"Hey guys! let's make a persona that is a goblin sitting on a floating toilet!"
Literally wtf?
>tfw this is real and it's actually in the game
"Hey guys! let's make a persona that is a goblin sitting on a floating toilet!"
Literally wtf?
>tfw this is real and it's actually in the game
Other urls found in this thread:
I could be wrong but I thought Toilet demon was in prior Persona games. And if that's true he was probably in SMT games before/during that as well.
I mean it shouldn't be that weird, there's a chariot made of dicks in the games.
it's really not that weird. I haven't even played that game and I see weirder shit in plenty of games
do some research
>Design originating from Shin Megami Tensei II, later to be updated for all subsequent toilet based appearances
Also, op is retarded
That demon is older than you.
Well Persona 5 is my first persona game.
I just thought it's pretty funny they actually put this into the game
And I think you're a fucking faggot
He was definitely in previous games. He was on a toilet then as well. None of this is new.
>demon that sits on a toilet helps people by giving them ideas
accurate desu (d e s u)
Please don't bother making a thread when you meet Mara.
>he doesn't know about Mara
Well hope you enjoy it then user. And make sure to make this thread again when you meet Mara.
Personas suppose to represent personalities of real people right? i wonder what personality this represents
fucking faggot, don't ever post here again
>Not admitting that a penis monster is a pretty funny thing to have in a video game
Not really, aside from the character specific personas they're just mythological figures from the collective human consciousness afaik
The reason MC can use them is because of wild card memes, I'm not sure on the details with P1 and 2 though
>All these newfags only now finding out about SMT demons.
What's next? Complaining about Satan having 3 sets of nice tits?
>Some claim that he must be worshiped on a toilet
That is the real thing, that in real life some people worshipped him on toilets.
die immediately
Oh come on man.
just lighten up, stop being like this
>Guy on the toilet represents sloth
I don't get it. I guess I'm pretty slothful when I take a dump and spend an extra 30 minutes on the toilet playing my 3ds.
The gold chariot is material desires, while being a penis is sins of the flesh.
So... a greedy whore.
I'm sorry, user. I only die for cute girls.
Yeah, it's pretty epic for the win
Even demons too.
Really shows how a lot of people don't know stuff and thought that the design meant nothing.
>newfag playing the fifth game of a series
>make a thread even though he doesn't know shit about it
Why dont you faggots go to Reddit?
You can post this type of shit there and get thumbs up. Isn't that what you want?
>hating on Belphegor
Its like you hate fun?
>You have to play every game in the series if you want to enjoy persona 5 XD
Hmmm no. that's not how it works
This will always be my favorite monster design in a vidya. What an absolutely glorious clusterfuck.
you forget the chariot itself representing desire for victory or pride.
OP here
I love him, i was just really surprised when i saw this and i thought it's funny
It represents you OP
How old are you OP? Don't lie to us.
no, it represents (You)
>I am (You).. (You) art I...
>being this retarded you can't even read
I never said anything about enjoying you dumbfuck.
You wanna make threads and talk about shit you don't know because you started a series at the fucking fifth game.
It doesn't matter if the story isn't directly related, you are still a massive faggot for talking about shit you don't know anything about.
careful now
Belphegor should've been Haru's evolved persona.
>Newfag to the series tells us things we've known for two decades
Thanks friend
>not spending a whole night getting drunk and memorizing the Ars Goetia by heart because it's a vaguely interesting piece of Biblical world building on par with Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones and you have nothing to do better on a Friday night
Fucking plebs
While playing P3 I made a friend visibly upset when I told him that by befriending a little girl I gained the power to summon a huge penis with the strongest piercing attack in the game.
lol XD... I laughed sooo hard when i saw it XD
>all these cool gods, goddesses etc from mythology
monotheism was a mistake
I've always been curious about why Cerberus is represented as some kind of lion in most MT games, looks more like a manticore.
Don't make me steal your heart, user. ;)
Where's my Jesus persona? Messiah does not count.
>I'm not sure on the details with P1 and 2 though
Getting a persona via the ritual and meeting Phily makes you cool.
Steal this dick, faggot.
then you arent getting one. Blue anime Jesus is the closest we can get to it
what were the Japanese THINKING!?
It's probably a callback to Pascal in SMT1
other megaten games had Cerberus redesigned as an actuall dog
That is actually one of the things the Sega CD port of SMT1 "fixed", Pascal-Cerberus looks more like a dogger.
There's Agony in the first Devil Summoner
That's Brian, mate.
Because he's one of the oldest demons in the franchise (he originated in the novel that predated the game) and is too much of a symbol of the franchise by this point to change.
Loki and shit get a free pass because iunno. Fuck Loki. Cerberus did have three heads in Persona 3 though.
what abomination is the left from so I can avoid it until time itself unravels from the seams
I'm not trying to be funny or mean, but please give suicide a long, hard consideration.
>Having a life so meaningless you actually get this fucking mad at something so inconsequential
That's not bad. Bring that dude back.
>Fuck Loki
dope design but not for Loki desu senpai
Would let Futaba use my face as a chair during long hacking sessions.
Intelligent Satania poster
>horse hooves to remind everyone he got fucked by a horse once
Get out, hater.
that design is probably older than you are kid
Soejima designs have LAYERS
I want to fuck it.
Can't we have a thread about the best/coolest/sexiest demons instead? It's always about Mara/Incubus etc
I don't know where you come from, but you need to go back and stay there. Sup Forums is for adults.
Femme and Empress are my favorite demon lines. The women fighter demons are so ridonkulously strong.
You mean the right?
Persona 5
OMG, like... wtf were they thinking? He looks like a vagina! How could this have made it through development?
>user has expressed his opinions
>you are now closer to user
I've been using the term hater since before you were born.
You first kid.
>you will never cuck Oberon
You mean shit like Kali, Rangda, Yaksini, Valkyrie, etc...?
>i never played a game in the smt series prior to persona 5 - the thread
Mara is female and those are her boobs by the way atleast in smt sj it is.
>that feel when summoning her for the first time in DeSu
I've always been fond of Pixie and Succubus, personally. Pixie because I'm a sentimental fool and SMT games almost always use Pixies to introduce the player to negotiation, and Succubus because whenever I fuse one they always kick ass for me.
I also have a thing for leotards.
Aleph isn't a persona.
>ah, the thrill of cutting down shadows as they draw near
>noir, id appreciate your homicidal remarks if you said them after you put your weapon down
Why doesn't Messiah count?
KYS you do not belong here.
>Also lets call demons """"shadow/persona"""" cuz demons is too edgy for cashuals
Game is absolute garbage , too much pandering and self insert for my taste
>Le joker does nuthing wrong
>Joker is perfect!!
>Oh yes joker impregnate me
No wonder why Sup Forums enjoy this garbage
>Being his much of a newfag
Belphagor goes back to SMTII, congratulations on finding out about him just now Reddit.
you sound upset
>western megaten audience
see, Atlus
this is what happens when you release your shit in westacuckland
Fun fact: Belphegor is traditionally considered the demon of Sloth and the people of Tokyo as a whole represent the sin of Sloth in this game.
It's fun to imagine the collective apathy of an entire city's worth of people being represented by an old horned demon thinking on a toilet.