Will we ever get a good videogame Rwbros?

Will we ever get a good videogame Rwbros?

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maybe if they let ASW make it but it'll never happen since I doubt RT knows what ASW is or what they make.

>CGI anime
>Also produced in the west

Good luck getting a decent game out of a western company

At least with Berserk we have an actual Manga series to read instead and good hack and slash games

It's about as likely as the animation being good. Or the fights ever being decent again.

the CGI in berserk is garbage TMNT looks better than that garbage

The best RWBY "game" I've seen so far isn't even a game at all, its a fucking forum roleplay on leddit. They use character sheets and everything.

>"At least with Berserk we have an actual Manga series to read instead"

Did you even read my post?

The new berserk game is shit though, if you wanna make a game adapted from other media you have to make it closed encounters based heavily on the show or take a risk like with mad max and try to make events not covered in the story.

How many book/movie games have been shit and only sell because of the brand name?

I still don't understand how rwby is popular

Its basically baby's first introduction into symbolism. Kids get wowed at the blatantly fucking obvious metaphors and "subtle" forshadowing and think its the new Shakespeare. Well, also the waifus probably.

yea i did you sound fucking stupid


why do you want to hate it so badly i dont get you guys

>Its basically baby's first introduction into symbolism. Kids get wowed at the blatantly fucking obvious metaphors and "subtle" forshadowing and think its the new Shakespeare.
I don't think anyone considers RWBY's writing to be anything other than cringey garbage. People picked it up for one reason alone and that's Monty's fight scenes in the trailers.
A better question would be why anyone would still watch it now that he's dead.

This is most likely the correct answer.

Cinder for me, please.

>I don't think anyone considers RWBY's writing to be anything other than cringey garbage.

You must be unfamiliar with the fanbase.

Reminder that even RWBY fans admit it's shit, they just enjoy it anyway.

Volumes 1 and 2 had some decent fight scenes even if they were a bit choppy at points. It also has the "rule of cool" factor with a lot of the weapons and character designs. It's basic combat school set-up is also one of the most popular settings among casuals, so it's not hard to see how people eat it up.

It would be worse if they actually thought it was good.

Waifus and fan content. When fanfics make better stories than the original story you need to reevaluate your story.

Nah, I'm aware. I'm aware that people joke about the symbolism and foreshadowing and all that shit. Maybe a handful of retards actually take it at face value.
Really, there's only two kinds of RWBY fans, people who acknowledge that it's trash but watch it as a guilty pleasure, and people who don't know any better because they're narutard-tier faggots.

>tfw I regret spending $10 on the game

i didn't think anyone on Sup Forums was young enough to like this shit. RT perpetually makes content for 12 year olds.

Hes says while on an board dedicated to children's toys.

What, you didn't realize we're all young-at-heart here?

you retards sound petty and asshurt many they watch it because they like it and dont nit pic the shit out of it

Yang is my favorite!
Who is your favorite?

Neither petty nor asshurt. RWBY has shit writing and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. That's all there is to it.

Excellent taste, anons

Yang cause she's got a fat wang I very much would like to bang.

you seem pretty upset why are you mad that others watch it whats the point in you posting shit like this

Wait, no. ok

Lets take the characters who are actually fun to play and put them behind a paywall

also, lets not update the original characters to be on the same level

>I'm not mad
You are though.

I'm not, though. Why do I need to be angry to call RWBY's writing bad, exactly?


Voice acting was horrible.
When the voice actresses of your main characters are below average... that means you're doing something wrong.
Red and Black are horrendous.
Yellow and White are ok, I guess.

>that one guy who keeps doubling down telling everyone how not mad he is
bretty madd

well when you post shit like this
you seem mad

The cutest girl with the best weapon.

>ITT: why you heff to be med?

I dont want to hate it.
I just don't see the appeal

First three volumes were the best before Villain Sue shenanigans.

What would a Ruuby game play like?

>shitty pinkie pie knockoff

who gives a shit if you dont why do you need to know why others like a thing

Probably something like God Eater to be honest.

wow a webm from v1 so cool you going to post the other one too

Long time rooster teeth fans that have Stockholm syndrome or people who lie to themselves and say it will get better like me


Don't want to agree with the Barney... but, yeah, she's just Generic Randumb Genki Girl #42138

yea all those rooster rooster teeth fans in japan

I haven't been to RWBYg in a long ass time, I forgot that this was about the best people could manage.

Well I'm not. I'm dismissive of people who think RWBY's writing is good. That doesn't make me angry, I'm just unimpressed with their opinions because they're usually retards with low powerlevels or actual underageb&.
Honestly there's nothing wrong with liking the show, but I don't see why I shouldn't point out that the writing sucks. This isn't a hugbox, you know.

Yet still better than the hot garbage that is team RWBY.

They just have shit taste


>dude, I'm so not mad. let me explain to you how not mad I am
Now you're sounding like an autist. just stop.

To be honest the only reason i watch it even though the writing is terrible is because i at least know the production company will finish the story... unlike most shows. I mean its like an ugly girlfriend, at least you won't be blue balled

this shit is to fucking good post more i love this shit

Eh... every volume has issues along with the overall issues of the series

>V1 Jaundice arc and no plot progression
>V2 Dance arc and the breech
>V3 entire first half
>V4 slow as hell pacing

Probably the biggest issue I've had that's throughout the entire series is the heavy focus on Blake and her White Fang BS.

Is there an actual DECENTLY written character in this mess?

Fighting game is the obvious choice but I'd prefer some sort of action-heavy Monster Hunter clone, side scrolling beat em up, or an isometric action game. All with 4-player coop of course

And yet you keep responding to me. Why do you think you're any better?


Uh... Roman?

Warning, it has high concentrations of autism


Honestly they're about on par with the shitty OCs I just linked here.

Jaune is unironically the best part of the show.

Jaune, you know the real main character.

No. The series would probably have been better as something like Dead Fantasy with pure action and no dialogue, but that would've required Monty not dying.

>some tumblr fag makes pics about jaune's sisters putting him in dresses when he was little
>it becomes a canon part of the show

Goddamnit. I couldn't go further beyond taking a peek.

idk, will rwby ever be "good" again? volume 3 had shit fight choreography and volume 4 was just plain boring


There's lots of potential in the White Fang BS, racism can always be effective and the terrorism vs hopeful activism is a good dichotomy, especially considering the current social climate.

But waifus and (shitty)action

I agree with this. He has the most motivation to go after Cinder than everyone else. Especially after Qrow dropped the maiden thing on them.

Only when Arkos aka the best ship becomes canon.

>Brand Recognition
It had Monty Oam's name on it. He had a decent following of dorks that liked his crappy (but very nice) fight animations, and those were combined with roostercock's legion of oxygen huffing retards. The problem is that his name moved from this show to an obituary, so what is even the point of watching it anymore? Roostercock's animators don't know shit about making decent fight animations.

>Decent soundtrack and score
The lyrics in all the songs are edgy, but the music is good.

There's additionally a weird thing I cannot describe that stems from my early teen years watching Bleach that somehow weaseled its way into the show, but just like Bleach, that feeling was lost as the series went on.


out of morbid curiosity does anyone else actually play the game we do have?

I'm the first poster what?

Arkos is shit.

Have character designs ever saved a show as hard as RWBY?

What they have in common:

They're both dead and NEVER EVER coming back!

You can't make a good game from an abyssal IP.

i'm glad monty died because rwby was the worst show i've ever seen, but it's funny to see how they managed to make it even worse

>46 hours

I do, but no one to play with anyone else wanna know what getting buffed by Jaune feels like?

If you know where to look.

>RT has their own game dev studio now so the chances of someone competent making a rwby game are fucking zero

Good character or generic "badass" made solely to appeal to young edges?

I did.
on ps4

Their 'game dev studio' is made up of five unity-using amateurs who worked on the original game.

I used to talk to them on the discussion forums for the game and their philosophy going about designing/updating the game showed that this is definitely their first time doing anything somewhat serious.

if they have to make another game they're absolutely fucked, it'll tank hard.

please tell me that gif isn't from the show

hay you never know they had somebody make a manga

Either way, his outfit is one of the worst in the series, which is saying something.

its from this

Not quite, but it's official. For whatever reason, Roostercock decided to make a "Chibi RWBY" series, and it's exactly the type of abhorrent pile of petrified dog feces you'd expect something like that to be

It's the new look they went with for vol4

Bit of column A, bit of column B. He kinda reminds me of a beat-cop, which I wish was more prevalent in anime and games.

Nope, that's from the... call it the western animated version of a 4-koma manga. Skit-based, so no over-arching plot, super-deformed characters (heck, they even call it "RWBY Chibi"), and pure comedy, no seriousness.

you are trying way to hard

>Died because his greencard wife wanted a cat
>She uses his death to go on vacation and get a boobjob
Truly a cuck

Literally better than the actual show.