>tfw you realize they're the same guy
Tfw you realize they're the same guy
Other urls found in this thread:
>be op during last stage of human with chaos wep
>turn into a glorified buffbot when undead
I too played the campaign OP.
holy shit...
>go from level 10 in one level to level 1 in the next
What did blizzard mean by this?
>Arthas had a legitimate goal to cull Stratholme
>Uther was too dumb to accept it
>Jaina didn't back Arthas up
Everyone fucked up
>killing ppl because of an impulsive blonde manchild is ok!
i wonder who you voted for
>Has legitimate reasons that Jaina could have backed up to show that infected Andorhal grain was turning people undead.
Granted, Arthas wouldn't fucking calm down to properly explain but he could have at least gotten Uther to fight Mal'Ganis
Glad I could make it Arthas.
>grain for andorhal
>andorhal becomes an undead shitshow and you have to defend for 30 minutes
>same grain gets delivered to stratholme
add to that that orcs were sacrificing peasants to summon demons and uther just went lul we just train more
uther was such a passive asshole they could have the lich king shit icicles on the throne room and he would still say don't worry it's an empty threat
heroes dont feel really powerful during the campaign, not until you get illidan anway, and everything up until elves is arthas/dk soaking up damage
I watch my tone with you, old man. I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin.
Defend to me how Arthas was right to just murder the shit out of those Stratholme people.
> [/spoiler] Sup Forums can't.
He was given a chance to kill out a plague that was set to fuck up his entire kingdom, whether he was being manipulated or not shouldn't matter, if he'd let it spread his kingdom would have been fucked, sure that happned in the end anyway but it was all part of the Lich King's plan.
>better let them turn into mindless zombies that kill other people
he never asked for this
just like newfags can't spoiler
lurk more
This meme wasn't funny with pliskin and snake and it's not funny now.
I like how they retconned his death in WoW, WoW was a mistake.
>they could have the lich king shit icicles on the throne room and he would still say don't worry it's an empty threat
>tfw arthas burns all the ships and then kills his own mercenaries
WoW is absolute and utter trash to anyone who gives half a shit about continuing the story where the RTS' left off
I lied to my men, and betrayed the Mercenaries who fought for me!
What's happening to me, Muradin? Is vengeance all that matters to me?
Honestly the zombies weren't even that hard. He should have just let them turn to make a point then kill them with uther's help.
> I can't but at least I can spoiler right
Gameplay wise they're not hard. Lore-wise, you'd have a 50 thousand zombie army or something like that.
Why didn't Arthas just explain to Uther what they learned about the plague? Furthermore, why did Grommash literally get away with every single fuck-up he did through the entire Orc campaign?
Stratholme was the second largest city in the empire. A couple small villages took the entire army to hold back.
Arthas had a point till he went to northend for revenge. He also could have fixed the situation and explained to uther what was going one, instead of spilling the spaghetti
Then deal with it. You're a paladin, martyr yourself to make a point if you have to.
This sword is cursed Muradin! Let's get the hell out of here
You gladly bear any curse to save your homeland
Shit nigga, he wasn't that strong.
jaina the useless slut could've backed him up but instead she went full You can't watch me do that Jaina on him after witnessing andorhal
Uther was, and uther wouldn't have fucked off if Arthas just did the wait and say I told you so shit.
He lost all of his paladin levels for becoming evil and had start over as a level 1 death knight.
Goddamn DM railroading bullshit is what it is.
>Alright Grom, I got a plan on how to get past the humans without a fight, just dont attack anyone.
>Sure mane.
>5 minutes later
And also had to make a gorillion ghouls in one of the levels to outmatch much more powerful units as nothing else was available.
they fixed it they start at 55 now
Grom was literally retarded with his battle hunger
>"Okay Grom since you are clinically retarded just go cut some trees with your clan"
>Grom starts another race war
>takes a sword from a stone
>Block of ice in a pedestal
>why did Grommash literally get away with every single fuck-up he did through the entire Orc campaign?
But he died?
>tfw surrounded by weak-minded cowards
Glad you could bake it, Uther.
Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the waiter, but I'm still your superior as a chef.
As if I could forgetti. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plaguette you should knead. Oh no... It's too late. These peopleroni have all been infectedanana. They may look al dente now, but its a matter of thyme before they turn into the unedible.
This entire citrella must be peeled.
How can you even cook that? There's got to be some other whey.
Damn it, Umami. As your future chef, I order you to broil this city!
You are not my chef yet, boyardee. Nor would I obey that command if you were!
Then I must consider this an act of seasoning.
Seasoning? Have you sauced your mince, Arthas?!
Have I? Lord Umami, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown of roast pork, I hereby rehydrate you from your commandard and suspenderoni your pepperoni from service.
Arthas, you just can't...
*Ding* It's done! Those of you who have the will to taste this flan, follow me. The rest of you? Get out of my kitchen.
You've just tossed a terrible salad, Arthas.
I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't watch you cook this.
What happens ifyou are alone when you pull that sword out?
What was the curse anyway?
Lich King takes your soul. Muradin didn't get his soul taken cause he just got knocked out, really hard according to WoW
Top kek
>I order you to broil this city!
every time i read this, i get something new out of it
never stop posting
>*Ding* It's done!
every fucking time
because reason isn't working when writing fantasy
If you could choose between
>WoW stops being canon
>WC4 announced
What would you choose?
WoW stops being canon
If i take a look at current year blizzard, I don't want them to make anymore games
What point is 1 without 2 though?
I don't want any current year legacy devs to make video games anymore. Especially Capcom.
Warcraft as a franchise can finally rest in peace with the respect it deserves
>Suspenderoni your pepperoni
comedy gold
Cause they'd almost have to make WoW noncanon for it to work. What else would we do, just fight the Legion?
>tfw not using the faces
As if I could forgetti
This is Sup Forums's plane scene.
Oh Arthas...how the mighty have fallen, yet became also awesome as they fell.
To be fair, Thrall didn't know that the mysterious forest to the north houses badass, batshit, moon-worshipping, druidism practicing, murder-hippie barbarian elves with bitchin leather led by a demigod with antlers, lower body of a deer and with one arm that is that of a treant.
Also said elves, instead of telling Grom and the Warsong Clan to get off their lawn, started to shoot them with so much arrows they blot out the sun.
I mean even then, the mission right before has Grom going absolutely ape-shit against the Alliance.
But yeah, I will give you that one about Thrall being out of contact while Grom and co. fought against a demigod that held back the legion.
Blizzard declares WoW non canon in order to comply with the RPG produced by Bioware
>it's an orc player does blademaster worker rush but doesn't micro his base episode
it's a parrot
holy shit I fucking love Warcraft
Sup Forums needs to be gassed.
You're lying
how new r u
Uther was a complete cuck.
He either should've followed Arthas, or if he truly believed what he was doing was wrong and evil he should've stood his ground and stopped him right there. Instead he was a spineless pussy and just left.
>He lost all of his paladin levels for becoming evil and had start over as a level 1 death knight.
This was the original pitch for DKs in WoW. They were gonna ask you to sac a level 60 to make one.
They should've stuck to it, or required DKs to have some lengthy quest chain to unlock instead of just having a level 58 which everybody and their mother already did.
I remember way back when I was a kid I kept looking at the pc game section and feel sad seeing such an awesome cover for the warcraft games and wanting to play it so god dam badly but was too poor to buy it or to own a pc.
Man that sucks user.
is the campaign actually worth playing? I only bought it for online multiplayer.
I just want WoW to be retconned into an alternative reality and have them finally make WarCraft IV with the art-style toned down to WarCraft III levels, with all the idiocy WoW presented removed and simply have a RTS.
But nope, we will never get it, and if we did, it would have a retarded story.
arthas is a big guy
That was something
>becomes king
Not op but
>[/spoiler] Guaranteed Replies
So angry manchilds can be happy they ruined fun for some people they consider worse
WoW died with Garrosh.
Fuck Thrall and fuck Blizzard.
I was sad they didnt at least let him keep chaos damage. Sure choas damage and melee damage barely had any difference, but for story sake it wouldve been a nice touch
Uther was an old man fat with pride and laziness. He had grown weak from having to do mostly ceremonial jobs and once in a while kill some weak and scattered orcs and bandits.
They tell you as much when you defeat his raid in WoW.
for the alliance
Could Mozart be still alive?
If you were to sacrifice one old character people would whine that they always focussed on one character and they didnt want to sacrifice it, if it was leaked everyone would reroll and play an alt till it was 58. If it required some lengthy quest everyone would just ignore the endgame for a week to do that, and people that dont have time would complain a part of the game is locked away for them. Especially since DKs were super OP. Just look at jedis in galaxies. First it was barely known and as soon as it was told how to become one the whole game changed as everyone would jump on the jedi train
What the FUCK was his problem?
How could mozart still be alive you must be retarded to think that.
Even if he would still be alive, why would he be on Sup Forums.
Let mozart be, he would be happy if he were still alive that way
Please refrain from trying to trick other people he is alive as well
Move along, mozart spamming is done.
Everyone knows he is dead for centuries.