You have 10 seconds to prove youre not a bookworm, or else youre going to the labryinth
You have 10 seconds to prove youre not a bookworm, or else youre going to the labryinth
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I play videogames.
Orwell was a comunist
You would only know that by reading his books. Caught you loser
A Confederacy of Dunces was a fun and hilarious book
my favourite book is 1984 its so epic and meaningful omg :3
I started The Road by Cormac McCarthy but didn't finish it even though it's a good book and I was enjoying it.
Omg have you ever heard of a book called "The Great Gatsby"? I love that one it's my favorite when he looks at the blue light on the dock and when that gangster has mole tooth cufflinks.
I only got halfway because it was assigned high school reading but it's he greatest book ever written if only I lived in the roaring 30s.
Books are for nerds and feminists.
I cant read
Please explain these books to me as accurately as possible.
Any form of totalitarism is equivalent, communism, nazism and everything leads to revocation of freedom of thought and slevery to the nation when it's extreme
I only read manga
my peanus weenus
the only things i have ever read are The Bible and The US Consitution
my diary
Dune's fucking shite there weren't enough worm
>reading the Bible
>not just pretending to have read it
That makes you a nerd
What's a labryinth?
I loved Don Quixote
I.M. Meen was some prime YTP material.
My favorite book is 50 shades
But I love that movie
I.M.Meme when
is that Venom Meen?
The last book I read in its entirety and enjoyed was probably one of the Percy Jackson books when I was 13.
>mfw no bookworms
I know a guy who hasn't read a book since he was like 13 for whatever reason. How do you avoid fucking reading for that long? WHY?
He is a cool dude but I can definitely hear it when he speaks. His vocabulary consists of 6 words.
I have a fine vocabulary, or at least I'd like to think, but I'm just too ADHD and tired these days to sit down and get absorbed into a book for hours like I used to. Plus, work is constantly sucking out my soul. The only things I really do anymore are sleep, browse Sup Forums, and watch an occasional movie if I'm feeling up to it.
Reminder that reading novels and fictional books is even more of a waste of time than vidyas and a meme people fall for spending hours and hours to read through pointless descriptions to read a plot they could get in 10 minutes on wikipedia
Reminder only acceptable books are essays and manuals
I started reading the witcher books while playing witcher 1, hoping to have them finished before starting witcher 3. Now I've read all the books and in flotsam in witcher 2 with no motivation to continue. Great books and great games but I can't find the heart to keep playing. One day/backlog
I really enjoy The Turner Diaries and Atlus Shrugged