.
Black Knights aren't in DaS2 though even if their weapons are so the question is raised as to why they're back again. Gwyn is basically forever ago at this point. they're not everywhere but Crucifixion woods, Smouldering Lake and Dark Firelink have them so they're pretty spread out.
It makes little sense but there are only 2 types of black knight for whatever reason.
I'm not sure Gwynevere is ever mentioned to be Queen of Lothric.
You fight them in DaS1 for ostensibly little reason as well. The DLC demons are pretty different aside from just being bigger as well.
Because that's what a purging stone did in DaS1? The whole point of the purging stone was to get curse off of you and on to something else.
In DaS1 any player that got cursed would become a statue and because it was an online connectivity gimmick that meant that crystallized statues would appear in other players worlds where someone died to curse. Same as the white miracle bonus rings or vagrants.

Piece of shit of a game. Didn't even bother buying the DLCs like I did with DaS and DaS2, whom both were better than DaS3.

>never really do PvP besides few invasions and helping out other players
>do luck build
>try to get man-grub staff for LCK scaling
>need fucking 30 tongues
>have to do PvP
you know what, Sup Forums? PvP is pretty fun, and the "fight club" thing also allows players to just mess around. i don't know why some of you are so against it. it's probably because you can't handle a small bit of fun competition

WHICH both were better, retard

>better than anything

tongues are not hard to get anyway, just find someone to host blues and just kill blues all day. Blue tongues are worth 2 and blues are just shitty players in general

>favorite boss
>most hated bosses
>favorite area
Probably Corvian Settlement, or Cathedral of the Deep's perimeter
>favorite weapons
Farron Funsword, Valorheart, Paired Greatswords, Gael's Greatsword, Moonlight Greatsword
>any fun story, pve or pvp
Not really.
>Thoughts, questions on the lore? Things you don't understand?
Nope. The lore was already less interesting than DeS' and only got worse as they stretched out into two sequels
>Ask away!
"!"? Dude, gay.

Nice bait.

DeS ≥ BB > DaS >> DaS3 >>>> DaS2 is the only right answer.

people who diss PvP are just PVE players who cry because they have this mystical belief that any funding/time going into pvp takes away from "the experience" of going through the game and jerking off to world building and immersion. They fail to realize pvp is what keeps people playing the game, making builds, and over all keep coming back to the game besides the occusional nostolgia replay every few months or years

>pvp is what keeps people playing the game
And how is that good for me? In any fucking way?

I hate the souls community and anyone who takes souls pvp seriously.

I just got to this guy and already I can say fuck him. He's got an absurd amount of health considering he can two-shot me

because the game isn't catering to just you? because other people like the idea of playing the game constantly over and over again? Also the fact you can simply go offline if the mere THOUGHT of dealing with another human being gets your shit posting senses tingling

i'm sorry your goal of being gud at dark souls has been shattered early on. which game dod you realize you weren't cut out for simple combat?


He's pretty shit. He's actually ""not that bad"", depending on your build, but I've only fought him with probably the worst builds to fight him as at about half the level the devs expected you to, so I sort of poisoned my own experience.

Im running a faith/dex build so that might be fucking with me. I've heard he's weak to lightning but the BK GS is doing more damage than a dragonslayer spear

The headpiece is Lucatiel's, the armor is standard Mirrah set.

Raime is in Iron Keep, but Tsorig can be traveling all around the world for all we know.

Black Knights aren't in DaS2 because DaS2 takes place in a far away land. They're back here because geographically we're closer to DaS. In Smouldering Lake it makes sense since it's the fusion of lost izalith/demon ruins and ash lake. It also makes sense for Dark Firelink since you access the kiln from there, where Gwyn was.

>I'm not sure Gwynevere is ever mentioned to be Queen of Lothric.
It's 99.99999999999999999% sure she is queen of lothric. Both are considered goddesses of bounty and fertility, you get her healing bottle in untended graves and it's said she put it there, you get her miracle when transposing dancer's soul and it's said that dancer's veil was only given to descendants of the old royal family. Gwynevere left again when she gave birth to Ocelotte. There are other things but I don't remember them right now.

>You fight them in DaS1 for ostensibly little reason as well.
You fight them in Anor Londo, city of the gods, and they are servants of the gods. it makes sense.
>The DLC demons are pretty different
The base idea is here. Skinny, visible brain with no eyes, unique wings. They are just stronger demons.
>Because that's what a purging stone did in DaS1?
Mechanics can change I guess
>In DaS1 any player that got cursed would become a statue and because it was an online connectivity gimmick that meant that crystallized statues would appear in other players worlds where someone died to curse.
True, totally forgot about that. But I doubt it's because it's too much effort.

it's not so much weak to lightning and more "he's not as resistant"

approach the fight as an endurance battle and always try to hit the head whenever you get the chance

how does this work? just find some guy with his ember?

have a buddy ember up, invade till you get your buddy, have him put on way of the blue, farm away.

What is the fastest and easiest way to faceroll this game in pve

You can literally dominate in PVP by R1 spamming. PVP is a joke.

>Just full on attacking them in the middle of 3 summoned phantoms.


i see. thanks

Did I say I don't like being invaded?

I like invasion
I don't like the focus on pvp
Those are two different things. If anything the focus on pvp in das2 made invasions worse because the main pvp is supposed to be in boring arenas.

I hate mobas and mmos and you guys are playing souls like it is one of those.

kek keep crying

>favorite boss
Aldritch once I learned twisted wall of light works on most of its spells
>most hated
yhorm, I liked the grearwood battle better as a gimmick fight. Haven't fought him without the wind sword, so that's something I still gotta do
>favorite area
crucifixion woods, watchdog all day erryday
>favorite weapons
40/60 dex/faith sharp murky handscythe with dark weapon buff
that and affinity and great deep soul, and how these spells react when casting twisted wall of light
a fightclub ganked me because they couldn't deal with quickstep. no joke
how did wolnir get his crown, the crown seems to be a fusion of the DS2 dlc crowns. Wolnir is ds2 protagonist?

about what?
The devs are on my side.
Dark souls 2 and dark souls 3 are hated by the fanbase and those are the Moba-souls

Everything I'm about to say, I say having not played either DLC.

>favorite boss
Dancer or DS Armor. It would definitely be DS Armor if not for the dragons shooting shit in the background. They're not difficult to avoid at all, but I feel they're an unnecessary addition and an annoyance to an otherwise really fun fight.

>most hated bosses
I've historically always hated mage bosses and bosses with adds in Souls. Crystal Sage is both. He's also a boss where you can't attack him whenever you want, you have to wait for him to re-appear after teleporting away. The waiting, adds, and magic make him dogshit in my eyes.

>favorite area
Probably Irithyll. It's just gorgeous man.

>favorite weapons
Dual Katanas make for a piss-easy run, Corvian Greatscythe is pretty enjoyable to use. Dragonslayer Axe wrecks anything in your path, Moonlight Greatsword weapon art hits like a truck

>If anything the focus on pvp in das2 made invasions worse because the main pvp is supposed to be in boring arenas.

except that's false. Dark souls 2 has the best pvp in world invasions, stop thinking about red eye orbs and think about
>rats (before they died due to lack of players)
>Mirror knight invasions
>abyss spirits

shit was great, yes arena is bullshit but the other areas are the best fun I have over all

also no game has had PVP be the main focus, even dark souls 2. again it's a Mysticla belief PVE players hold that any Time or thought put in PvP is suddenly too much thought, or that Pvp players want something like FROM HONOR which we dont. We just want a pvp environment which is actually fun, engaging, and not dead on arrival like bloodborne.

it's wildly known that arena fighting is the worst pvp in all the souls games,

>Haven't fought him without the wind sword, so that's something I still gotta do
Its just the same fight only longer.

The being who pushed Lothric to link the fire are the primordial serpents (you can see some statue of them around Lothric castle

I don't know where we could discuss about it though

>>it's wildly known that arena fighting is the worst pvp in all the souls games,
So why do PvPfags CHAMPION dark souls 2 all the time?
Because that didn't have an orb and had soul memory

So if you like invasions you should hate dark souls 2 the most. But you don't.

Dark souls 3 is hated by the fanbase for shit PVE and terrible PVP, it failed on all accounts

>Wolnir is ds2 protagonist?
Not THE protagonist but A protagonist. Keep in mind that there are multiple timelines, so he may very well be a bearer of the curse who rekt the kings in his world. Note that he's immortal thanks to the crowns, and he may have taken the Aldia ending, and since he can't die he decided to rule the world.

>favorite boss
Yhorm, Abyss Watchers, Demon prince
>most hated bosses
twin princes, midir, nameless king
>favorite area
>Untended Graves
>favorite weapons
frayed blade, gundyr's halberd, profaned greatsword, ringed knight straight sword, friede's scythe, dragonslayer greataxe, yhorm's machete, crow's quills and talons

stop meming and read the post, red eye orbs are not the only means of invading, neither are arena, you have 2 area defense covs (rats, bells), you have abyss invasions for a twist on normal invasions, crying about SM is stupid because you can artifcally limit your SM with the ring or just go through naturally and invade in areas where your SM is shown which teh game includes as a mechanic. You can also farm cracked red eye orbs from enemies outside the purgatory if you don't want to arena, so arena is not the onyl means of PvPing. You been watching too many steel and peeve videos whre they spend hours upon hours in arena just to get that +3 red aura which is retarded.

hell the rea 1V1 FIGHT ME BRO cov is actually dragon bros anyway

>Dark souls 3 is hated by the fanbase
Sup Forums isn't representative of the fanbase. 99% of the players love DaS3. And of course some will prefer DaS or DaS2 for different reason, but nobody hates the game, and nobody outside of Sup Forums thinks it's bad.
>shit PvE
But it has the best PvE by far tho, why do you think it's shit?
>terrible PvP
How so? It's the most balanced and spells/weapon arts look so cool PvP is a joy, it's the only souls game where I actually did a bit of pvp. And sure it doesn't come close the amount of builds DaS2 had, but DaS2 obliterates everything in that regard.
>inb4 b-but magic is shit
No it's not, it's just not overpowered like before, it's balanced and quite strong when you know how to use it. Spells are also 10 times more satisfying to use.

Okay the fucking ring came way too late and never fixed anything.
It was a band-aid over a huge wound.

I like mid level invasions. That is always the most fun in Souls. In DaS2 I had the least fun invading. Soul memory forced me to never make a specific character for one area and move on with the level and i always had to go back and farm orbs in the boring arena.

Even das3 which is mostly against ganks I had more fun invading and fighting against bad odds.

And yet everyone who likes pvp likes dark souls 2. EASILY the worst souls game on every other aspect
Bosses, level design, enemy placement.
They all suck.

But no
>"just because they spend time on pvp doesn't mean they spend less time on those things"
It is just a pure coincidence that the one game which has a lot of time spend on pvp sucks on every other level.

>favorite boss
Lothric and Lorian, Dragonslayer armor and Nameless King are runner ups
>most hated bosses
I don´t like pope sully, yhorm and the ancient wyvern shouldn´t have been gimmicks
>favorite area
Grand Archives
>favorite weapons
Claymore is an old favourite, lucerne is also a great reliable weapon, exile greatsword feels great
>any fun story, pve or pvp
Once I got summoned by placing a red soapstone after Pontiff along with two other people. I´m not sure, but it seems the host was new to the game and thought we were regular phantoms that are supposed to help him. We just ran behind him through the zone and watched him fight silver knights. When we reached Annor Londo we started fighting with shields while the host continuied to run around and died eventually
>Thoughts, questions on the lore? Things you don't understand? Ask away!
Haven´t touched any of the dlc´s, so noth much yet.
>Who do you think was the scholar that influenced Lothric into not linking the fire? Aldia or Sully?
Between the two Aldia, Sully being the mastermind behind everything doesn´t sit right with me, plus I don´t think Lothic and Irythill were closely knit if they existed alongside. Lothric wass founded on the remains of Duke´s Archives by certain gods (Queen Lothric
being or being related to Gwynevere) returning after the fire was relinked. My headcannon is that Gwyndolin&co weren´t too happy about them returning, so that´s why they just didn´t came back to Annor Londo. Before his betrayal Pontiff was part of the way of white, related to Annor Londo so I don´t see him being close to Lothric, I also don´t remember much way of the white influence in Lothric, I could be wrong. Also the serpent statues around Castle Lothric make me think think the scholar was a serpent, and not either of the two

Just bought GOTY, and I'm having a good time, just don't understand all that hate it's getting. You're all whiney bitches as always holy shit.

Bosses, level design, enemy placement.
They all suck.

It has more good bosses than DaS tho.

Level design is good, it's the world design that sucks. Areas taken individually are equal and sometimes better than DaS.

What's the problem with enemy placement? Both DaS and DaS2 have cringe inducing enemy placement, but nothing will ever come close to DaS.

Can't you quote properly?

Okay lets go through all your bullshit one by one.
>Level design is good, it's the world design that sucks.
Both suck. World design is the better one of them though. Both are abyssmal

>Areas taken individually are equal and sometimes better than DaS.
You mean you take the best area from das2 and the worst area from das1 and then das2 wins this one weird comparison? Okay maybe
But overall das1 shits all over das2 in level design.

>What's the problem with enemy placement?
Its full on swarming with huge amounts of enemies with high poise.
In das1 there was usually a gimmick with multiple enemies. Like a bunch of low hp low poise hollows being buffed by a chaneller
DaS2 just randomly places enemy with no coherent thought behind it like a fan mod.

>just don't understand all that hate it's getting.
This is Sup Forums, a magical place where good games get hated on, and 6/10 games like God Hand are considered masterpieces.

As for Dark Souls, they bitched about DaS2 being too different from DaS and DaS3 being too similar. No matter what game From made, Sup Forums would have been unhappy. Game is great.

That's because it's good the first time through.

Cancer like this is why I always set the game to offline. Once you start getting the upper hand on gays like this, they always run

I only got a lore question
So I know in dark souls 2 the souls of the of the og lords were reincarnated and you can connect them to the new lords. Like the Old Iron king would have gwyns soul and the lost sinner would have the witch of izaliths soul.
So which lords in DaS3 are connected to the og lords

>favorite boss
Twin Princes/Aldritch
>most hated boss
>favorite area
>favorite weapons
>pvp stuff
Not a PvP fan.
>lore stuff
I haven't played the latest DLC. Is Londor's place in the lore ever expanded upon?

>Both suck. World design is the better one of them though. Both are abyssmal
No, many areas are better than anything in DaS.
>But overall das1 shits all over das2 in level design.
No, it shits all over das in terms of world design.
>Its full on swarming with huge amounts of enemies with high poise.
And you can always deal with them.
>In das1 there was usually a gimmick with multiple enemies. Like a bunch of low hp low poise hollows being buffed by a chaneller
Which is more frustrating than any encounter in DaS2.
>DaS2 just randomly places enemy with no coherent thought behind it like a fan mod.
Just like DaS then. Member the painting guardians that suicide trying to get to you? Member the archer on the walls of Anor Londo?

The Archers on the wall of Anor Londo are probably some of the best enemy placement in all of vidya. It gives you a great idea of how Anor Londo used to defend itself with such a small and memorably segment in a game

Everything you said about game design is wrong here. You know absolutely nothing

With DS3 being a game that feels more complete in terms of level design, I enjoy playing it more, but I find myself wishing DS3 had DS1 mechanics.

They got rid of being able to consistently parry and backstab (although shieldbashing to punish circle strafing is good), daggers have weaker criticals, using poise to trade is weapon specific and not as reliable overall, enemies are more aggressive so trading is already riskier, enemies can get past shields with more ease, armor has overall less impact, midroll being 25-70% and vitality being one of the less useful stats makes it so you're almost always using medium armor and midrolling.

It's in some ways more challenging, but mostly just annoying because you don't have any options besides block, dodge, and attack during openings, i.e., basic mechanics. Everything feels like the game's trying to box you into a specific playstyle, and you have to go out of your way to play differently. The bosses are great and none of the areas feel incomplete (never care about open/interconnected world), but I don't feel the urge to play again or make different characters.

tl;dr, the game is fun, but build/playstyle variety is garbage. They got rid of and reduced combat mechanics for no discernable reason.

To be fair, though, some added mechanics like weapon arts and paired weapons are cool.

Purging stones do remove curse buildup though

I tried it in DaS3 while I had curse built up on me from Basilisks and it didn't work.

>They got rid of being able to consistently parry and backstab
I actually think das3 hit the sweetspot for backstabs
In das1 it was too easy and in das2 they turned like on a record. DaS3 you have to time it properly

ignoring BB of course who changed the mechanic and made it perfect.

Maybe. I'm mostly thinking about how it makes daggers less viable, since with most other weapons, backstab aren't as vital. I'm more complaining about the reduction of playstyles than the increased difficulty. Yeah, yeah, you can beat anything with any weapon, but it's so tedious.

I agree BB did it perfectly, but BB also has quickstep and makes every weapon ridiculously fast or strong to the point where you don't need backstabs, not to mention parrying makes everything ez modo once you learn the timing.

Its never explicitly said Gwynevere is queen of Lothric, but there's all sorts of connections even in the DLC. Projected Heal explicitly says its a miracle found in the last days of Lothric, and that its a memory of Gwynevere. Then there's stuff like the Divine and Hidden Blessing.

>how it makes daggers less viable
I thought daggers were better than in das2 at least with everyone using huge armor which makes the smaller weapons worse.

Compared to everything else daggers have never been stronger than in das3. Especially with poise and shit.

Oh that's right, undead curse build up. The item description is retarded

You might be right. Quickstep and how much easier it is to stunlock do make a difference. I still prefer how DS1 did it, though, going for a specific weakness rather than dodge and r1 spam.

>You might be right.
Am I still on Sup Forums in a souls thread?

The only viable weapons on pvp are ultra great swords, you can litteraly kill anyone on 2-3 hits with out being punished, its fucking crap. at least in ds 2 you could fight back an punish a bad r1, in ds 3 you can just spam roll, oh and remember hyper armor, because tanky guys hitting like a train need no stagger animations :D

I thought the only viable weapons in dark souls 3 were straight swords.

really? i was playing last night outside pontif, every one carring a great sword, i won one match but my katanas and sell twin swords are shit if i some how manage to land a combo i get punished with a 2 hits combo that drains all my health. im kinda new to ds3 pvp tho, shame is not as fun as ds2