sounds gay
Who would want this, even ironically?
>Not playing on PC with nude mods
I laughed my ass off when they announced it.
But then found out that Limited Run games doesn't make physical copies for xbone. Now I'm just sad
>on live action video cutscenes
huh? how?
>he bought an xbone
>her hand is blurred on the fucking cover
were they even trying?
blast processing
I bet it's not even gonna hit 30fps
get someone on Sup Forums to do xrays
The power of the Cloud.
limited run games typically go for $25 and night trap is like barely an hour long, im gonna pass on this.
I'm pretty sure its also digital, limited run is just for collection purposes
This game is fucking dogshit.
I just want it to be a movie.
I wanna see a Sup Forums SINGS NIGHT TRAP
you'll most likely have dozes of playthroughs if you're not using a guide for this game
>Limited Run games doesn't make physical copies for xbone
Why is that?
Looks like Biranna Wu.
they dont make it for nintendo either, its only sony stuff
Because the Sega Mega CD version was better.
honestly 80s/90s art like this is nostalgiac in of itself, why didnt they just go with an attempt to imitate this if not this itself?
I was thinking a young Nick Cage but now that you say that I can kinda see it.
>Thinking about how a Night Trap remaster would go over several days before the announcement
I caused this. I'm sorry
they are though
ok that looks much better
why would someone want a shitty game from Sega CD on the PS4? fuck, this is the case that you can literally watch the whole thing in youtube because it's fmv cancer
>Sega CD on PS4
You kind of answered your own question, I like the novelty of it
This game was never good. It's only interesting in a historical context, since it's part of the reason American politicians got their panties into a bunch of tried to attack video games (Al Gore's running mate being one of the lead ones)
That's.... weird.
>run by collectors for collectors
So how are they gonna do the introduction scene with the S.C.A.T. guys?
Microsoft doesn't like low-print runs. See: Shovel Knight
Dub "Super" or something over "sega", I would assume, then have a static image on the side when they are showing the buttons.
>non-stop action!
That's a fucking lie though.
I think this game would have a quarter of the bullshit if the color code mechanic wasn't in the game.
Also the OP pic is how the 32X box actually looked.
If anything I'm confused as to why they made a version that resembles the 32X box but with the blue Sega CD spine. The 3DO box would have been a better option for a 3rd variant
That actually looks kind of disappointing, the artists other work seems to be way better quality on par with the original Mega CD art so unless this is just an unfinished mock up it seems like they never really put as much effort into this.
It's redubed to Special Control Action Team on the ports
How did they do the controller change?
I couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of game this would be with that box art.
In the original, they had a guy explaining how to play using a Sega Genesis controller. How will they redo this for PS4?
Also, will some richfag commission an anime studio to recreate every scene in anime form for a mod?
i want to see you gb2 reddit
I'd imagine an arcade-style rail shooter with a team of Rambos against ninjas in an old mansion where you have to save hostages. It looks like there's also treasure?
isnt it the sega cd version thats getting remastered though?
Make a sequel and call it Trap Night.
the Intro is completely re-filmed for the rated version and the ports, the Genesis controller is just a regular TV remote.
>Original Unrated 1992 Sega CD version
>1994 Rated version port, this one on 32X
That dude makes me feel like I'm not good enough to play this game.
I love the 80s hair on the girls
90's attitude baby
I dunno man, you've got very small margins of error once the game starts proper. There's almost always SOMETHING going on.
why don't girls do their hair like that anymore? all we get now is unappealing hair.
>the end to that 2nd video
wait was there some command the player missed that made him quit?
>why dont fashion trends stay forever?
really nigga?
I've never been a fan personally.
The irony is palpable.
CFC's in the hairspray burnt a hole in ozone layer.
You memed it true user, now bring on WWIII
>not hacking the close off
Look at this joker
So there's a unrated version and a rated version with changes? Which version are we gonna get with this PS4 remaster?
It has it's place in vidya history. It led to the creation of the ESRB
The intro allows you to switch over to the main cameras while he's talking
If you don't it's an automatic game over
>staking fucking vampire parasites
>instead of jerking off to them
>user doesn't understand the appeal of this
Ann Rice was a mistake
Most likely the rated version due to the original having a Sega Genesis controller and S.C.A.T. having Sega in the name and Sega isn't making this remaster
>Staring Link from the Zelda series!
The 5NAF audience.
Are you too young to remember FMV games?
Anyway, wasn't this game such a career rock bottom that Dana Plato swallowed an entire bottle of pills?
Another Funny with My Voice videogame?
Why hasn't Limited Run done pic related yet?
they really only do games that never got a physical release. i think night trap might be the first in which there already was one.
So let em get this straight
>movie plays out as you play
>you switch cameras around the house looking at different cutscenes (or nothing if nothing's in that room)
>at times you can activate traps to stop monster invaders from getting in the house
>you're only allowed so many fuckups, or none if they take certain cast members
>Also you have to keep an eye on the security code that changes frequently by the main cast
How do you know what rooms to go to that the monsters are in? How do you know when to switch to the people for the security code? How come base patrol has a fucking squad of gunmen that they don't use instead of these Home Alone style shenannigans? Are the villains vampires or mutant bomb disposal guys and why are they attacking the house?
Another great movie for Playstation.
can't go one Night Trap thread without posting this gem.
it's the best of hits collection as US Government and Nintendo go hard on Sega with no Lube, It's Console Wars at the highest stage.
For you young people this hearing practically changed the industry into what it is today, It's basically why we have the ESA, ESRB and E3 as no one would ever gotten into the same room with each other before this.
Well I just bought Ray Gigant from them, and that was physical in Japan. I hope they do more niche jap games.
Im friends with the guy who made this.. Small world.
god I hate that faggot Liebermann.
Fun fact, DOOM was released one week after this hearing and ensured violent games will never stop getting made
Wow, I can't even believe the PS4 finally got a game.
>objective of trapping women and torturing them
Oh man, I'm infuriated. The entire premise of their Night Trap argument is based on a wrong interpenetration of the game's plot and objective and I don't see anyone correcting them. Surely Sega attempted to correct them, and I'm assuming it did no good?>
>The entire premise of their Night Trap argument is based on a wrong interpenetration of the game's plot and objective
Skip to around 17:25 and see Sega defend that people playing the game correctly protect both men and women in the house
...................... why?
Worth it.