Call of Duty: Fury
hype thread
>no russian front
>no pacific front
>no african front
>american propaganda: the vidya game
Call of Duty: Fury
hype thread
>no russian front
>no pacific front
>no african front
>american propaganda: the vidya game
link to trailer? I could look it up, but fuck it ya know?
Are no brits and ruskies confirmed? Or people just assuming that since they aren't in the trailer?
Regardless, I love WW2 as a setting even if it's just Normandy. This might be the first COD game I buy since World at War.
Incoming 404, filthy shill.
they said there's some brits involved that work with the french resistance so maybe 1 or two missions with brits after D-Day, but they haven't mentioned anything of any other fronts
I believe one of the dudes said "Most of action will happen in 1944-1945" so there'll probably be a few one-shot missions where you fight on the other fronts. Hopefully.
>no Canadian campaign
dropped. I actually think the path from the juno beach assault would be pretty based
I won't be paying for this Jew fuck fest.
Took me 10 seconds, you lazy twat.
I guess not saying anything is better than spoiling the entire game before release anyways. To many games do that.
I'm sure there will be something, but honestly I am so starved of WW2 games at this point I will be happy with just another USA beach landing in Normandy game.
All the other more rare fronts are all present in games anyways, just not FPS. If people want German/Russian/French/Polish/British/Japanese/Italian/Cretian/North African/Atlantic/SEA campaigns try RTS/RTT.
>no russian front
It's a cool thing to demonize Russia today.
And give us German campaign, fucking pussies!
>play as the french
>not a single person of color
Wow, Activision. It's 2017.
what is Call of Duty Finest Hour tank mission that foucuses entirely on black tank company
the other threads died so i thought i'd make another one so anons who wanted to talk about, y'know the biggest even in the gaming industry this week could talk about it
grow up.
I thought I heard a British accent in the trailer.
CoD has always used the Brits in their games anyway, I don't see why they'd stop now.
Thanks, I'll pay it forward one day
I actually had that on Gamecube. I couldn't get past the first level though because the GC controller is awful for FPS.
It's funny because you KNOW the media is going to call them out on it on release
I'm sure it'll be just as shit as the last 5 or so games.
how many are we shooting for this time?
So no German campaign still?
Parodies like fucking Dino D-Day allow you to play that side, but not CoD?
>Other characters appear including female resistance fighters
where were you when activision figured out how to masterfully shoehorn in female characters into a historically male dominated time period to appease the lesser sex. This is the death of video games.
>the video game board is talking about a video game
What a shocker.
We don't want to let the goym astray now, do we?
>americans arent allowed to just make things about themselves otherwise its propaganda
They already confirmed in the stream that it's ALL US Army western front only.
from what i saw in the trailer this is essentially a generic (((speilberg))) action packed US centric version of the war: the video game
Honestly i might play this if its not a cutscenefest i missed WW2 shooters.
I won't touch the multiplayer though.
There were female resistance fighters though. At least they're putting it somewhere that makes sense.
>spamming threads is "talking about videogames"
This is death of the West
Why doesn't anyone give a shit at this point? How many times can you do the same thing over and over again?
>Future didn't sell, guess we better make WWII again.
>Better copy paste the gunplay from MW2
>That Q3 engine will do for another title
>Netcode still gets worse
Lets be honest, we all know it will happen.
It looks so...shit? That color pallette looks like it is straight from Advanced Warfare and so out of place. If the story is like the bro life of Big Red One, I'll consider getting it, but I have a feeling it's gonna be like the garbage modern CoD's where you get a shit breifing and teleport onto the next level. Not to mention their trying to ride off of zombies again, which only Treyarch does right. I hope the rumored Treyarch's zombies standalone pack leaks are true though.
I was a little bit hyped for this but this is honestly pretty fuckin lame.
What's a WWII game without the eastern front? Shit, that's what.
>big vidya game reveal an hour ago
you're just trolling at this point
I see your badly hidden shill thread and I raise you one lewd Digimon and a cup of bleach.
Nothing new there.
is that you germanon?
>american propaganda
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? America is the nation that liberated Europe and the world from fascism and preserved western democracy. Why exactly aren't they entitled to make games where they feel proud about this fact?
Why would they do this when WAW had this?
Why dont the Japs make a WW2 shooter about the Japs?
WaW had not the Western front.
Amerifats would have gotten BTFO'd if it wasnt for Russia
nothing, its just the cheesy lies and the
>all germans are evil testosterone fuelled baldies that want to kill all the joos and take over the world
>he doesn't know about Hélène Deschamps Adams
Basic history m8
>make a game where just get blown the fuck out for 4 years
sounds fun
>yurocucka mad they dont get to play as a nigger
wtf i love cod now
That was the Soviet Union. Great Britain wouldve fallen by 43 if it wasnt for them.
It's not American, it's liberals' - globalists' propaganda.
>yet another uninspired shooter
I'm sure there's a reddit page or something you can spam your "hype" comments on and be in good company.
that would be more like a naval simulator
Didn't it have you play American and Russian campaigns? Pretty sure I remember that.
Because japs are a honor society and they don't need the power of all their media to collect sympathy for a war they lost 80 years ago,
funny since the other threads got 500 replies and alot of active discussion
meanwhile (you) here....
>America is the nation that liberated Europe and the world from fascism
no dude, you're thinking of Russia. but nice brainwashing you have there.
Yeah, but all of Europe would be commie land right now if it wasn't for the US.
it had pacific campaign, eastern campaign.
thats it.
Didn't they already make this game?
>Tfw anons don't care about being historically accurate for WW2
oh the ironing
Sup Forums is leaking again.
That's just a shadow cast over them, theyre white
Russia did win the war.
Saved the world? Nah.
user pls
you're not wrong, WW2 was essentially the rape and pillage of europe by yankstains
>Russia liberated Europe
Nigger they occupied half of it for over half a century, what the fuck are you on about?
shut the fuck up imbecile
>I watch a section of the game set during the Battle of Hürtgen Forest.
Neat, Hurtgen forest confirmed. I supose Battle of the Bulge will happen too but a lot of games skip over Hurtgen which happened right beforehand, I heard it was a real bloodbath of a battle too.
I've always wanted to see it in a game to be honest. I think it was in one of the Men of War games actually now that I recall.
> No Chinese Front
redpill: D-Day and everything that will happen in this game was nothing to do with stopping Hitler and liberating europe, it was about stopping the commies from taking over europe.
Americans and brits did spread propaganda all over western europe though.
That's why east europe hates jews and niggers and muzzies, and west europe proudly asks for the destruction.
Sup Forums was a mistake
Sooo, what you're saying is, mass immigration is England's and America's fault?
>greece in the communist bloc
yu wot m8 ?
normie pls go
I wonder what the WaW threads were like in 2008.
iirc call of duty did this ages ago. there were about 4 or 5 levels were you played as all black tank brigade or whatever the proper term is. it's not new. but they were segregated in war as they were back home. as long as it's accurate i dont care
>No Russian front
not to mention they literally emptied their prisons out onto the front lines, leading to the rape of nanking which they deny happened in their public schooling. they are N O T fucking proud of their actions in WW2 (publicly at least), and they know better than anyone else to shut the fuck up about ww2 because they arguably got owned the hardest anyone ever has in the history of the world for being the only people to ACTUALLY get themselves nuked.
>t. jew
for europe, the nazis were the good guys hence why it was a truly european fight against commieism with volunteers from all over europe,
for america, of course they couldn't care less about culture and rape and merely care more about the benefits of winning the war and becoming a world power, so of course the nazis were the evil baddies.
Its not like the soldiers were bad people either and it'd be interesting to play as them.
Holy shit that picture is so wrong..
this map is so inaccurate it hurts
>>american propaganda: the vidya game
so every modern COD ever?
Oh look it's Call of Duty. I wonder what rehash it's gonna be this year.
>Big Red One
Okay, so is there like an actual appeal to this game over the pretty graphics? Otherwise I'd just play World at War again, because that was, you know, somewhat interesting.
>s-stop discussing what i dont like play my weeb games!
except those are fiction and not set on real life, acting as fact
The KKE, bruh. Read a history book, that map is from 1946, immediately after the war.
At least it had it though. If this new one has nothing else but American shit that is pretty lame.
People only play this for the multiplayer anyways. However doesn't that mean there won't be weapons like Type 100 or PPSH? It was in WAW so why not this new one?
But in reality, what really have happened? 1 dictatorship state overcame another dictatorship state.