Literally Persona 5: The Novel
Name one thing they did differently that made it a different experience from the past iterations
Literally Persona 5: The Novel
Name one thing they did differently that made it a different experience from the past iterations
This game is 7 months old, dumb burgerfag.
Character models with realistic proportions actually make for a better experience.
Also, I hope in P5 they'll learn to write villains more complex than "HOLY SHIT I'M SO FUCKING EVIL I EAT BABIES AND PISS ON GRAVE STONES"
The combat was smooth as butter. The ui was super polished
They better not ever pull the whole "seemingly nice guy is actually pure evil" bullshit anymore. It's so fucking obvious at this point and I know it wasn't really the twist this time around, but it's just such an annoying trope at this point.
Better graphics and a slight bump in FPS make a game better you heard it here first folks
definitely justifies a 59.99 pricetag and a decade wait
The fuck point are you even trying to make here?
>game in a series the like the previous games but with improvements in the areas that needed improvements
Yeah man fans of the series definitely have zero reason to be buying the game. Not like it's another game in the series they like or anything.
Tell me, what series are you a fan of? I hope they change the gameplay every iteration as well as genre otherwise there must be no reason to buy it, right?
People have been waiting for Persona 5 longer than Persona 3 has been out in the west?
nobody said anything about changing the genre - the point is the persona series is just as shitty as activision shitting out the same game play every year, just atlus does it every decade to make it seem "fresh"
the gameplay, after playing persona 3 and 4 is so similar how can one find enjoyment in the same shit, unless you're new to the series or autistic
>wake up
>read text and try to deepen shallow relationship mechanic
>do same game play you've done before with a few minor tweaks
Have ever stopped to consider, and I know this is a large stretch but stay with me here, that maybe possibly just fucking perhaps that fans of the series enjoy those aspects and like them?
>putting literally in front of things validates my opinion
>have an opinion about a game
>a retard comes along and says "but the fans like it!"
I'll bite
>Confidants are very useful outside of persona fusion
>Actual dungeons instead of randomly generated hallways
>Kaneko demons instead of reskined enemy #4
>variety of skills outside of the elements and physical
>status ailments are helpful
You're trying to prove this game was not worth the fan's money because it was not that much of an upgrade or not different enough from 3 and 4 and now you're saying your opinion matters over the fan's of the series in making this decision?
you don't even have the numbers regarding the failure or success of persona 5 with the "fans"
i'm fairly certain you don't know how to look at something critically and come to a conclusion - try a creative writing class or going back to a debate team because you have a tendency to put exaggerated inferred facts about someone from shallow Sup Forums posts
Negotiations are fucking garbage. Half the time there's no fucking rhyme or reason to what options work. Okay so this demon has a timid nature so I should say nice things. Great. Oh, none of these options are nice, GUESS I JUST HAVE TO FUCKING GUESS AT RANDOM NOW.
>the gameplay in what is essentially a pokemon visual novel is the same as before with extra polish and QoL changes
I think you may be missing the point, user.
You don't have the numbered regarding fan feedback either. Or if you do, you have not posted them. Also, since you brought up debate, maybe next time focus on countering my argument and not trying to make a personal attack.
Now, explain to me how your opinion on this series is more important than those opinions of long time fans?
Did you play the game? The shadows have personalities types which tell what awnsers they want.
I get them right most of the time. They actually made it easier in persona 5 than in the original persona.
>Did you play the game?
DId you read my post? Because I specifically acknowledged that. Sometimes the game just DOES NOT give you any options that reflect what that personality type should want to hear.
>Finally completed P4G
>Got some garbage ending
>Read guide
If you're too retarded to figure out which answer to pick then do the kid's S link and you can just warning shot
The game has a lot of QoL changes like that for retards like you.
Which one did you get?
>Name one thing they did differently that made it a different experience from the past iterations
So here is my list of "things they changed that went right":
>dungeon design
This is probably the biggest one, the change to specifically created dungeons is a godsend.
>confidant bonuses
The fact that confidants now give me special abilities was a great idea.
>graphical and animation improvements
This mostly comes from the fact the series came out later
>bringing back negotiations
They're entertaining and feel better than previous persona attainment in 3/4
>improved combat
Still not great, but still persona and improved over previous
>christmas cakes are a romance option
They're literally perfect
Why did I buy the game? Because it improved in almost every mechanical area but retained what I liked of the previous games. I bought it for 100 new hours of content. Playing the previous persona games did not tell me what would be in this one.
I bought the game because I wanted to play a new persona game. I play persona games for the story and this one is polished far more than 4 was.
>Presented with literal random chance of success
>Choose wrong
Seriously cuntflap? Eat a fucking bullet.
not him but stop getting mad and git gud
It's not random, you're just an idiot.
Holy shit, it's not random you're just retarded.
Bad ending 1
>literal random
>Autistic has trouble with emotional responses
This is why you're not in charge of Negotiations, Yusuke
Its the exact opposite, its way too easy.
Not to mention no penalties,
>Force enemy to give you money twice
>Finish them with an all out attack regardless
This game probably has the most dumbed down demon negociations of all time.
>It's another "gameplayfag doesn't comprehend why people play story based games with gameplay they've seen before" episode again
Tell me why you faggots continually fail to understand a simple concept like this? Is it your stunted intellectual development, or just your natural stupidity?
>hur dur i play a fucking visual novel with some pokemons in it for the gameplay
what are you retarded
Don't feed the troll.
>name one thing they did different other than making it different
I have this complaint as well. Most villains have something they're working for so the means justifies the end (ie. Dhaos from Tales of Phantasia) but all the p5 villains were irredeemable assholes with no goals or positive qualities. The only person who breaks this was Akechi but his motivations were fucking retarded.
Unfortunately the nature of how palaces were supposed to work made all the villains irredeemable. You don't become a villain unless you're really fucking warped, and unless you're warped with self loathing like Futaba you basically end up with cartoonishly evil folks.
Of the villains they all were just in it for themselves more than anything else, which is sort of the point of palaces, but it doesn't make them well written.
That's why I hope they change the reasoning behind palace creation in P6, or change it from palaces to something else, to allow for a more diverse set of villain motivations.