>"""""classic""""" Sonic gameplay
Go fuck yourselves, Sonic Team.
"""""classic""""" Sonic gameplay
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Bounce pad!
This will be my final Sonic game, I'm almost sure of it.
I cannot remain loyal after something so devoid of creativity.
>Bouncy bouncy
this is just some shitty sonic generations mod
At this point there has to bee a marketing manager responsible for the eternal reuse of Green Hill. They must think it's integral for the brand or some shit.
Nope, this is the next big entry from Sonic Team. 4 years of development and 0 desperately needed improvements.
Can't wait to play a 3D copy paste version of an old sonic game I have already played for the past 30 years that probably won't even be as good anyways.
>classic sonic has the voice of modern sonic
fake and straight.
>4 years and all they have to show for it is a generic Unity looking 2D game that a dew indie devs could slap together in like 3 months
Why are they even still a thing?
>ear splitting """""music"""""
>those physics
>sonic won't shut the fuck up
There were "boost" spots in sonic 3 and technically sonic 2 if you count the little hoppers, but holy shit, you don't need to remind me every ten seconds.
>ear splitting "music"
It's just the sound team recreating Jun Senoue/Crush 40 music with the Genesis sound chip. It takes a maestro for that to not sound awful.
The voice is edited in, if you didn't realize.
>all those sound clips
>he never says JUICE TIME
What is it from? Did the VA actually make new lines to make fun of Forces?
Sonic Boom Wii U.
Does he really say that EVERY TIME he uses an item in the world?
Holy fuck my man
from sonic boom wiiU/3DS or sonic run 2
What the hell SEGA
Also look guys Green Hill for the billionth time
>sonic fans acting like autistic children
oh hey
t. Sega shill
Wanting quality vidya never was and never will be autistic.
Fuck no. It's dubbed in by the creator of the video.
Hows the taint wound chris?
>1st level of the game is green
Wtf I hate Sonic now!
I really don't get the hate for this. It's green hill zone in name only, and it looks like they're even taking cues from Mania since they do a fucking drop dash in the middle of the video. The bounce pads were a bit excessive, but overall I'm not feeling the doom and gloom everyone else here is.
The last pic is heartbreaking ;__;
Green Hill is supposed to be the simplest, easiest course, and even it is full to the brim with momentum stops. Enemies don't give enough vertical movement and are placed in a way that makes the player stop. That S-shaped section with the falling platforms is just awful. Come on m8 have higher standards
Because the level design is filled with automated garbage and the physics are still abysmal like they were in Generations, not to mention that the music is also God awful.
there was been never a good sonic game
mean bean machine
It's EXACTLY the same, you sperglords.
Which is exactly why it's shit.
Theres something about the acceleration in this game thats just bad.
After rolling in those tubes, and ejecting he slows down really abbruptly.
Looks very unnatural
>I am an asshurt baby
Whats is even wrong with it that has not been edited in?
inb4 bad game feel, you haven't even played it yet.
>Not green hill again
>Sonic constantly talking
>classic Sonic
>terrible music
Well at least mania is looking good
>my opinion of game feel based on videos
What did I just fucking inb4 you autistic piece of shit?
Just because you're a blind retard doesn't mean the rest of us are.
this on top of not knowing exactly how it feels
as far as I know you are the only person EVER to complain about generations physics, and its style of music. That is if the music isn't edited in like the voice clips.
Go fuck yourself kid.
I didn't say anything about gamefeel, I'm talking about things I can see in the level. I can see how it's designed. I can see the S-shaped section that slows you to a crawl and I can see how jumping on enemies doesn't pop you up like it ought to.
>Implying sonic has been good since the genesis/sega cd
they'll just keep shitting in your mouth and you'll keep chugging it down, lol
>as far as I know you are the only person EVER to complain about generations physics
So we're rewriting history now?
Classic Sonic is CWC tier autism
So it couldn't be that the person playing is holding back on the stick because they are loosing sight of what is ahead and don't want to die and restart the recording?
You can't read the mind of the person playing it retard.
And yes you are talking about game feel, on top of not doing it right.
This sonic is so slow even my mother could fucking play it
Fine then, gimme a link to someone respectable that has commented on it.
>every platforming area has a bouncepad doing the platforming for you
What's the point?
>saying this about a Sonic game
they could just remove the jump button altogether. All you need to do is press forward.
please stop talking, Dear G-od
I don't understand.
What, after all these decades of failure, is so hard about the simple formula of the original trilogy that a modern corporation simply cannot create original levels or concepts from its designs?
Is creativity and good map design just too hard for developers in the current year?
>Its gotten to the point of trying to reply to your own thread
this is pathetic
You sonic autistic-o need to go-o
>Later games used more characters in the 3D games
>Worst game used thoses same assets
>Milking what worked for one of their average game
>Refuse to fix was wasn't broke because of what happened last time
Not too hard to see why
Thanks for the bump, boy-o.
>I don't know how bumps work
So you are really fucking retarded on top of being autistic
Nah, they are doing this on purpose. There is no way that this is seriously their best effort.
> So it couldn't be that the person playing is holding back on the stick
I don't get how people can jump to the conclusion that hitting enemies slow you down when they know damn well you can hold opposit directions to slow down. We need proper confirmation of them slowing you down before complaining.
That's a Puyo Puyo game with a Sonic skin
That was my first post in the whole thread
You're insane
This is a late april fools joke guys
Thanks for bumping the thread again, chimp-o.
You don't have to use them.
>sonic autistic man child
>fact checking
>buying new games
They don't do either, mom won't give then the money to get a new console and game with the limited amount of autism bucks they get
Nor do they have a reason to be there to begin with.
>hard Sega dick-sucker being insane
No surprise here.
This is great, hopefully more voices can run into each other.
I don't see how that negates the lack of enemy-kill-bounce or the s-shaped part or the abundance of pointless little tunnels and boost pads
I would have to be a new poster to bump dipshit
And no it wasn't the thread would have been bumped with it and the number of posters would have went up, which was only 34 at the time of that post
Just stop, this is getting pathetic
just play mania you n word jim. I'm getting mania and forces. I loved both styles of gameplay in generations
>I have never played a sonic game
You just described them all pal, good job
>I would have to be a new poster to bump dipshit
I hope for your own sake that you're just pretending here.
Why the fuck didnt they just keep iterating on Colours?
Glad you admitted that then. I'd recommend trying out one of the classic games, they're great.
You still move to the back page with more posts, you are not "bumped" the the front page unless the post is new.
You just slide back slower then posts getting autosaged or no posts at all
hello newfag
You right but can just avoid them you're acting like that option isn't there. I guess we can hope for some sort of hard mode. If not then wait till modders fix the game and pirate it.
The only point you have is "kill bounce" whatever that means, of which you can't know if it is or is not possible with a controller in your hand.
You are the one in need of playing game nigger.
WHY DOES HE TALK? WHAT. THE. FUCK. That is the most annoying shit ever. The video started and I'm like "wow this actually looks really good" and then I realize that voice isn't some let's player or some Phil Spencer like substance narrating a comercial for the game. It's fucking Sonic talking as you go through the level. FUCK YOU SEGA!
He does bounce after killing an enemy. He bounces off three bots in a row with out touching the ground.
>"wow this actually looks really good"
Are you fucking blind? Have you not seen Sonic Generations?
>time to rev the engine
the talking is edited in, by op most likely
What's wrong with it? A 7 years old would enjoy it.
oh boy haven't seen his videos in years
who thought turning sonic into a dragon's dogma pawn was a good idea?
Friendly reminder that Sonic was never good and only survived because of military-grade autism and furries.
This shit only supports that fact. I can't believe he reached his iconic status when all his games are mediocre garbage.
>88 posts
>no one made a point that it's fucking SPRINGS NOT BOUNCE PADS
Also, is it really from Boom game? How could anyone think this is good idea?
>Also, is it really from Boom game?
>sonic fans still exist
Genuinely want to know, why? Why do you guys do this to yourself?
Because Mania is coming out.
the adventure games were good but that's it
thanks doc
I want to impregnate those smug tits
The lack of pop when you destroy a robot is triggering me. It actually looks like he loses momentum.
then you remember that mania is being made
Why don't they just make the 2D Sonic portions a mix of CD and 4?