Mobile games


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Nothing else matters

it's gacha crap where you spend 10x more time in menus than playing the actual game


The fuck you talking about you can pick whatever character you want from the start.

I sure hope you're joking. The game was alright at best and the gacha system is the worst I've seen in any game.

Isn't that in moon speak only though?

Is this the closest thing to Dragons Crown mobile games have or theres a better one?
Its a pretty good game, definitely gonna keep playing.

Yeah but I heard its getting a america server this year.

Summerâ„¢ 2017 English release incoming though.

wow superior weeb taste playing literal phone games

Idol m@ster was the most enjoyable game I have played on smartphone.

It's not out in na though

Final Fantasy Record Keeper

But is actually is though. Are you okay?

It doesn't need to be.

On iOS? I don't think so. And no im not I'm sad because it's not in the App Store.

That explains it. Don't respond to me again though.


No it doesn't

>fanservice anime shit
Oh I forgot neo Sup Forums has 10 the threads about shitty mobile games every day and praises them because of waifus
This fucking Sup Forums outpost I swear

Real Racing 3 and Carmageddon. The former is like Forza Motorsport for mobile, the latter is a pretty decent port of the original PC game.

Tank girls doing tank things

What's the best arkanoid/breakout clone for Android?

monster super league, its a great pokemon clone

Who /hugo/ here?

I enjoy King's Raid, been playing it for a month as f2p and doing ok, spending has perks of course, but a good amounf ot the top 100 are f2p, they just play a ton, and you can get a free character every 15-20 days, so the sooner you start the more free characters you'll have.

NA server is about 2 months old, so it's not too late to catch up.

Yeah but fatefags are shilling the localization now, guess they need ANYONE to play it

Tried that one a while ago.
I'm surprised theres so few decent Pokemon clones considering how easy it would be to make.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Dice Mage

Only localized games:

Guns Girl Day Z
Dynasty Warriors Unleashed
Panzer Waltz
Potion Maker
Yugioh Duel Linkz

Best played on a tablet. Great song selection.

I'm still mad that after all these years, Tiger H is still not voiced and instead have to pick the sluttier variants

This ones alright

Got the combat and stuff straight from the game

I want a game with

1) huge anime tiddies
2) customizable clothes for my huge anime tiddies

what do?

Battle cats.

Literally does everything better than Hearthstone

it's well worth the korean glyphs, you don't need to be able to read a single word to understand oily tits.

Legacy of Discord

I only answer that because Youtube won't stop shoving ads of that game onto my phone

Crusaders Quest is best mobile game

I wish, you need a fucking guide for every god damn event.

That doesn't look like customizable huge anime tiddies, just huge anime tiddies. I want to play dress-up with my huge titted anime girls as they go out and do some shit gameplay

Fire emblem heroes only if you're a fan of the series

Shadowverse is a fun card game - lite game


No seriously. I'm sick of hearing "DUH NAYT IS MUH DISGAYS" everytime I load a video and that shit ass music. What the fuck.

I wanted to play that one but for some reason it says it isnt compatible with my phone.

So uhh, when is the mobile release for Tree of Savior?

Btw OP, you should try out Elsword.

I love nexon and what they did with atlantica and legion of heroes, but OP's game is shit tier.

Drift Girls. Dating sim and drag racer with some drifting. Plus you can switch between English, Korean, and Japanese voices.

>mobile ToS
fuck are they abandoning the retail version for this?

>I love nexon

Downwell is gud

HIT has huge anime tiddies and several lewd clothings but its not customizable.
There is a mobile game being released this year by Nexon that has a insanely good character customization though.
I think its Dark Descent 3.

dungeon crawl ss
terra battle
snake bird

oh shit there's a new Atlantica??? the old one was so good, until you hit an exp grindwall, how is the android version? is it similar to the previous one?



>tfw no lewd smartphone game that lets me touch my waifus and have them react with lewd moans

I dont care if its japanese or korean only just give me

Now is a good time for DBZ Dokkan Battle. You get like 100 stones during the 150 million celebration right now. If you don't get your favourite character or a God lead just reset and try again.

If it weren't for the fact that I played 400 days I would have reset myself. I burned through $300 and have yet to pull SS Goku Rose. I could have bought a gun for that price and killed myself.


Try Potion Maker or Honkai Impact.

Yes. Unless you've noticed, every korean and chinese dev right now are abandoning PC and porting their failed MMOs into mobile.

It's the reason I stopped playing. Might as well wait for the inevitable mobile version that might play better considering how much more better Elsword was compared to its PC version.

Fap to Granblue
Valkyrie Connect
And Fire Emblem heroes.

>I only answer that because Youtube won't stop shoving ads of that game onto my phone
How do you get to see youtube ads? Why do you not have an adblocker?

Is there a Neko Atsume but with dogs