Why aren't there any story focused FPS action adventure indie games?
The AAA industry hasn't made any big ones in a while, you'd think there was a market for it but the indie guys just shit out survival sandboxes.
Why aren't there any story focused FPS action adventure indie games?
Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and we've all seen how it did
>story focused FPS
you mean walking simulator? there's plenty.
we've got a downer over here!
I'm talking about games in the style of Half Life, Fear, Singularity etc.
Call of Duty gets made every year.
wow, a "we happy few" reference
bioshock killed them
>The AAA industry hasn't made any big ones in a while
Doom 4, Dishonored 2, and Wolfenstein?
>indie games
Because making a big map and filling it with repetitive tasks is far easier than having a path that requires new assets to be made all the time, while keeping plot moments infrequent and dialogue unique to where you're at
sequels and nostalgia pandering, there's room for a new IP
Indie devs fell for the "FPS games don't need stories" meme, most indie FPS are very arcadey and trying to emulate old-school shooters as much as possible.
>AAA industry taking any risks ever
Good one.
Where's the World at War version
a good story is hard to make, sandbox just requires some simple math formulas plugged into some shitty game engine
We Happy Few looked so fucking promising from the teasers but then it turned out to be complete trash
Fucking indies man
Uncharted 4. Naughty dogs are the best for this.
Best game on the PS4 by far, and imagine if it was on PC. Also, the multiplayer is really cool and there has many ways to feel badass and impressive, the climbing mechanic add a huge tactical part of the game. Also add a really nice item models for cosmetic/taunts/skin where loot chest are cheap and the currency is easy to obtain where the grind is pretty much average compared to joke like Paladins or Overwatch lootbox.
It would have been an even better games on PC.
Also, godlike animation and taunts like this one.
Good level design>>>>>>>>>>>story
Earth to retard: you should have both.