Dragon Quest heroes 2

I cant run the game edition:
> wahhh my Nvidia Pascal super L33t GPU doesn't support a year old game so I'm refunding and leaving a bad review, that will show Koei Tecmo! Nvidia isn't the problem!
>wahhhh my screen doesn't go full screen because I didnt update my windows for 3years!
>wahhhh I'm too retarded to know how to update my drivers
>waaah deveno is cancer killing videogames!
>wahhh this 4yearold pos laptop doesnt run the game well so bad review.
>waaah I'v neglected my computer so much that if a game doesn't run well it's probably the game devs fault.

>"Works on my machine-OP"

Game is great btw

Other urls found in this thread:


It's already on. Just not on Steam or any of the English online retailers

Can someone explain to me the appeal of Musou games? they're so boring... repetitive, and pointless.

Autism is a hell of a drug

English as in UK,you gus get it on the 28th
Dont know,I dont like warriors games but I like this game,If I had to put my finger on it's the enemy variety stead of the same blob of troops you see in shit like this youtube.com/watch?v=z-OKinHVs04

The appeal is the characters in them that you're using. Literally no one likes them for the gameplay.

i k now that now is open world, but what else is diferent?

played it on the ps3 like a year ago or something. nice shit. first one was better imo

Sup Forums is 99% poorfags that have been holding back PC for years
what else is new?

>defending the likes of Koei Tecmo
Absolute cancerous degenerate, piss off.

DQ Builders pc when?

I do. I also like old school beat em ups though.

Yeah bud, don't have autism. Love the games.


Ya'll have some focus issues. I don't get bored of these easily but then again I only play for a max of 2 hrs or so. It's a great stress relief sort of game.

So I guess Final Fight and Streets of Rage were always shit then? What's wrong with you people? Musous are just beat em ups on roids.

>First one was better
Are you the one person in the world that actually loved the TD gameplay, or something?

online Coop,play with friends but with some limitations,you can play as some of the monsters now,feels more like your fighting on actual battlefield than DQH1.Most bosses like pic related

It plays like much more of an ARPG than your typical musou.
>about 12 hours in and there hasn't been a single "capture the field" instance, story actually has you going places and doing things
>boss enemies are like monhun-lite - you gotta duck and weave and don't lock yourself in an animation carelessly
>enemy variety is good
>spellcasters actually being spellcasters and calling down huge thunderstorms and hurricanes and shit, instead of just reskinned melee
>your AI partners are actually useful on-screen
>lots of different movesets to experiment with

does it have DENUVO?

Not him But I liked the tw stuff but Id never go back and play those parts again mainly because of how annoying they are sometimes that cost you 20mins.

What is it to you pirate?

Is it better than the first one? That was the closest I got to enjoying a warriors game, but I still just got bored out of my mind a couple hours in.

I never played the first one.

first is shit, do not play it

Fug, I didn't know it was out already. How's the game? It's a musou style game right?

i like it

The only good thing about the first game was the intro cutscene and I suspect this will be the same for the second game.

It was good,latter lvls and endgame is the really good bits with upgrade enemy types and bosses to where you need a good party.
You lack taste buds bud.

>Look at reviews launch day
>Negatives are nothing but waaaaa hard to play with mouse. My Gt500 cant run, but looks like PS2 game, what gives?

Why are early buyers on Steam so fucking dumb? You have tons of options for control schemes, why does a specific one have to be the best?

Games fun if your a Warriors fan btw. Much more RPGish then others with a huge roster. Maya and Meena this time hells yes.

>buying a pc port made by fucking square enix AND koei tecmo

What the fuck are people thinking?

This. Fuck DQH.

>co-op is shit and requires players to constantly join and re-join games over and over
>can only co-op "bosses" and "dungeons"

trash game

We have tones on minecraft-like games on steam though and Builders just works on consoles.
so like darksouls?

dark souls is trash too then

In Dark Souls I you can summon at the start of the stage and run the whole thing before needing to summon again, In Dark Souls II and III you don't need to resummon almost ever

So no, nothing like Dark Souls.

unless they die of course

i'm a sucker for anime ass hack and slash games, but this is $60
give it to me straight, is it worth it? i'm close to buying it

also to add to this user to play the story missions with a friend you have to fucking beat the mission first alone, how fucking asinine.

Builders let you play as a loli.

if you're buying it play with friends don't, the multiplayer functions like shit and requires you to jump through too many hoops. If purchasing it for the single-player it's not too bad, but not 60 dollars worth. Wait for the price to drop or find it not on steam.

Go watch a stream or something

Sometimes i'm amazed how people complain about new games not working on their pc's. I have yet to meet a game that doesn't work on my year old toaster. ASIDE few indie games.

how long till it's cracked?

>now even boring ass Musou games have Denuvo

What the fuck is going on?
I thought Japan was better than this.

Why the hell do all Musou games do that co-op shit where you have to beat the level first? I just want to coop the thing from start to finish with my bro without having to replay everything twice. It's straight up fucking stupid.

>pirating a multiplayer game


Too old. She already has tits.

the multiplayer is almost unexistant

Why even buy it on PC? Just buy it on PS4 and sell it after you played through it.

Don't wanna buy a PS4.

There are actual good Musou games but the only ones that qualify are those that actually stay away from the cookie cutter Musou formula and are more like different genres instead.

Hokuto no Ken Musou, the first one (the second was shit) is a good example. It's a very competent beat'em up with intuitive combo system that puts emphasis on gameplay mechanics rather than amount of characters. Proper cancelling mechanics as well.

And then the sequel shat all over the complexity the first one had and it became one of the worst, simplest and dumbed down Musou games in existence.

Don't read beyond this point, this is a warning for your own good.
Omae wa mou shindeiru.

Who even buys consoles these days...

I just got the option to change classes on the PS4 version

also you get a DQ Builders hammer if you have save data.

Millions of people

Do you people even enjoy games anymore? Why buy shit games you will play once and be done with it? Why not buy a few great games but enjoy them highly and replay them every once in a while.

>they're so boring... repetitive, and pointless
That's my opinion on diablo type games but they're stupidly popular. In the end, different people have different tastes.

Is Dragon Quest even worth getting in to or are they all just generic B-tier JRPGs?

I have only played Dragon Quest Heroes and I found it to be a really tightly designed game with enemies that serve different mechanical purposes. Prioritizing makes it pretty intense as well as doing the most practical attacks for different monsters, and dodging attacks that stop movement and leave you open to more attacks. Because of the nature of the game relying on enemy placement and not much else, theres a lot of content and the design always changes things up. Cant speak to the other ones and I wouldnt of played it if it wasnt a fantasy setting with monsters and shit.

Japs are terrible at understanding multiplayer games, co-op shit especially.

Only that Diablo is objectively far more complex and deeper than any Musou. Hell you can name any shit game. CoD, Minecraft, Fifa etc. They're all way beyond Musou. Playing Musou is the equivalent of watching moe anime. You just pick up something braindead because you're human trash, a brainlet.

I never played another of these games but I really liked that, yea. Being attacked from three different angles, each with a killing machine, trying to postpone one or two while you rush to the third and finish it as quickly as possible, all the while thinking when its best to use whatever the ultimate attack is called, so the objective isnt destroyed, is a thrilling experience. For me at least.

>repetitive, and pointless.
so every single game ever made

>"muh complexity"

Just because there's a skill tree and you chose which skill to pump doesn't mean spamming that one skill over and over is objectively far more complex and deeper.

Thats a shame because it has a really slow start introducing the mechanics and basically babying you but gets really fucking fun

>repetitive, and pointless.
Yep, videogame.

79.99 CAD no thanks

I dropped it a couple missions after getting he airship. Maybe I'll try to pick it back up again.

>Yangus got replaced by Desdemona

I'm not saying that Diablo is complex. I'm saying that compared to Musou games it is complex. For Musou players even breathing is complex.


Musou games have more complex gameplay. Diablo has more complex equipment/skill customization.

By what standard? If I hadnt played dqh I would think its a fucking alphabet game or something. Have you not played God of War or Sonic Unleashed?

>thinking Yangus can ever be repalced
He's in the time space labyrinth dungeons,desdemona is a good barbarian waifu though

I don't think people who play Musous are looking for something complex to begin with. At least that's not the reason I play. If I had to explain, I'd think the power trip feeling the game gives you is one of the main draws. It's a similar feeling that people get in Diablo games when they get that single drop that raises their numbers at bit more, at least that's what it feels like to me as someone who's looking at Diablo players from the outside.

Musous have the shitty kind of complexity. Which comes from the sheer number of options.

Just what is objective about that statement?

They're both gameplay, fucktard. What you meant to say with your limited vocabulary is that Musou has better combat while Diablo focuses on other aspects like customization. With the exception of Diablo having better customization this statement is completely wrong. Diablo has better combat alone for having far better enemy variety while no matter how many options Musou has it will be always simple shit since all enemy types are braindead.

>58.79 US Dollars
>53.85 Euros

Welcome to Hell was the first level I got stuck on and had to plan out an approach for. Swapping out your party for a hard level basically never happens until this point, I would say

first video I found of it

I have a [major degree in objective thought].

I assume they are like lego games, the gameplay is kinda fun, but the games are repetitive, so you just pick the franchise you like and try not to get burnt out.

>Diablo has better combat

right click simulator

By that metric making choices in visual novels is gameplay. Which I would say it is.

Most strategy games and RPGs can be easily played with just the mouse. This statement is meaningless.
Ok? Absolutely unrelated to the topic.

Huh? You claimed gear/skill tree = gameplay.

Then again there's the issue of each IP's musou having different really nice things.

>Pirate Warriors(As of 3) has an amazing combo system.
>AoT REALLY captures the feel of the series and is amazingly satisfying.
>Gundam Musou's part system and pilot progression top the others as well as having a solid relationship system.
>Bladestorm actually makes you feel like part of an army.
>Samurai Warriors vastly improves on >Dynasty Warriors in general through even the simplest thing like a T-T-S combo tree
>Dragon Quest Heroes had more interesting maps to traverse and a superior part system and guest AI.

Each musou game has enough differences to check out each branch

oh great another muso

But I don't give a single FUCK about dragon quest

Except VIII because that game is FIVE STARS

DQ fans sure get sore asses easily.

Customization like controls are just one aspect of the gameplay. It's a common misconception among retards that gameplay isn't involving everything about how a game plays. Comparing Visual Novels to Diablo is among the most retarded statement I have read in a while. Are you some kind of nigger or other third world trash?

>ports of consoletrash games
As if that wasn't retarded enough you actually have the fucking gall to post MUSOU, the single worst genre in video games. Literally made for mentally stunted people to waste their lives on because anything that requires a brain is too complex when you're suffering from severe mental retardation.
Literally who plays this shit? Do people get off on using 1 button on their controller for 100s of hours against enemies with literally no AI?

How about putting all of this in a single game so Musou games don't play like half assed trash?

Impossible, using anything other than 1 button on the controller with anything above a 0% chance of dying to an enemy is the worst thing in the world to the braindead pieces of human waste that play this god forasken trash.

That's where the gameplay comes in in visual novels, and arguably in diablo as well. There's nothing complex about spamming one skill repeatedly in rooms until things die. Therefore the complexity exists in the making of choices which influence your character - akin to choices in visual novels. While gameplay surely includes these choice-making aspects, it's not what was referred to in You have failed to understand the context of the word and equate each word to having only one meaning, which shows that you have a miniscule vocabulary.

>There's nothing complex about spamming one skill repeatedly in rooms until things die
So by your logic Musou is even below Visual Novels in terms of gameplay since you don't make any meaningful decisions at all and the rest is braindead trash.

i just want Builders on Steam
come on ;_;7

How do you get weapon proficiency past rank 5? I've noticed it just kind of stopped there.

You play a real game.

>"muh complexity"

>muh eceleb

>find healslime
>only do 1 damage to it

>see king slime off in the distance

I don't think I'm supposed to be here

>has to rely on a retarded youtuber who cant even string a coherent sentence together
Braindead as always, musou cucks.