Callie confirmed final boss

>The bond between them would continue unbroken for years to come
>Or so it seemed at the time

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose

Punished Callie confirmed?

Marie...I'm already an octarian

>"They never told you what happened to your sister."

>"They told me enough! They told me you killed her!"

>"No. I am your sister."

>callie left to be OCTO'D
you know it's true

They're cousins

>Callie is now Octavio's mistress

how upset would calliefags be?

That's a funny way of spelling 'lesbians.'

shut your whore mouth. they're too pure for such degeneracy


Octarians were the good guys in the first Splatoon.


where is this from?

Please tell me there's more.

Neither side were good guys.

They both went to war, they both wanted to use the Zapfish for power.

That's the end of it.

I don't think there were any real bad guys in Splatoon. The world is too innocent and they all think we humans were a bunch of dumb savages

Yuri is as pure as love can be though.

>Fans voting directly influenced story of sequel
Any other games that did this?

Yuri is the most foul form of love.

The purest form of love has no females involved.

Sup Forums is lying to you cause they're filthy sinners in denial. they like yuri because it allows girls to be filthy without being FILTHY. Funny how they complain about feminist bullshit while supporting lesbianism, which is a way for women to get out of having sex with men and undermine the natural order of men being the masters of the female race.

The purest form of love is God's unconditional love for all mankind

>there is an almighty invisible being that lives in the sky
>he is literally all powerful and all knowing, and he has the power to make reality any way he wants it to be
>he created the world so people could live on it happily
>but he has a list
>and if you do ANYTHING on this list, he will send you to a burning pit of suffering, hate, torture, and despair and you will stay there for all of eternity in a neverending cycle of pain and agony
>he loves you

That's the way it's simplified for children, yes.


If god is a dude, and I am a dude. Is god a faggot?

Based Carlin

sad then that all of his fans are nothing but parrots

>Fucked up the world so bad our species went extinct and their species was the one to adapt to the new earth
Can you blame them?

What's it like to be THIS beta?

>and if you do ANYTHING on this list

For which you and I were forgiven.

Or maybe you forget that we're all Shit Tier.

Those people that came before God arbitrarily decided to forgive us though? Those dudes are FUCKED.

>restricting the actions of a non-temporal being to basic causality
Physics wasn't your strong suit, huh?

>temporally unrestricted being can just change his mind on a whim and magically undo all the horrible pain and suffering his religions have caused over millenium
Sure would be nice if he would do that more often. It's almost like he doesn't give a shit.


>they all think we humans were a bunch of dumb savages
A correct assessment, then

>when Purgatory was still canon, it was a place where unbaptized babies and people who had never heard of Christianity went to
>literally only people who were Christians got into Heaven, everyone else got dick

Funny how God keeps evolving as a concept, isn't it. Funny how the idea that the Almighty exists outside time and space and retroactively applied his love to all people, forever, didn't exist for a couple thousand years. Funny how God has to change with the times when the average person knows enough to call Him out on all His bullshit and how Christians today believe entirely different things to Christians not even two hundred years ago, and how the Pope has to make sure to tell everyone Hell is just a place "without God's love" instead of "eternal torment" because "if you're not with us, you're going to suffer forever" no longer flies with the common man.

No, it's a Pikmin-esque tone where the world is bright and colorful but it kind of has a dark sense of humor. The horde mode in Splatoon 2 has you stealing eggs from salmon-folk trying to protect their children.

Are you implying that the people from before the sacrifice ARE forgiven?

Or are you just REALLY fucking stupid?

This first one is debatable, the second one implies you don't understand that two separate concepts. If it is the second one, I'm quite impressed you managed to make this post. At this rate, you might even grasp object permanence one day.

Or like suffering has purpose. Frankly, I think your conception of creation is too small. I'm of the opinion that souls are equally extra-universal, and shared across all possible universes, and that each universe is meant to teach us something.

That's because you're an idiot

Powerful response

Everything we understand is constantly evolving. Why would that apply any less to God?

We cause our own troubles, and Him intervening is a subversion of our Free Will and a constriction of experience's ability to be the best teacher.

I can't figure out what you mean by "the second one" since it's just you calling me stupid, but yeah, I believe people from before the crucifixion are forgiven as well.

>Good thing I was born into a Christian American family, so I learned about the one true god, and not the thousands of false gods other heathens learn about!
>How blessed am I to have received the truth!
Look, I understand your parents exploited child psychological characteristics to force you to believe what they wanted you to from birth despite an absence of evidence, but it wouldn't have stuck if you had a few braincells to rub together.

While that does happen and it's very unfortunate that these children follow blindly (sometimes adopting the parents' misinterpretations), some believers study very hard and have their own walks with God even after childhood.

If only I could have stumbled on to r/atheism as a teenager, like you

its like chile and bolivia , the loser ones are butthurted and want revenge

>God is a perfect, infallible being
>he is never wrong and he has a plan
>oh but that one time he admitted he fucked up and had to send Christ doesn't count as a fuck-up

Seems weird to attribute humanity's poor choices to God. I suppose you'll argue that he should have foreseen it and built a universe where humans were perfect, but I think that ignores the reality of other timelines as well as the important learning experience life is clearly meant to be.

It's almost always based on a solid foundation of indoctrination. The adult mind has to build up more and more justifications and defenses to maintain the original belief, despite maturing reasoning abilities. Compartmentalization kicks off to prevent the belief from being compromised by other important acquired knowledge. It snowballs, the more time you've spent preserving the delusion, the more you have invested in it, and the more likely you are to maintain it.

I realize there are born-again-Christians, but conversion is an inefficient way to spread belief. It's why the Catholic church is trying desperately to boost birthrates in Africa, so uneducated 3rd worlders can shit out tons of catholic babies to bolster their failing numbers.

Yeah if only. It's going to be a lot harder for you to shake it off now. You might never do.

>You might never do.
What a shame it would be never to don a fedora.

>itt: unironic religitards


Your kind wasn't welcome here until Sup Forums turned Deep South values into edgy counter-culture.

You guys made it pretty easy, acting like edgy teenagers

>Spaltoon thread devolves into people tipping fedoras and bible thumping at each other instead of posting squidlolis like nature intended

Faggots the lot of you

>make thread about squids
>becomes religious debate
I hate all of you

>thread degenerates into bitching about religion

I can help you correct that.

So whose gonna host the news and splatfests now?

Sort of. The adult mind, having gained worldly and incomplete knowledge, begins to truly wonder about the remarkable events and figures of the Bible and tries to apply logic to it.
Some will realize that their knowledge is limited and then focus on being a spiritual, humble, and giving person (which is the moral of the whole bloody story, boiled down).
Some dismiss God, out of arrogance or conclusion, little realizing that the explanation was just beyond humanity's grasp during their time on this planet.

I am not Catholic, so I cannot speak to an organized religion and its doings. But outreach is the only way to bring God's word, love, support, and ultimate forgiveness to others. It shouldn't be about efficiency, it should be about working together and improving everyone's lives through God - which, in turn, decreases poverty and crime.

more if there's any

Maybe a new generation of squid sisters.
But I would like if it were pic related.

The Octo Brothers

Marie and her new co-host Mini Callie

When I see remarkable (read:impossible) events described in a book, my first reaction is to conclude that I'm reading fiction. It seems when you read such a book, you assume that the book is accurate, and you're forced to discard all your worldly knowledge to clear away the contradictions between the text and reality.
Just tell me what's so special about this book that I would even consider the possibility that it's true? I've been over the common arguments, nothing really stands up unless you approach it with a preexisting bias. Basically, explain the differences between the Bible and Homer's Odyssey.

It looks like Marie is doing Cuttlefish's job now since she's in Octo Valley in the trailer

Aren't you glad that Best Girl won the Waifu War?

If she could be Agent 2, a pop idol, and a news anchor at the same time I don't see why she couldn't do both things at the same time.

I'm glad that I protected her, but I still feel guilty

I thought this was just a game

Octavio did nothing wrong.

I get the feeling that the Agent 1&2 stuff was mostly something the Squid Sisters did before they got their big break in the music scene, considering that Agent 3's armor was just their hand-me-downs.

Of course it wasn't just a game.
Mariefags knew, and that's why Mariefags WON.

why doesn't she look happy about it?

Callie said she prefers tacos

You misheard her, she said たこ

i see what you did there, squiddo

The Ark could well have contained all the animals 2x2, in the "known" world (small area).
God's Time could function differently from ours if He is in another dimension.
The Big Bang, a theory that relies on a premise equally as "flimsy" as Creationism, could very well have been an event influenced by God.

So, why this book? Why God?
Because its guidance rings true and has not failed. Additionally, the things He has said will happen when you do something good or evil, they happen. I've seen a cursed family line, I've seen people blessed 10 times beyond their giving. And while anecdotal, I and many others have felt Him "move" and "guide" us through our lives. We even feel this at times where we think, "This option wasn't even on my table. It sounds crazy, stranger than fiction. But it worked out alright."

Asking me for evidence does no good - none of us have any of that. But I do have plenty of rock-solid anecdotes that line up with the Bible and my own personal assurance from a life well-lived and blessed by being kind to others (pretty simple, really) that you can start your walk with Him too.

children made in gods image, lol. he made you full well knowing as a child you wouldnt understand, but your still held accountable for being designed that way

wew lad.

no one EVER answers this one: why didnt god make a world where everyone has a choice, but coincidentally chooses to believe in god at the last moment, thus saving himself from a hell that only exists because god created it?
>but that breaks logic and shi-
oh right, i forgot, logic is more powerful then god, which is why he created the tide before the moon amirite.

if logic defines what god can or cant do, then god isnt our god, logic is our god.

Why is Rainmaker the worst mode?

Because idiots don't understand that you can just retreat with the rainmaker and hold it for the last 30 seconds of a match if you are in the lead and still win

I did actually address that later, hereI don't actually plan to keep derailing this thread, though, so this is it for me on the topic.

modest Marie is best Marie

plz fuck off

>I don't actually plan to keep derailing this thread
Fuck off

That plus dumbshits who just have to take the most fucking roundabout path to the goal even as I'm spamming the "C'MON" button after clearing a shortcut for them

Why are you angry at people trying to connect with you?


This is a big pile of delusions, magical thinking and post-hoc rationalization. This only rings true in your mind because your parents told you about it when you were 3. Your justifications for the bible's events being possible are not just wildly incomplete, but also incorrect. Your explanation for why the bible is sacred is a nothing. You "feel" like it's true, and that's enough for you. Your anecdotes are literally just anecdotes, and the God of your mind that you feel "moving and guiding" you is your superego. This entire post couldn't be less substantial if you were trying.

The reasons to believe in yahweh are no better than the ones for Athena.

I'm actually reading this in a church, and it's right on the money. I just wanted to talk about Splatoon before everything got started for the night service, but this was a neat surprise.

> I suppose you'll argue that he should have foreseen it and built a universe where humans were perfect, but I think that ignores the reality of other timelines as well as the important learning experience life is clearly meant to be

he DID forsee it, he designed it that way, apparently.
>ignore the reality of other time lines
that exist because he chose so, or allowed to. wew lad.

no matter how you spin it, either he has all power and let it be, or he isnt actually god and someone else or something has power over him.

Cool. Now I can smack her down a second time.


This just re-affirms Callie's superiority

You can ammend this by just adding "god likes to keep things interesting" to the final question and it passes.

>One is an octopus
Wow, you. Are. A. Moron.

I'm ecstatic my fellow Marie worshipper, but I do not wish death upon Callie. Only Calliefags. Callie and Marie is a great combo, one that should never be broken.

Nope, that's already in there. You're implying that God created evil for his own amusement. That takes you to the last red bubble, God is not omnibenevolent. You're envisioning an evil God.

Not for his own amusement, for ours.
Sadness and pain makes joy and pleasure better via contrast.

Additionally you can love someone and not baby them. A father can love a child but refuse to buy them ice cream, or expect them to do their homework and study. In the same way, evil could exist so we can know of it first hand.
