Games you love but never finished

Games you love but never finished.

Mine is Alien Isolation.
I know it makes me sound like a pussy but I even though I was enjoying it the game was legit too scary for more.
Once I got to the med bay my chest began to hurt from all the stress so I sadly had to give up.

What a faggot

hotline miami 2

jokes on you I dont play singleplayer trash, leave that to the normies

So you can't even complete the most basic of personal goals?

50 hours in Deus Ex and still havent gotten past Hong Kong

Why does that cute little girl always have to suffer?

I never finished Yume Nikki, I got 21 effects or so and I realized that I'd have to use a guide to find the other 3, so I didn't care anymore.

death to frogposters

>Games you love but never finished.

Virtually every game I actually love. I want to save these perfect games for some perfect moment that may never come...

The most recent instance is Zelda BotW. I think I was virtually done that first plateau area. I simply wouldn't go talk to that old guy after finishing the first shrines, and dicked around doing everything I think I could, then dropped it.

Now I'm playing Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival instead

>ywn fall asleep and have comfy dreams with yummy nicky

Maybe lunar because my CD was scratched and after the fucking ending It froze on the animation part. It was a fucking drag to beat the boss because I just rushed to it and you couldn't go back to train anymore.

It took everything for me to win against him and that shit just froze up. But I don't really remember that well.

Another one that I really like was Seiken Densetsu 3 and Secret of Mana, I wouldn't say that I love those games but I'm very fond of them and plan to play them again if I ever feel like it.

Yume Nikki.

Yume Nikki is the kinda game you don't really need to finish to fully enjoy. The whole point of the game is just to enjoy exploring her fucked up dreams as far as I'm concerned.

t. someone who was obsessed with it for a while and finished it

Bioshock 2

TES: Morrowind and Oblivion
I can't help myself but feel the urge to create multiple characters and screw around so I never get too far into the main quests. So every now and then I go back and discover new things, even though I've got plenty of hours already put into both games. Also it's just hard to find the time nowadays to sit down and work my way through Morrowind.

half-life 2

my game always crashes in the level where you're raiding the nexus with your squad and I can't fix it

Dragon's Dogma. I was in love with it, but around the time the big chicken thing attacks Gran Soren my motivation just fell off a cliff

I never picked up Yume Nikki, what should I do?

That depends on whether you want pick up Yume Nikki or not.

Same OP stopped at med bay. Way too spooky and I don't like stealth games but I love alien

I do

>I dont play singleplayer trash, leave that to the normies
wat? normies play mostly multiplayer games.

>playing walking and open doors simulator

Wizardry 8

It's just so fucking long.

Anybody have that picture of the girl cosplaying chell from portal saying you don't have to beat a game to love it?

fallout new vegas

I played it when I was 13 (check your calendar oldfags), got about 20 hours in but dropped it because the desert wasteland was depressing the fuck out of me. i had tried really hard to get into it because some friend told me it was WAY better than skyrim, I can definitely see why people worship it here but i was simply too autistic.

Fallout New Vegas
I played twice, both times i quit short after getting the mission to pick a side. The amount of choices is overwhelming.

Then do it faggot. Hope you have a grand old time like I had.

The last semi-decent Sonic game.

>can't compete against "normies"
>claims being superior at vidya

delete this

why would I want to play a shitty game like Battlefield just to prove I'm better at games than some brogamer?

>he needs to beat 12 year olds at CoD to give himself self-validation

I stopped isolation at the part where you come back from activating some shit inside the alien nest and are in a HUGE reactor room or something. nothing worked in there and i was stuck probably because of a bug, reactors should have done something

how far am i from the end?

the sacrifice of innocence, this work must be done

I had to stop playing it because there are children in the house now, and their mom would kill me if they started using that language.

>I played it when I was 13 (check your calendar oldfags)
Well fuck me how time flies. I could have sworn the game is four or five years old at most.

I mean it is the third best 3D Sonic game (after Colours and Unleashed)

Ar Nosurge.
Man i really fucking love that game but for some reason I haven't touched it since I got to the part where you can change protagonists at will.

Ion a best

Barkley Gaiden

My comp died around the ghost dad fight and I dind't have the drive to play all the back