Final Fantasy XIV Thread

stormblood WILL save PLD

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I hope not.

Just came back and leveling Dark Knight. This is fun as fuck. Who knew there were class mechanics in this game?

hourly threads need to stop

maybe if /vg/ talked about the game

When can we just kill all cat players?


i was banned for talking about the game there

Let the feast begin.

I don't give a fuck what they do as long as they give more buttons to press with MCH during downtime.

>Paladin is the most aesthetic tank with best flavor, weapons, color and armor

It is impossible to describe how badly they need to fix paladin

Female Elezen are elegant and beautiful, I get a half chub every time I party with one and full chub when they are a healer


would have ERP clothed anal sex with

nothing burger fantasy 14: wheredaexpansion?

Probably collateral damage from one of the local autists' reporting sprees, or you've got a Florida ip or phone number. I've been range banned from /vg/ for like 4-5 months because of xivg. I do some shitposting but it's just snippy replies to people, I'm hardly one of the problem children.


i know EXACTLY who this person is.

They play on Gilgamesh and constantly idle on the ledge in Idyllshire

What's with all the PLD hate? Not like WAR or DRK are any better.

>can't get clemency and royal authority until 60
It's all I want to use as Paladin

>forgot to cancel my sub yesterday
>stuck with another month of playtime with nothing to do

would ERP tongue butthole

Alright anons, think of a Job. Maybe it's your own, maybe a shitter you know plays it. Got it? Okay.

What's the objectively stupid thing about it? What really makes it activate your almonds?

You're supposed to cancel it the same moment you buy it.

I need a good witch-like glamour for BLM.
Any ideas?

Shittest DPS, played by baby safe space faggots 98% of the time.

Low class prostitute.
High class prostitute.

Are you even trying lizards

Metafaggots will call anything not optimal "useless", and this community is fast to spread memes. PLD is definitely the "worst" of the three tanks but the actual difference in their optimal play is very small, especiqlly now that the current tier is unlocked + Echo.

>want to resub
>remember that my FC is full of people that feel the need to add three or four emoticons to every line of text

How do you get an FC without normalfags? Does Sup Forums have one hidden somewhere?

So you can farm Alex now? I might do it for the glamour

>and constantly idle on the ledge in Idyllshire

Wow, you mean like every other loser?

Someone please post MCH best in slot, without relic.
Currently leveling one and want to farm Alex inbetween.


I have my own FC.

No fags allowed.

What's worse.
Frogs who will never talk english.
Or krauts that always spam ^^

>not marking the dots
Can someone post better one?

Yep, Alex is fully farmable as of a few weeks ago. Anyone without Alex pieces at this point has no excuse.

What's a good place to buy gil from?

There's a Sup Forums FC on Ultros called Golden Ratio , we had some bad seeds in the past but now we are pretty comfy.
inb4 Boro autism.

Playable miqittens when?

spamming ring of thorns instead of doom spike for aoe damage without heavy thrust buff

Is Zhloe stuff doable with vendor/cheapest mb gear and with most of the professions at level 50?

time for the ultrash shills to leave. Please stop baiting people onto dead servers.

Probably not

"steal ur loots"

MCHs who use grenado shot over spread shot

Kos Mose pls

Both have their use. What the actual fuck?

>using spreadshot over grenado

Post the moment you completely lost interest in the story.


>nobody defended warrior of light AT ALL
>not anyone we helped
>not any leaders
>not limsa
>not gridania
>not people within ul'dah
>raubaun had you carted away to exile like you actually were a criminal

Fuck this Eorzean ingrates.


Grand Melee was nice because it let you beat the shit out of the three

DRK who can't keep darkside up.

>wanting to play with channers ever


>can't decide if I want to come back for stormblood

Is SCH in a good place? I mean I can't imagine the best and most fun healing class ever conceived could possibly be in a bad spot but you never know with YoshiP.

It's not fun to play at 60
It's objectively worse for all roulette
Half its toolkit is designed for a game that doesn't exist

So it's not fun, not meta and not actually better at any content to even warrant playing it for a practical reason.

Scholars are the god-kings now.

did you miss the entire point of him being thrown in prison, or are you being retarded on purpose to write this bait?

It's true otherwise. What a letdown.

It will always be broken as long as it has the fairy, shields, and loldomitability. So yeah they'll probably continue being the best class in the game

have they ever not been?

He's imprisoned for killing the jew. Not for helping you.

raubahn is the only one willing to bet his honor on anything, he knew you'd get to the truth

aymeric was gone before it even started, and merlwyb and kan-e-senna aren't stupid enough to intervene in something that could spark a greater conflict between the three nations because that'd just lead to a resumption of the garlean invasion of eorzea because it'd be easy pickings while everyone is fighting each other

Naturally and as it should be. About how long do you think it will take to "catch up" on the story? I stopped playing shortly after HW release because no FC/friends to play with. I did up to the Knights of the Round or whatever it was so I imagine I have a lot to do still.

ilvl 110 PVP Gear.

So they're willing to scapegoat the warrior of light who literally single handedly delivered them not only from Primal threads of their own causing, but the imperial invasion.

Yeah, I'll say it again. Fuck Eorzea. Fuck Kan-e-Senna, Fuck Merlwyb.

Why would anyone bring a BLM over a SMN? SMN damage is on par if not better in most fights, also SMN has more utility.

You could probably plow through it in a couple days. Depends on how ambitious you are.

big thing will just be getting ilvl up, you only need 230 to finish the story (235 for the optional stuff like the last 24 man raid and the last warring triad fight)

there aren't as many quests as the 2.x patches

NIN doesnt use any of their free, off gcd utility like shadewalker or goad. always begging for 20s pull timers and then proceeding to do less dps than the ot

>he doesnt like best Scion

Look at this faggot.

BLM and Thunder 2. Why does it exist? Thunder 1 can be cast faster in order to proc Thundercloud, Thunder 3 can do more damage over time and is the best choice for using Thundercloud, so why does Thunder 2 exist?

On that note why do we have a ward specifically for magic? Why not mesh it with the physical one? Do energy swords count as physical or magical damage?

I dun get it

The end of the 2.0 MSQ where the post-credits stinger hinted that the Ivalice Zodiac was going to play a role.

And then they didn't for four years and nine patches.

But I do like Hoary Boulder

He may not be imprisoned for helping WoL, but he did help. When all the other GC leaders decided to just fuck off when shit hit the fan, he instead freed the WoL from his binds and kept Ilberd occupied at least.

>look up samurai concept arts
>they all show robes instead of the traditional leather-cloth-scalemail stuff

Is there any reason at all to play FF14 instead of WoW? It looks like the same game except with less interesting races and no WPvP.

>Do energy swords count as physical or magical damage?
Magic damage obviously.


I'm a fan of Ore-Rich Bahamut.

>nobody defended warrior of light AT ALL
>not anyone we helped
You're forgetting someone.

How can you have a Thunder 3 without a Thunder 2?

I like FF
Tried to get into WoW like 4 times and always stippe in less than 2 weeks. It's visually one of the most boring games ever made

Do you want to eRP with cat/lizard girls and pedophiles all day or do you want to grind AP all day?

because it's based on the ronin archetype and not the wartime samurai

Because not all groups are full of min/maxing autists. As long as the caster is good, it doesn't matter if he plays BLM or SMN. And outside of carrying your healers by rezzing, you could argue BLM has more useful utility with Apoc since traited Virus is handled by the SCH.

I mean up to that point. Ishgard actually did help us. Not only that, we got the fucking hero treatment from them once we actually proved ourselves.


>with less interesting races
Furry detected

>letting dragon kick, twin snakes or demolish fall off
they have one job yet they still fuck that up

>Started highlander
>Went Roe
>Now kinda want to do something else but no other race is manly enough

I feel like Stormblood needs to address this. Maybe by going back to the -ra, -ga, and -ja suffixes idk.

>Keep failing crafts at 80-95% range


Wait so are the knights of the round stabbing me with magic? Or physical weapons covered in magic?

In that regard, how is the gameplay compared to WoW?


>have to deal with amazon customer support for like 2 days straight transferred like 5 times, told to call in twice, and all sorts of shit just to get that stupid fucking promotion and i dont even play ffxiv

fuck amazon right now

Is it just me or is Gauss Barrel a real pain in the ass? I understand it needs to be removed for renewing Hot Shot and fishing for slug proccs, but fuck me is it a lot harder to not only maneuver, but to not fuck up and get stuck in barrel mode. I'm used to using cleric stance on my healers which is sort of similar, yet feels easier to use than this. I feel like my DPS is getting destroyed by using it instead of improving it.

inb4 git gud and switch to a good class

Should I come back for Stormblood bros?

>The only people who helped the WoL are a bunch of xenophobic elves and not any of the nations that he helped

protip: just preorder something and cancel when you get the code