Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy

Cortex Power footage edition.

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looks good

That actually looks really fucking good. The time between the coils seems spot on.


It looks like shit, they fucking ruined it.

I really like how they are handling feedback on this game, they release short gameplay videos periodically, and change according to criticism


Basically looks 1:1

Where are the fucking shadows


What? get your eyes checked dude


>that pinstripe

day one purchase

Video links?

are shitty platformers the latest meme now?

>nu-Sup Forums unironically thinks this abortion looks good

shut your whore mouth user

The new casual-friendly difficulty will ruin this level.


Nigga they're right there

>nu-Sup Forums actually has good taste
Im suprised too

>that fucking delusion

Still looks like a Unity game.

i imagine they'll let you pick the difficulty user

Why is the bait in crash threads always so lame?

Because it's the same person.

>a remake done right
Why am I not waking up from this dream?

because they aren't bait

because the baiters are too young to have played it, thus they have no real material to bait with

Looks really good and faithful; the only gripe is the lack of shadows. Might be the engine they're using (idk what it is).

nu-Sup Forums is full of contrarians.
>Ding Dong says it's garbage
>Everyone says it looks awful
>Sup Forums eats it like the shit they eat on a daily basis

>liking Crash is contrarian now
Fucking hell, this shitposting is getting ridiculous.

>sunset fucking vista


>Liking Crashtivision Crash

holy shit how do you fuck something up like a remaster

>you go on a the same Chinese message board with people who will defend this shit

They've ruined the tone, why is it luminous?

Where are the fucking shadows
>the lack of shadows

you mean the shadows that are clearly in the remake? that lack of shadows?

Most pointless remake ever.

Looks really good, this needs to come on pc.

What? It's the first god damn game in HD

>why is it luminous?

>why have they added light to darker areas?
crash shitposting ladies and gentlemen

>LITERALLY EXACTLY THE SAME, just looks better
>Sup Forums still complains

the mafia enemy doesnt even have fucking feet modeled in the original

There's an invisible universal source of light that's producing weak shadows; however, there are no shadows produced by the objects in the level, like the coils. Try again underage.

>Why is something that glows luminous?

goalposts: moved



you mean you lie the shadow beings constantly under crash's feet, rather than spread across the ground like an actual shadow? do you know how shadows work? why are you calling me underage are you 14?


It's just underage and people who hate Sony for some reason. Those two groups seem to have a lot in common.

And? It's being published by Activision, not the original creators from Naughty Dog.

I bet you're one of the retards going to buy the Starcraft re-shilled edition.

Great. Now all they have to do is confirm that it's also coming to PC.

Switch or at the very least PC confirmed?

Name the last fucking time Activision made an exclusive, you CANT

ruined art direction, ruined lighting

Is there anyone that legitimately defends Crash 1's save system? I mean, I enjoy the original Crash Bandicoot's difficulty. It's a very satisfying game to 100%. Still, I don't see the purpose of forcing the player to reach certain levels before they can save. Limited/restricted saving makes sense in a game like Resident Evil because you would just run into rooms and reload if you ever get in a bad situation. The restricted save system makes sense. Crash 1's save system doesn't make any sense. There's no actual reason for it to be that way.

Specific examples, it's an industrial factory level with acid pools, stuff is naturally going to glow in this environment

>p-please give us scraps
The absolute worst posters on Sup Forums

You must be (YOU)'ing to the wrong person-- I stated that the lack of shadows is my only gripe, which still stands true.
Now, stop shilling for a game that was out before you were born.

>ruined art direction, ruined lighting
fuck me, you're a riot

>more people getting the chance to play good games (presumably) is a bad thing


>lack of shadows

Yes, Activision are publishing the game and Naughty Dog developed the original games. Good job.

>guys why didn't this game on the PS1 that already had to do close to metal level hacks to run properly have more complex lighting

Gee, almost as if Crash was built on hacks of hacks and those red tubes were what they could put in the damn game.

>the lack of shadows is my only gripe
apart for there being more shadows in the remake, and the shadows being more dynamic

watch the footage again you fool

Also, the de-saturated color palette is uninspired when compared to the originals bold colors.

You know you can literally play all three Crash games for free on your computer right now, right?

You're a waste of space.

i love you

lets fug

What? The remake sticks out more.

Because repeating yourself like a broken record for every single game announced that does not immediately gets confirmed for having a PC version contributes nothing to the thread and is only done for baiting purposes

I don't think you understand what that word means.

>He doesn't know the different between plural and singular.

I really hope you fags are just young and not this stupid.

Coming from someone who's never played any of the crash games and doesn't much care for them, The remaster looks pretty alright. Appears faithful in almost every way.
And i forgot how fucking good the original crash looked, It holds up pretty well.

>lack of shadows

If you think 3D platformer characters shouldn't have static shadows you are retarded.

>And i forgot how fucking good the original crash looked, It holds up pretty well
Yeah, Crash was designed from the start for graphix, to push the playstation, that's why the game is full of corridors and fixed camera angles.

>ding dang
the others agreed that it needs work but looks overall good and they've fixed the things people have pointed out so far like the contrast and the sounds

redditor buzzword by the redditor pretending he's not neo Sup Forums

They never said the game was exclusive. Why are you being a massive cunt? How bitter do you have to be that it upsets you when more people get to play the game?

You just proved my point why you shouldn't get it. Look in the fucking mirror to see who the massive cunt and the waste of space is.

You're a massive cunt. YOU personally don't deserve the game.

You're just going to pretend you didn't want it in the first place once it becomes exclusive. Happens every time.

look how shallow the gameplay is

i can't believe there's still people who pretend crash was a good game

I like that they make it look how I remember it looking.

Unoriginal bait/10

Go fuck yourself dude. You quoted multiple people with multiple stand points and gave them one generic shitposting answer. You have no interest in discussing anything, you're either someone who wants to make regular people who own sony consoles look bad or mentally retarded.


They should have both

Kill yourself fucking nin todler

You are looking at a 2d picture, so you lack depth perception. Its why SM64 always had a static shadow below mario, so you could easily judge where he is going to land.

why do you hate realistic shadows?

>Bought a PS4 a few days ago
>Gonna get this on launch

feels good tbgh

Not a huge fan of the bloom and bright orange, but it does make obstacles easier to see so I can see why they went with it.

Get Rachet and Clank, plantformers need more support desu senpai.

>getting this fucking triggered on a Bahraini skydiving forum

Thanks for at least admitting that you're human waste.

Shitty ones sure don't, and I still can't fathom how anybody can support that disgusting downgrade.

The game was not as great as it could have been because
a) They were forced to base it off the shitty movie, which set the tone for the game
b) Budget release
Once you understand that, It's pretty easy to support it, since the next time there won't be a movie tie in, the movie bombed while the game sold the most in the series

>once you understand they sold out and are trying to feed you shit, it's perfectly easy to eat it
No. Letting this be acceptable is why the industry is currently shit.

>le shit eating analogy
Not an argument

if they keep the music pretty much exactly the same as the originals, and improve how the spin attack looks, looks like itd be an ACTUAL good remake for once