>Final Boss appears
>It's God
What games let you kill God?
Final Boss appears
Other urls found in this thread:
every jrpg ever
>*A* god
F-Zero GX has you race against god.
>God is a human with edgy armour and weapons and a human personality and level of intelligence
Almost every game, genre doesnt even matter.
chrono trigger
>Implying God isn't just 'A' God himself.
Good luck trying to swing those swords faggot
>God is the disembodied head of an Eastender's character, only yellow
Xenogears. Kiiiiinda. They deliberately leave it open as to just how much Deus does or does not qualify for the title of 'god'. In fact, you kind of get helped by a being that is much closer to fitting the bill, but is explicitly not a divine being. Just a higher dimensional one.
>God fucking cheats
>impossible to beat without crazy minmaxing
>Dev is confused when people tell him this was too fucking hard
Not when you capitalize it.
>receive offer to take god's place before he moves to create life elsewhere
>answers with with his fist
>kills god
>all because the plan involved with god cultivating his power made his daughter cry
>extend hand
every Breath of Fire
xenogears (kinda)
Shin Megami Tensei
Kingdoms of Amalur (kinda)
Valkyrie Profile
I remember those of the top of my head...seems more common in Japan
A god is a God. Just as everything is still bound by providence.
Automata's ending is Gods killing Gods basically.
Does the God who win becomes the God of Gods?
Yes. And then he deletes himself to help other gods.
God of War
Anime Tanya has serious Umineko syndrome going on.
asura is a retard dindu nuffin type of dad
>but yellow
What's the difference?
Oh my god, he's god
why does it have shit stains around its eyes
The test isn't for God to figure out, it is for us.
I find it ridiculous that a God who cares about his people would have them choose blind faith based on old stories or never-ending suffering. That's not a test, it's a coin flip.
This little chart is a joke. Evil comes because humans allow it, not a being that may or may not exist. The "problem of evil" attempts to remove all responsibility of the person, if not their ability to make choices.
If you are an asshole it's your own damn fault.
>Edgy moeblob
Then God created humans that allow evil, in the express knowledge that they would do so. Therefore, God is directly responsible for the evil. I don't need to remove responsibility from humans. The bible already explicitly does so through the doctrine of creation.
Gods a gambling (wo)man
>Then God created
And here is where you go full retard. Nobody is making you do anything. You are an asshole because you CHOOSE to be an asshole. Henceforth comes evil.
Go enjoy your shitty recursive logic, you fucking automaton.
So God can't stop me from being an asshole? Why not? Am I more powerful than God?
Incidentally, the recursion here is solidly on the side of theology. There is no escape to this paradox. Any attempted justification will compromise either God's power, his goodness, or his knowledge.
If God gave even half of a shit he would just make it abundantly clear that he does exist, so people wouldn't end up being sent to hell thanks to him basically lying by omission. Any single shred of proof would save millions of souls but we get nothing but fairy tales, which thousands of other religions around the world also have.
Have you played the SMT series? They did a really interesting thing on why god keeps fucking with people and testing their faith.
Isn't it just god being a dick? literally every single time is just him being a dick.
That god have shitty choice in swords.
Came here to post this.
Holy shit Japan. Why do you have such a boner for this?
In japanese, the word "god" is very cheap. It can be applied to grand divinities or an spirit that guards a damn bridge. And after getting their religion royally shat on by America, they became rather dulled to any religion.
Because if you're not raised in religion, God inescapably appears to be a tyrant. The Japanese are highly secular, so stories about rebelling against and/or defeating God(s) are both narrative appealing, and lack the stigma that they carry in religious countries.
Is it because he's fucking insane? Because that's what IVA made it seem like.
If you read the Bible, presenting itself in person didn't help. People will do what they want even if you have a living god walking down the street.
Is Meta-God...God?
>Let's you vomit God
>Let's you almost step on God
>Prevents you from stepping on God
>Let's you watch a woman swallow God
>God is then the final boss
Best inclusion of God in a video game. Let's be real.
When? The Pentateuch, which is a demonstrable historical fabrication? Or perhaps later on, where he appears to lone mystics (you know, schitzos) and instructs them to witness in his name? Personally, I don't think he's really gone all out. He should give it one more go.
>God himself isn't safe from waifufags
this is why he has stopped interacting with the physical world
how about killng a God as a God
I don't know man, if I saw the literal God of the universe I would be pretty convinced. I mean if God just started doing shit in front of people that literally could not be explained you wouldn't be able to deny it. I read the bible front to back. It's fine and dandy that those stories exist but you're literally just reiterating my point.
>Shit, it's God! Creator of the universe, supreme multidimensional being so great and powerful he cannot even be understood by our weak human minds!
>Heh... good thing I got the secret sword of fushu ching chong no ping pong... nothing personell, kid!
Why is the entirety of Japan such a big fat joke?
Zanza's just a human scientist from our universe who's curiosity created another universe where he happened to be the creator. He's hardly a God since he isn't omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent.
You would be convinced of its existence, but that still wouldn't stop you if you didn't want to.
t. doesn't actually plays JRPGs and is just repeating the memes.
Unless you exclusively play SMT, in which case you get a pass
Well in this case it has more substance to making the claim than in most other games games.
Unless my lore fails me, Zanza is one of the two entities that actually accidentaly created the game's universe and everything in it as a result of a mismanaged science experiment that consumed the previous universe, which was more akin to ours. So he's a human who became the creator deity of an universe.
You got it backwards, monotheism is the joke.
>this is why he has stopped interacting with the physical world
It's cause he's prepping to become the final boss for us.
mgq is the best game for god killing
What games actually let you kill God? And I don't mean some guy who got superpowers at the end of the game and only thinks he's God?
SMT2 and SMT4 Apocalypse
Because they prefer easy games for casuals where a deity can be harmed. So cheap.
Playing as god is hard mode on every game where it allows you to.
Yes, but there's a reason for it. In the SMT universe there's God (YHVH) and the Axiom, reality itself. The Axiom is neither conscious or unconscious, it's all universes, all realities, the engine of existence itself. The Axiom created humanity and the and infinite YHVHs to serve as a sort of 'avatar' for these beings of their respective universe and realities, but the YHVHs ended up gaining too much awareness of itself and while being blissfully ignorant of the many other YHVHs governing their own realities, took on the role of the one true God. The Axiom also gave humans the ability to breath life into their observations and beliefs, causing Gods to form based on their religions and believes. This is why folk lore demons and shit like the Mad Gasser (en.wikipedia.org
It's odd how so many people played the games and never understood this.
You don't seem to understand that fact that monotheism for most Japanese is a laughable concept. They treat the concept much like the West now treats Greek mythology.
You are confusing logic with stubborness. A person like me that just wants to see his existence proven would be satisfied if he actually chose to prove it. You keep referring to people that will flat out deny it regardless of proof as if you think you're clever or something. I spent ten years (read: 1/6 of the average human life) asking god to prove his existence to me and nothing ever happened.
>Final Boss appears
>It's not god, but a mortal halfway to becoming god
smt is the only series that lets you kill the unironic judeo-christian god. everything else is either some dumb gnosticism meme, or a god who only resembles the judeo-christian one
Som [most?] Shin Megami Tensei games
Dragon Quest VII has God as a bonus boss
I would argue that YHWH is not "god", regardless of how strong it may be, since even that being is subservient to a true deity. Only that one can be called god.
Ay boss, wassup?
>not fucking God for eternity
Best ending
We're talking about games lietting you kill god or a god.
Now the important question is what games let me fuck god?
Jesus Christ this game was terrible.
zanza isn't technically a god though. the monado is god, and the monado chose to favour shulk in the end.
Nier Automata is the only one
Asura's Wrath is the only god killing game I've ever played that really felt like I was fighting god.
Most games make god feel too weak.
That's the whole point, user. YHVH is a false god claiming to be THE God.
He outright says it in the very first games when you kill him. The great will will continue to revive him so long as humanity yearns for a God to solve all their problems. read more:
I wonder who is behind this post
Were you aware that the cult of Yaweh is just an offshoot of the Canaanite Parthenon? The oldest books of the bible reference other Gods. Yaweh himself takes in significant aspects of the god Baal.
Also, exodus never happened. The Israelite didn't journey to the promised land, they started there. They didn't slay the Canaanites, they were the Canaanite.
>What could have been
Damn dude...
Keep that up and the Jews will actually be nothing more than a figment of your imagination.
He has the power to create and destroy. That makes him God, the problem is the shell he used inheranted some of his power and became God himself as well.
Shulk and Alvis were both God in the end.
The Monado (Alvis) is God. Shulk, Meyneth, and Zanza aren't gods themselves but were given God powers by the Monado.
Wait wasn't the axiom just the great will? isn't that basically YHVH themselves in all of the SMT verse games?
that worked in SMTIVA Bonds route though
YHVH was an avatar of the great will that went AWOL so it kept creating messiahs to put YHVH down
Nope, the great will is above YHVH in every game he is in
Why do Americans struggle so much with polytheism?
Archaeology confirms it. The Jews were never in Egypt. The desert they were said to have occupied for 40 years shows not a trace of them (and crossing is it is less than a month's march). Canaanite land was never conquered, and the only difference between Israeli settlements and Canaanite ones are the lack of pork bones. The Jews were Canaanites that literally just stole a God and made up a cool origin story for themselves.
Just imagine how shitty this is for the Egyptians. The Jews just picked a country and vilified them for thousands of years.
Because most of us were raised from birth to abide by monotheism and that anything else was an affront to our one God.
>What could have been
Literally the opposite of a God, Demise is literally refereed to as the Demon King, it's basically the Hyrule equivalent of Satan. The only God you meet in SS is Zelda and she's a good guy (female).
What do you think Arceus thinks of Type:Nulls?
I also wouldn't expect much from a short time period from a people that didn't have much of an opportunity to build settlements. Much less anything that could stand the test of time like solid rock and architecture.
You may however find statues of YHWH. With big penises.