Give me some cool science games...

Give me some cool science games, just played Space Chem and am feeling like playing more games where you learn/do cool science stuff.

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Requesting goes to Get out of Sup Forums

What an interesting image.
Say, user, since you are clearly still here and didn't just lay a turd on the board and walk away from it giggling, where on earth did you get it?

le he didn't say that face

From Bill Nye The Science Guy.

To bad hes changes his word on gender. Fuckin trash liberal scientist.


Which episode?
What's the time stamp where he says exactly this?

FUCK bill nigger

>thinking it's real

trump education

What are some games that let you corrupt the innocent?

How can one have a "Trump education"?

Fuck off, faggot.

i don't know you tell me your the one with it lel

Understanding basic biology is a start.

There is only 2 genders.

By being so fucking close minded that you think you can tell what gender someone is by looking at them, behaviour like that is disgusting, not to mention entirely unscientific.

I might as well post this, if i get banned so should everyone else in the thread.

t.tranny filth

if you're a close minded religious nutjob

It's ok, take your time.
I'm sure you'll find the episode the image is from, (Genes)
And when he said that.
I mean. He clearly said that in the episode.
You're not lying.

You're not making things up and just posting captions on an image.


oh yes tell me how wise and smart you are just because you parrot what your parents told you without thinking about it critically

ITT: tranny muh genders scum

I think the confusion stems from the fact that there are 2 meanings to 'gender': There are two biological genders, they aren't related to psychological gender.
The same way the word 'theory' can mean scientific theory, basically a fact, or colloquial theory, a guess.

Kill yourself

Nice fallacy.

Lol, no. If you're a person of science you know there is only 2 genders.

why don't you kill yourself instead, god needs his little angels

He didn't say that

>topic has literally nothing to do with religion
>nor are there any fundamentalists weighing in
>slams religion anyway


>being this mentally ill
how is that unscientific


>Creationism and sexuality has nothing to do with religion
Never go full retard.

it's pretty much been proven beyond reasonable doubt that it's a spectrum, how stupid are you?


>its been proven

It's like a rainbow, except that the rainbow is 99% red and blue, and a bunch of other colors mesh in the remaining 1%, BUT GUYS ITS LIKE A RAINBOW ITS NOT JUST RED OR BLUE.

Yea, it's technically a spectrum, hope that helps you sleep at night.

Sexuality is a spectrum.
Gender isn't.

Gender = Sex.
Sex = Male or Female.

Why is this a problem?

Queer guy here btw.


>Literally people in this thread parroting sjw shit
>le Sup Forums boogeyman