What am I in for?
What am I in for?
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An unexpectedly fun experience
fun for a bit then boredom because it's so shallow
this, blizzard has been making their bad games surprisingly enjoyable lately.
Even the disaster that was Diablo 3 is enjoyable now.
A surprisingly fun game. Now is the time to start playing too since you can get 20 heroes for free during the 2.0 patch launch. It's not as big or competitive as other MOBAs so "le toxic leddit" tier fags are not as common, though like all blizz games it does have some balance issues and gets a little stale after a while. Still fun to play every so often though.
Simple fun. Also tons of fanservice.
>"le toxic leddit" tier fags are not as common
Ever been to /vg/ HotS thread? Guess not.
>going to /vg/
You want that Oni Genji and Officer Dva huh
A fun, kind of shallow game that you can't really stay mad at for long. If you're an OWbaby though just get your skins and get out
Fun, surprisingly.
Played dota for years and quit because icefrog and valve are niggers.
Don't expect LoL or DoTa, it borrow some elements from them but HoTs is a completely different game.
>Defense of The ancients
needs a bigger map and items
Sorry my bad, dOTa
It was enjoyable at first but then blizzard balancing happened,and we all know they suck at it. Deal breaker for me was when they nerfed nova just so the newly released Li Ming would be ensured to rekt every ranked and unranked matches.
>implying you should ever visit /vg/
>implying the leddit memery is anywhere near as bad as league or dota
Constantly having bad teammates until you play ranked which takes forever to unlock:the game
Quick match is 100% garbage.
They nerfed nova because she was a pub stomp champion
That you left over her nerf speaks for itself, but ill spell it out for you: you're a worthless faggot
>implying ranked is any better
If anything the fact that some asshole know they could really trigger some tryhards there just make it all the more appealing to ruin the games for them.
The only not shit game in a shit genre
A pretty fun game.
It's shit to watch but the matches are short, the maps are varied, and the chracters are unique. Other MOBA's done have to balls to make characters like Abathur or the Lost Vikings so I can give it credit for that.
Out of all the MOBA's available I would say it's the most "fun" but also the least micro intensive. You only have to make sure someone is in every lane to soak xp and to keep map control. Most skill is dueling and teamfighting.
Most other Moba fans look down on it for being easier but as someone who has played League, Dota, and Hots for a while, I find Hots the most fun because it has the most variety.
>pub stomp champion
>barely hit 50 % WR across all tiers even at her prime
>meanwhile Li Ming was shitting up every matches literally when they nerfed nova,because nova was the only real counter to her
How about you retarded shill fuck off and go kys ?
So let me guess this straight...this updated they've hyped so much and even call the game 2.0 is only adding cosmetics stuff, but does not change anything about the gameplay?
it's not really that offensive it's just not good
you will quit in a couple days at most
A real casual moba that is oddly good. Also the least toxic one out there.
>walk forward
>press my buttons
>walk back
>go to well/fountain when out of MP
>walk forward
>press my buttons
>walk back
>MVP every game with most siege and hero damage
i'm a hotsgod.
shittiest matchmaking on earth
And a bunch of balancing changes, and a change to progression. Progression is much quicker which is good because it used to take for fucking ever. The ability to find random heroes is also really useful because grinding gold for them takes a while.
i got the 100 gems for a package, and randomly have another 1000, though i didn't spend any real money. what do i do with it? can i get the sexy desert zagara or is that shards only?
A casual version of lol. Surprised it isn't more popular.
>finally decided a few days ago to get diablo 3
>it's actually pretty fun
Got the RoS code from a leaf for $10 though so there is a good chance it was stolen.
t. casual
so the answer to his question is yes.
with a big hyped update called 2.0 you'd think there would be big gameplay changes
There is also a bunch of new characters, so that helps.
Overhaling the progression, speeding up hero aquisition, balancing, and adding 3 heroes is a good amount.
Never played it before 2.0 but apparently progression was a huge problem before. Not surprising then they would focus on that.
ANy good li ming will dumb all over nova, especially just after release.
get gud
Also you seem to be saying blizzard releases heroes op for some reason, which is retarded given numerous heroes like cassia or zarya who were released and were shit tier (some of whom still are)
It's more like a notification of all the huge changes they've made over the past few years have accumulated into a much more fun game
and that has nothing to do with core gameplay changes
A fun MOBA for casual play. Not enough content or variety for it to be your "main game", but if you'd like to push lanes and fight dudes a few times a week between playing other games, it's a good way to scratch the itch without delving into more hardcore ASSFAGGOTS.
>Not enough content
the fucking moba with the most content
There are calculators online to determine which mega bundle has the most value for you based on what characters you already have. You can only buy one, the other two lock at that point.
As for how to unlock skins, there's like 4 different fucking currencies in the game now, presumably if you want a skin it's whatever currency type you get if you randombox a duplicate, or whatever the paid currency is.
Where the ass at?
>literally just drow ranger
uhh blizztards
>Not posting the superior waifu
ok i got u
#1 qt coming right up
>tfw she's just a worse malfurion
>Actually starting to like HotS for a relaxation game
>tfw 5 weeks of OW autism for skins and gacha boxes
>you will never be her champion
>pick Sylvanas
>everyone runs away from the building i'm locking down
I just want this event to end already
Obvious bait but it's always worth noting the awful redesigns of the classic WC3 units.
drow really needs a model update
which will probably come when she gets an arcana :^)
She's nothing like malfurion
and what core gameplay changes do you want?
the person who voices her has improved a lot since her voice was first changed. almost sounds like the original now
it's casual but the gameplay design isn't nearly as watered down as lol's is. crowd control and ability ranges are way crazier than in lol
>Free to play game
>Makes a "what am I in for?" thread
Gee, user if only you didn't have to pay money to find out for yourself. Regardless what should I expect and what am I in for are cancer spoon feeding threads.
>One of her cheeks practically hanging out of that skirt at all times.
Best costume. HotS designers don't give a fuck.
a mode with items and no annoying objectives
game was shit to me from the beginning. gameplay feels slow as hell, the maps are too small, there are not items
Already exists, why are you here?
it would still be significantly different you fucking tard.
one of the few things that got money from me
items were replaced with talents for a more approachable game.
>The sniper hero is the shittiest in the game
Jesus fuck how do people miss the point of HotS's design so hard? The whole game is built around making teamfighting/skirmishing the focus of the experience over farming and laning. If you want a game where you spend the first 10 minutes staring at minion healthbars there's two very popular games already out there that will cater to you.
what does that even mean
the talents are more confusing since there's so many of them, plus you can have both.
Which pack should I get? Who's the best hero? I just want the D.Va skin next week.
I'll do that slut later
Assassin pack has the most value and generally useful heroes, get it first and then work your way towards getting support/specialist/tank heroes you like
she's alright on like warhead junction. She just not much for teamfights at all.
less learning curve. You dont open up a shop and see a hundred different items, with components and everything. You open up your talent menu and see a list of 2-4 talent choices. Even if it's like your second time on that character you'll have a decent idea of each talents benefits.
>nerfed nova just so the newly released Li Ming would be ensured to rekt every ranked and unranked matches.
>this tired conspiracy
typical idiots shit talking games they dont play
>make this unique thing more like these two other similar things
This is your right now. Go play League or Dota
>where you spend the first 10 minutes staring at minion healthbars
this is what blizzdrones actually believe
>Succubus and Legion Mistress Kerrigan skins
>add a new mode more inline with the genre that people can choose to play if they'd like
this is me. fuck off retard.
And further fragment the game population?
As I said, go play League or Dota. Sounds like exactly what you want
>tfw like HotS level progression
>tfw like it's art style
>tfw like all the character choices and skins
>tfw hate the fucking game
Why can't it be like Mario Party or something
1600 games level 430 veteran here.
the game is more newcomer friendly than ever.
any with this update, everything is unlockable.
it's a very casual experience, but you can have a good time if you got some friends.
if you are sick of 30 + minutes games and laning (last hitting) you should certainly give HOTS a try.
Jesus are people even trying anymore? Blizztards would be much more fitting.
The one thing I hate about the game is how snowbally it can be. The fact that you can't surrender just adds to it.
>play a year ago
>mouse drag broken
>come back
>still broken
nice game
all the available skins right now are pretty mediocre for her. All dull colors of the same general design.
>What am I in for?
An ass whoopin if your narrow ass don't stop coming in here asking what you're in for before even playing the game yourself.
it stop snowballing.
if you are 3 levels behind, you will eventually be even leveled again at 22, since thats how the Exp required scaling works.
oh and due to increased respawn times, you usually only need 1 good teamfight and you get 80seconds to push their core.
I wish they made it like a tug-of-war map, where you could build more creeps to attack the enemy base, like Castlefight 2 or Desert Strike.
better than pajama skins
I'll take a pajama party banshee queen
HotS has the lowest skill average for a playerbase out of all moba games. Get ready for hair-tearing frustration as your team fails to land easy abilities, make common sense decisions, and follow basic strategy, even at Grandmaster level. I am currently on a break from HotS after hitting GM and let me tell you, I used to think LoL was bad... LoL has been a breath of fresh air compared to HotS. You will play with the worst players modern gaming has to offer.
only if she has short shorts
It is not broken. Than it is your fucking computer.
An actual fun moba. They streamlined it and took out all the stupid autistic shit from the others so now the game is based more on skill than silly item counter picking.
Get on with some friends and enjoy yourselves.
>game is based more on skill than silly item counter picking.
I think he meant mechanical skill rather than game knowledge.
There isn't much mechanical skill in picking items, but it does require other skillsets like game knowledge, and the ability to see what will be needed later in the game.
>The whole game is built around making teamfighting/skirmishing the focus of the experience over farming and laning.
I wish they actually made the teamfighting fun if it was their focus