Just got my ps4

Just picked up a 1TB slim after sitting out most of the console gen.
Got Bloodborne, P5, and Black Ops 3(friend gave it to me)
What are some must get titles so far? I'm probably gonna get nioh next week

Also what are some good F2P stuff? I played Warframe on PC for a bit and im kinda curious as to how it feels on console.

It's not out yet but Ace Combat 7 is looking pretty good.

War Thunder was good when I tried it.

Let It Die

planetside 2

I have that downloading right now.
Huge suda fan and I dont mind grinding in F2p games

if you like Souls consider Nioh

the grinding in this game is the worst I've seen in my life. Have fun until after the 2nd boss, though

Yakuza 0 is good, maybe wait for kiwami to come out first though since its going to be a lot cheaper

yakuza 0, nioh, infamous, odins sphere, digimon cyber slut and I really like world of final fantasy it's kinda like pokemon mixed with ff

>not getting a Pro

why is everyone shilling this digimon game

it's bretty kewl tho if you're into digimon games
maybe if you got a psp or can emulate it, try out digimon redigitize and the fan translated version of digimon adventure first

There are a few demos you can try. I recommend Gravity Rush HD + 2, 2 has a demo.

speaking about demos there's a kof 14 demo to if you're into fightan games

>What are some must get titles so far?
You pretty much mentioned them all already.

>there's a KoF14 demo

I didn't know this, I'll download it when I get home

there's also a nier automata demo incase you haven't played the game by now


Honestly i picked up a ps4 and cybersleuth on day just on an impulse buy because i was laid off at the time and wanted to get back into gaming, by the end of the week i had 30 hours. I loved it i dont even really know why. There is tons of filler but if you like dungeon crawling and turn based battles its thr shit. Also sequel in late 2017 early 2018

Warframe on console is pretty much what you'd expect, longer load times, slightly poorer graphics, etc. But, the gunplay and movement doesn't really suffer. It's worth a download if you are starving for games

>that user who played warframe on his ps4 for thousands of hours
I'm literally speechless

I haven't heard about this, do I want to know?

Didn't seem super worth it. If the games aren't optimized for the base console then they aren't worth getting at all IMO
Need to check that out, last fight game I played was blaz blue when arcades existed
bought the game on PC will buy it again later because based Taro


Project diva FT
Odin Sphere

>P5 and Black Ops 3
what about Persona attracts you normalfags?

did any game come bundled with your ps4?

should I get the 1tb slim for $300 or the 500gb $250 slim that comes with uncharted

wow that's insane if true

I'd go with the slim, I had that dillema for a while and I figured they'll probably release another bundle or some shit for cheaper.
no bundle, but I had some games already lined up for me and im okay with F2p shit
Hahah jokes on you i've been playing persona since 3 and feel isolated even in my "friend" group

I honestly recommend Final Fantasy XV
especially if you like cute boys

I love cute bois, but im gonna hold off cause I think the GF is gonna get me that for my b-day

Killing Floor
EDF 4.1

all you need

Gravity Rush was a lot of fun for me. The sequel looked pretty good too.

Never heard of helldivers, seemse cool
Killing floor 2 left a bad taste in my mouth, and I have 2 copies of EDF one for the 360 and also on PC

Can never have too many copies of EDF
But Helldivers is vidya caviar imho. is my favorite game for the ps4, sunk 600+ hours into it.

Resident Evil 7 will restore your faith in the series