>your pregnant wife gets molested by rednecks right in-front of you
>the protagonist doesn't even try to throw a punch
When will the wimpy bitch protagonist meme end?
>your pregnant wife gets molested by rednecks right in-front of you
>the protagonist doesn't even try to throw a punch
When will the wimpy bitch protagonist meme end?
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Really not digging this game so far. So much trial and error and most of the horror is just cringeworthy edge. Gotta admit I laughed out loud when my first enemy encounter was the scythe lady coming out of nowhere at sanic speed and chopping my dick off. Does it get any better?
This game is 3/10 at best but steam comments are 'mostly positive'
>most of the horror is just cringeworthy edge
Not surprising. The first game was just ridiculous amounts of gore thrown in your face with nothing actually spooky. They probably felt they needed to top that.
I wrote a negative reivew on steam
I've made over 350 reviews on steam. Pretty much even the shittiest games have mostly positive.
You have to buy the games to review them
You are biased to justifying your purchase since the money is already gone
Many of these reviews are from little kids or little blurbs from assholes who play an hour or two.
The steam review percentage is completely irrelevant.
Guess it's supposed to emulate some kind of liberal or something. Knowing the devs they probably saw the wimpy protagonist as a good thing.
It already ended with the superior Game
>this nerd literally lose a arm and a leg to save his wife
>he even face way worse stuff than the Outlast 2 numale
Even ripping off Outlast,RE7 is the superior game
Not really a horror game if you're tony from hotline miami
I know oldfags gonna pander to nostalgia of RE1 and 2 but RE7 is the best from all RE games.
>tfw op isn't half as alpha as he's pretending to be.
I was hoping at some point this weepy willow shit sack would man up and fight the old lady and turn into Ethan but no, he just stays a pussy. Shit they could have even had an explanation for it by saying the Murkoff towers turn him insane to the point where he at least kills someone. So disappointing.
RE7 main problem is being made in this shitty era of DLC and lets player crowd...the game main flaws(lack of non DLC extra content and shitty enemy variation/boss fight) exist thanks to appeal to these crowds...but overall, is a pretty Good game
Hope they do Resident Evil 2 Remake in RE Engine and 1st person.
>you can get banned on Sup Forums for discussing games that involved religion
When you stop playing western games.
Just finished Yakuza 0 and Nioh and in both those games you go nuclear
isn't she just chained up on a platform or something? noone is near her from what i can tell
Since amnesia i never get this ''no weapons" rule in FPS horror games.i think even in the worst situations people by instinct gonna try to defend thenselves...survival instinct and stuff.
I probably gonna get mauled but at least i gonna try to rise a weapons against it.
I think it would be more interesting if you actually can kill the villagers but not the big girl,only stop her for a while with weapons you find in the enviroment(pitchforks,axes,sticks and stones if necessary)
Dunno why but I love this line.
I fucking hate these hide-n-seek simulators where your protagonist is a helpless baby that can't defend themselves. This shit needs to stop.
>Dunno why
He manages to give a fun follow up for a really nice reference....thats deserves some good points
Ethan is underrated as fuck...he is not a common guy that evolves to a action badass.He is a common guy that just stops givng any fucks.His lines in the later parts of the game are hilarious some times
Mia:thank you Ethan
top kek
I'm stuck on the nude bitch, with the water and the cables tunnel
What the fuck I have to do there? I press the switch and still get fried by the cables
This shit "hide and run" games got boring after Alien game.
I remember Penumbra being the first of this kind and how original it was back then. EVEN then you could kill a dog by throwing shit at him. Now you can't even beat your own wife.
>Well that's special
I think a big part of the appeal of Ethan's dialogue is that the funny lines (and his dialogue in general) are spaced out enough that they're enjoyable instead of annoying
>That's not groovy
>most of the horror is just cringeworthy edge.
I like the soundtrack and design of the game but it feels tryhard throwing ''let's see how many dead bodies we can throw on the screen'', religious imagery, every enemy being the same and jump scares everywhere makes it feel like a cheap horror movie. It just gets boring after awhile
>gets hand cut off
>is only mildly annoyed
I'm not sure it's possible to actually scare someone in modern times just by showing images of mutilated bodies.
Then this shouldn't be a problem to you then, would it?
Evokes more emotions than Outlast 2
Except you can. Real gore still scares the shit out of kids because of how sheltered they are. That's why gore in games has to be comical and over exaggerated. Make it too realistic and it puts people off.
People think if you kill something, it stops being scary. As usual, the internet took a rule of thumb and turned it as far to its extreme as possible and turned it into law.
>Whatever your imagine can think up is way worse than anything I can write, so I'll make a monster who literally just stands there.
>Too much power makes you stop being afraid, so I have to make the player literally powerless to do anything to any enemy or nothing will be scary
>Some third example.
I think ineffective weapons work more effectively in horror games than no weapons. Because when you don't have any weapons, you just go 'alright, so these are the rules, I just have to run'. This is something that Alien Isolation got right. You have weapons. They work on the humans you encounter and to a degree on the synthetics. They will not save you when the xenomorph finds you. At absolute best, the flamer may startle it or scare it off for a moment.
I think the best option would be to have a very, very basic combat system, but make it so combating more than one enemy is almost certain death. Making your best option to run away. Make enemies infinitely spawn so the player never feels safe even after killing an enemy. Keep in the necessity to heal. All of those things together should scream to the player that combat should be an absolute last resort.
Except the flamer makes the alien completely trivial.
If you played on hard like you're supposed to it'll ignore the flammenwerfer and just run through it
>been playing for 45 minutes
>everything is fucking dark all the time
>have to use nightvision constantly just to see
>there is a patrol literally around every corner
>for what reason i dont know
>easily becomes trial and error gaming because of this
>feels like im playing (You Died) souls
>was looking forward to comfy horror experience like outlast
>I am not scared
>I am angry
>I am angry that this game is making me angry and not scared
Why the fuck do sequels ALWAYS let you down?
What is the purpose of the bandages?
I like that the new game lets you play as the kind of person who would never even think of touching a weapon, a complete beta cuck that lets all the women around him get raped.
So you can bandage
The game would make more sense if MC was a woman, at least her not being able to fight at all would be justified more easily.
Why there were not in the first game?
Its for when they tp into your face and hit you once and you spend 1 minute running in a circle to lose aggro, would be faster to just die but then you have the fucking 10 second death animation.
>Teleports in front of you
>Cuts your dick off
heh kid....
nothing personel..
>That arm
I'm angry it is tedious
Also that they're relatable. Often I thought something about the game and then Ethan says it out loud.
>Stay dead this time!
you're goddamn right Ethan.
Who's this guy?
This. It's scariest when you don't know whether or not your weapon will be effective enough to matter, and maybe attacking the enemy could result in certain death, and you need to choose between fighting or running RIGHT NOW.
I want to FUCK Heather.
>People think if you kill something, it stops being scary
That's fucking stupid, I hate that mentality. Remember Condemned: Criminal Origins? The protag had a triple digit kill count by the end, mostly from brutally beating people to death with pipes and 2x4s, and it was still pretty terrifying up until the end. If not scary, at least atmospheric.