What would cause the biggest shitstorm to ever hit Sup Forums?

What would cause the biggest shitstorm to ever hit Sup Forums?

My bets are on pic related.

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the sonybro defense force threads would be glorious

I think Sonybros could stand losing 12 sales.

Even the idea triggers them, see

A good game.

Zelda on PC


>PCfags would still never get their hands on it

Nah, it's already there.

Have it for ages.

What is Xbox play anywhere?

That only applies to a certain number of games, mainly Microsoft published games.

Paid Online for Steam

We've had some good shitstorms.

Remember when console fags said MGSV would never come to PC? Then it did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when console fags said Dragons Dogma would never come to PC? Then it did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when console fags said Dark Souls would never come to PC? Then it did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when console fags said Dead Rising 1 would never come to PC? Then it did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when console fags said GTAV would never come to PC? Then it did. And they cried a lot.

I could go on, but generally if you want a bigger shitstorm then you need to upset console users (particularly PS4 users)

An amazing game that's PC only and actually takes advantage of high end PC hardware.


A working PS4 emulator.

you don't need to be a furious sonybro to realize literally nobody has an xbone

Half-Life 3 as a console exclusive.


Name one (1) zelda game that cannot be played on PC

Half Life 3 is released.

It is a free-to-play mobage for android with lots of micro-transactions.

MonHun 5 on PS4 or Vita

here is 3
Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure

>being that proud of eating scraps

yes they do. sorry to burst your sonybro bubble


A games quality decreases based on amount of players having played it before?

>Remember when console fags said Dead Rising 1 would never come to PC?
It was Xbox 360 exclusive and literally everyone was happy after that
Also Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls too
Fuck off

Try again. I've got all day.

with that being said I'd be happy to buy a Switch just for that thanks

>not BB2 on Switch

>Fuck off

No, you're going to keep feeding me your tears, consolefag.

Do as I say and reply to me.

This could only happen if sony gave their okay and I doubt they'd do it for anything but one of the microsoft franchises like halo or gears of war. Both aren't stupid enough to make such a deal.


>Do as I say and reply to me.

15-20fps and broken physics and gyro doesn't count as playable.

Remember when PC fags said Starcraft 1 would never come to consoles, then it came to N64

Remember when PCfags said MGS HD Collection would come to PC? Then it never did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when PCfags said Red Dead Redemption would come to PC? Then it never did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when PCfags said Nioh would come to PC? Then it never did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when PCfags said Ace Combat 4/5/6/0 would come to PC? Then it never did. And they cried a lot.

Remember when PCfags said No More Heroes (The PS3 version) would come to PC? Then it never did. And they cried a lot.

I could go on, but generally if you enjoy playing video games then you need to stop being loyal to one platform and join the Idort master race

They definitely are all accessible if not completely playable on a decent enough PC with how cemu's coming along. I dunno how gimmicks like the Phantom Hourglass close the DS puzzle and Link's Crossbow Training sans zapper would work though.



Explain how a Sony IP could end up on Xbone...

Bloodborne and Persona 5 produced the biggest shitstorms when their platforms were announced.

>Remember when PCfags said Ace Combat 4/5/6/0 would come to PC?

literally emulatable perfectly

The RUSE being real


>Remember when PCfags said
[Citation Needed]

Also we can emulate Ace Combat almost perfect, the fuck you on about?

you from the future where heat death destroyed our universe?

Link me to your wondrous 360 emulator so I can play AC6, then.

not even him i want to see how far you zoom in

FF7 remake post relaese.
No matter how the actual game turns out
probably shit

Shit forgot about AC6

anyway, 4/5/0 are still emulatable, and those are enough

>I'm too stupid to use google

I know computers are scary, but do put some effort in, child.


Dont shitpost with my dad pls

>Implying it isn't

>haha lets make a thread soley designed for shitflinging and pathetic attempts at false flagging to seem funny


The same way Mass Effect 1 ended up on the PS3.

>Remember when a kid made a shitty console war baitpost to fight his buyers remorse.
Oh wait, that happens literally several times every second.

That would be the end of The Gaf, Chad Warden, Vita, Horizon, Dude Raider, Sales and other equally disgusting sonnygger threads for fucking ever.

I'd have to stop coming here for a while if this happened
I don't even come here that often now because of the BotW and Bayonetta threads
I like both games but does their need to be 8 threads on both, filling up the catalog all of the time, with no actual discussion, just bait and responses to that bait

it'll never happen so this thread is completely pointless.

>Emulating the prerecorded intro of a game is the same as emulating the game itself
>That screen tearing
>That stuttering
>the guest has crashed, xenia has now paused itself

Real emulateable pal,

>goal post moving

You said show you it being emulated, so I did. Stop being a butthurt peasant already.

lol who the hell with an xbox even WANTS Bloodborne

Why do you think people call it the 'DUDEBROSHOOTER' console

We'll see about that. :^)


still scraps

I hate to tell you.
But PC has a real flight sim community with autist that pour more money in their joysticks than you did in your whole console+library and they regret less.
AC is laughed upon there.

Not him but all I saw in that video was a game failing to be emulated.

PC bloodborne would cause a greater stir. Nobody actually gives a shit about xb1 and even then it's still a console.

That's fine. Everybody is ignorant about something. Also,
>Not him


I said I wanted an emulator to "play" AC6. Your video shows me that I cannot play AC6 on a PC, as it crashes the emulator after the starting menu.

That's not moving the goalposts at all. That's asking for a hamburger and being disappointed when your server brings out a can of chicken soup

This. The Xbone is a dead platform for real gamers, who would really give a shit about them getting Bloodborne? The only thing they care about is having the latest cowadoody, madden and Fifa.

PC getting Bloodborne would create a massive shitstorm that Sup Forums would likely never recover from, even though as a PS4 user, I would like PC users to be able to play it.

Ssshh, consolefag. You must be tired from carrying those goal posts so far across the field.

Just lay back and spread that backpussy, I promise I'll be gentle (I wont be).

>PCfags STILL can't play Catherine

Dont shitpost with my wife pls

I asked for a way I can play Ace Combat 6 on PC. You've shown me that I cannot. I fail to see how I am in the wrong in this situation

Alright, I'll start using this slut then

Nintendo buying Microsoft.
Microsoft buying Sony.
Sony buying Nintendo.

That's just as completely unrealistic as what you suggested.

Stop right there criminal scum, that's MY waifu. She's not a slut either, nor is she fat.

>I fail to see how I am in the wrong in this situation

I'm sure you're used to failure, my consolefag friend.

Remember when Sup Forums got 60fps (webm) before consoles did? Top kek.

Consoles had 60 frames before
but not this cash grabby jewy current gen they like to defend while it fucks their asses sideways at every given opportunity

Yeah sure, faggot.
Completely agree. I actually have a PS3 and had an Xbox360 before the fucker died twice, and honestly found enjoyment out of them. But this current console gen is absolute fucking shit, with PC outperforming it. Remember when "PS3 has no gaems" was a meme? Fuck me, if we could see the future and how shit the PS4 line up was, we would have shut up perhaps.


yeah, we'll see if sony puts their intellectual property on xbox /s

You can really suck a dick...
when you are one of the poor bastards who even fell for this gen twice. I build my PCs for over 20 years now, and in no point in time I was less tempted to get a console.
And all they can come up with is muh exclusives when in the past a console library was almost only exclusives.
But things like Nioh and Bloodborne and the other handful exclusive games make it really worth.

Considering the first MH was on PlayStation, this wouldn't surprise me.

>unironic console war posting
If you honestly care this much about exclusives and ports that is pretty pathetic

>Bayonetta 2 on PC
The tears would be delicious.

Yeah? Fuck you nigga, I fuck yo bitch, how bout dat?
Oh mate, I feel you, really. Its annoying as fuck because sometimes a console having an exclusive or two is nice, because when that gen "ends" you can just pick the console and game up dirt cheap and enjoy some new content. But what the fuck does PS4 have so far? I don't give a fuck about the Souls series at all, let alone Bloodborne. They've got nothing, and I feel like that's a damn shame.
Your exclusives a shit

>Running at 10fps

See this shit right here. Multiply by 10 across a dozen threads. That's what you get. Along with a fuckton of blog complaining, hate letters, and whining videos.

I think this is the point where the spoiler joke gets stale.
Well who knows, maybe current gen can make a 360 and go away late in its lifecycle if the bone.5 is able to liven it up a little and sony is forced to act.
Little competition was always good for overall quality.
But it honestly feels like this gen is already over and they will announce the next one at e3 while bone.5 will aim for next gen with backwards comp.
So I doubt it.

Worst thing is that due to this tech company fanboyism they served them shit on a plate and they all ate up.
So is likely to be shit too. Because why shouldn't they shit on a plate when it sells like hotcakes.

Sony Microsoft and Nintendo saying that they won't be releasing more consoles and will port and deliver all the games on PC.

Agreed. But yeah, I feel like this "gen" is over as well. You've put that very well. We already know the 4.5 and Scorpio is coming, don't we?

So yeah, shits fucked all around. And its a damn shame about it.

I'm curious for reasons; what is the current state of modded and hacked Bloodborne builds and how do said builds play into the PvP aspect of the game? Back before OG DaS had a rushed PC port I remember very seldom if ever encountering hackers. After said port was released I remember a humongous fucking influx of stupid assholes with modded clients.

I would give xbone bloodborne if we got quantum break. pc can't have it though.

>Sony Microsoft and Nintendo saying that they won't be releasing more consoles and will port and deliver all the games on standardized, non-proprietary hardware, allowing anyone and everyone to play them

Why would there be a shitstorm? This would be the healthiest thing for the industry.

Nintendo must have payed the absolute motherload of shekels for Monhun exclusivety if it Capcom gets more from that than putting it on PS4 and selling DLC season passes out the ass

I've never seen a hacker on Bloodborne ever. I'm not sure if people have hacked or modded it before either. At worst some exploits or min maxers.

>I havent tried the new CEMU version yet.

Still in denial, I see.