Blazblue Centralfiction is out on Steam

Blazblue Centralfiction is out on Steam

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First for boobs

how does this game require 40 gb of disk space?

Uncompressed loli images.


And its audio and cutscenes.

xth for nobody ever bought Es's game on Steam yet so many people want to play her

>tfw shit at fightan and too scared to play others

I feel dirty admitting this, but I like Central Fiction a lot more than Guilty Gear Revelator. Blazblue's come a long way.

LOl its fucking shitty fighting game, simple as that. there are literally a ton of game deserved my money

Still upset there is no lobby system, only Ranked and Player rooms

>Can Overdrive inbetween his 2C and 6b
>People defend this piece of shit mechanic

Why does Overdrive have so many invul frames? Why even burst these days?

How about investing in some grammar books first?

lol okay lets see do you want to see my address?


How is my girl? I haven't played since CSII days. I wasn't very good,
but I tried.

Terrible. Play one of her sisters instead.

Last played vanilla cheese pizza, how's Hazama now? I remember a scare about his drive being gutted, but haven't been keeping up that much.

He's fine. Hazana mains have always lived in a state of thinking their character being totally untouchable and always good or being afraid that they're going to do to him what they did to Rachel in CS. I think he's a little better than he was in CPE but I dunno.

It's supposed to be in 1080p but they fucked it up, it looks worse than the previous ones.

Fuck I wish I wasn't so broke right now.

What, did they really remove the lobbies? Why the fuck would they do that?
Does that mean you can't walk around with your character anymore?

i didn't know about this. i regret buying it now. i'm thinking of refunding it

I dont know who to learn in this game. Theres soo many more characters than the last version I played

Sup Forums lobby when?

>People complain about no lobbies
>The lobbies on console didn't even have a rematch button
>You're still wasting the same amount of time between matches

Make sure you ruin every set you see.

please seed

looks like i'm getting a refund

Just play them all and then drop the ones you don't like. Then when you get a better grasp of how you want to fight, pick the character that does it the best.

Why does this game run so poorly and what are the chances of a patch?

Or you could play her in her full powered form. She's stronger than her sisters that way. Also, do not lewd the Noel, her brother is gonna beat you up

You burst as a very last resource, the new hotness is to Overdrive then Exceed Accell.

He got nerfed and is low-mid tier now, but he has such a good kit by default that you can still do a lot of crazy shit with him.

really? it runs like shit? I can run CP but after the complaints I don't know if I wanna buy

Is there a tutorial for the new stuff in CF? I haven't played since CT2

As long as he still feels like haz, I think I can manage.


As far as I'm concerned, his combos barely changed, playstyle is the same, he has only 2 chains now instead of 3, and stance is a bit useless. Crazy damage and excellent mobility and speed as always though.

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I'm conflicted. The game itself is great and I'm having alot of fun with it, but the PC port has a bunch of issues (mainly graphical) that are absolutely retarded.

my purchase will have to wait, thanks user

>what are the chances of a patch?
Very high. The guy working on the PC port has already begun looking for the issues, and apparently AH had a similar issue in the past that got patched out.

Is he working on the game alone? That wouldn't be suprising but that still sucks for him.

yeah...uh, about that.

Yeah, he's literally the only guy working on the PC ports for all the Arcsys games. That means both handling the port, and community management.

Whelp, this user's gonna die. I hope your death is at least quick and painless because if the brother doesn't get you the big boobed squirrel or the blue haired girl with the spear sure are.

I just finished installing, and now it's crashing on startup. I'm not sure how to fix this

Getting random slowdown in online matches. Is this just me or is it an issue?

I hope he's getting a good pay


Issue look here

there's a major resolution problem that reduces the game to a jaggy, pixelated mess.

don't buy just yet, i'm keeping my purchase under 2 hours just in case i gotta refund.

That's actually really damn cruel, to have a single guy doing the whole porting alone. No wonder the ports takes so long to come out, they should hire at least a few more people.

Terumi did nothing wrong.

Who else is sticking with their crappy mains?

They didn't even do a dub in this one how much audio can there be

I'm experimenting to see if the new characters/buffed ones fit my taste

I used Hakumen in every previous game, but Es is too cute for me not to use her.

are the BlazBlue devs pedophiles?
If you look in the art gallery, there's lewd pics of Rachel and Platinum

You should see the memorial book

I haven't bought it because I'm poor. I do accept donations however.

Drawings aren't children.
Also japanese devs don't give a fuck.

what is soon?

I only played Calamity Trigger. Should I consider this purchase?

Probably fixes concerning the graphical issues.

Yes. You still get the discount even if you only own CT.

The roster is massive and the gameplay is vastly improved as well as the netcode, though it isn't GGPO.

It is the final iteration until they decide to do a Blazblue 2 or whatever subtitle, so the playerbase will be stuck on this for a bit.

Should I buy now with the 10% off or wait for the summer sale?

>Still no Jubei

I mean, why? Isn't this like the last game or something?

Game will be dead by summer, so buy it now if you actually want to play it

I feel bad for that guy, he probably got shat on like crazy.

japanese are degenerates

>Still shit tier compared to everyone else
Not sure what you're complaining about.

I always play boxers in fightan games, what's the closest thing to that in BB? Is it Makoto?

Makoto or Azrael.

Makoto, Azrael, Naoto kinda.

Call me when the game stops rereleasing every other year.

>my friend who mained hazama always bitched and whined how his character was hard to learn and play and how he always hard a hard time match up wise against my Tager

Well you better pick up the fucking phone because this is it. No more.

>tfw I play both an almost equal amount
>mfw reading this

Can I play as Jubei? This is the only thing that matters to me.

This was around CSE era. He also hated how much damage I'd do off of simple bnb Plat combos as well. Said something about he wishes that HE could play cheap characters.

Nah, though voice files and stuff has been found so he'll probably be announced as DLC at EVO.

The port is awful a 3D game like Xrd runs great but this shit has drops on the fucking title screem.

Consolefag here. Hopefully the issues get ironed out for you guys. Have fun, niggas.

Terumi best boy.

Who is speaking in this image? It's just Rachel.

Thank fuck

Hows is the online on console right now?

How does the plot compare to CP? I thought CP really, really shit the bed. I liked CT and CS plots. Yes I know ragna dies/undergoes apotheosis with his sister at the end

Consolegod here, PCbros BTFO

CF is significantly better than CP. CP focused entirely on trying to both introduce Celica and make her relevant to everyone, CF on the other hand focuses on Ragna throughout the story. There are side stories, but those are placed in parallell rather than interrupting and stuff. They also handled the newcomers better than CP did with theirs.

Not as populated as it used to be for sure

Does it has crossplay with ps4?

The newcomers barely do anything though, so I'd say they were underused, but I'm sure it'd be CP all over again if they gave them more space.
I don't feel the story in CF was as good as in CS and even CT, but it's definitely better than CP.

Hell no

They're put on the sidelines and not shoved into the focus. Hibiki is the only one I think was poorly handled, but that's because he was basically pushed in solely for being Sugita's friend. Es didn't need to be more than a bystander to the final events, Naoto didn't need to do much other than really familiarize himself with the counterparts of his world for nice interactions, and Mai taking the spotlight when she has her own series would just have been off since Variable Heart isn't even finished.

Overall, I think this is the best way they could have handled them without having character routes, which with a cast this big is probably near-impossible unless they want to lose focus on the protagonist hard.

Personally I liked CF more than CS, though not as much as CT. CS felt a bit too standard in my eyes, and CF had more strong moments. CT had a bunch of junk that came with it, but it drew you in really well as you played through each of the routes and got to encounter the broken as fuck bosses. It was a really nice way to show how gameplay can affect the story, since it probably wouldn't have had as much of an impact to just watch rather than play.

Was it ever explained how Azrael became so powerful?

I am buying it on PC but I really don't understand why they don't even go through the trouble of giving crossplay to a very delayed port. Not to mention they only got 1 guy working on the whole thing.
This is some really shitty management and care for customers right there.
I won't be surprised if the online is dead on arrival like it was for CPEX.

No. It's a common trope in Japan to have this dude who's basically completely normal in terms of origin but is super strong for no real explained reason. Azrael is 100% human but he's still capable of punching through dimensions and shit.