Im getting married in 2 weeks. So long Sup Forums i dont need you anymore. Good bye

Im getting married in 2 weeks. So long Sup Forums i dont need you anymore. Good bye.

see ya, good luck and congrats

I got married 3 years ago and I'm still here

you'll be back

see you in a week stupid

Have a good life, user. For all of us that won't.





I already cucked you, she's keeping it a secret

go fuck yourself piece of shit motherfucker

>tfw 30 yr old virgin


Good for you, my man

>mfw op gets cucked in 4 weeks at max

>assuming my gender

You're wasting your potential if you haven't signed up for wizard college yet.

Did you get a prenump?

>hey honey want to talk about video games
you'll be back

I think I'm going to stop attending weddings. They all just get divorced in under two years anyway.

They dont work.

Congratulations, Best of luck!

Psht, there's nothing some old fogies at a college can teach me
I'm a self-taught wizard

Happy weeding, see you again during your honeymoon when your wife fucks Tyrone cuz ur to busy doing meme threads on vee.

And nothing of value was lost

Even if I'd rather you didn't, I'll know you'll be here tomorrow.
Don't forget, you're here forever.

>poor grammar
>posts frogs
>getting married
Yep, looks like everything adds up here.

You'll need it more than ever.

hilarious I know 3 people that happened already, must be embarrassing changing your facebook status to single


>mfw OP gets divorced and loses half of all of his assets and has to pay child support for the child jamal put in his wifes belly


>marrying someone who doesn't share the same interests as you


Haahah, nice meme OP! Have an upboat ::^^:)))


>parents divorced when I was a teenager
>scarred from marriage for life

really? how old were they and what were their race

Hey, it worked for Randy Pitchford

dumb frogposter

good riddance, less frogposting is better

post timestamped blood test and marriage license

What the fuck happened to this shit board?

Why would you willingly fork over half your shit just because you like to bang some chick. You've built too far into infatuation. I guess it is fun to tag a pet but solo is always the best route. The depth of choice.

Late 20s, two white couples and an Asian one.
Funnily enough, the one couple I have seen get married and not divorce was my Mexican neighbors. Must be the heavy traditional Catholic thing.

One was my cousin and she's almost 40. First time being married and divorced in no time. Also someone else I know just got married again but he's been divorced two other times before I was even born and then another time. So we'll see if this one lasts. It won't. All white

get over it bitchboy

although it's probably for the best, marriages just end up cucked these days.

>marrying someone with the same interests as you
Enjoy having 0 (zero) personal space.

>parents are still together
>scarred from marriage for life

This a thousand times.

It is our generations duty to make sure we all find proper brides and not quick flings so our children do not become fucked up like us.

Go out their and spend time finding the right woman. Don't fuck the first pussy you find, make a real effort to find one of them decent chickas who want to settle have raise children properly.

Worst case scenario OP gets a 1 bedroom apt to hoard vidya in and fuck stange pussy in a few years. Fuck it, go for it my man. Congrats.

Newfags, normies.

I'm proud of you, OP.

See you tomorrow.


Women into nerd shit are never single for more then a week. Some people have to settle in that department and get a saneis h girl not surrounded by orbiters.

does your fiancees son like videogames?

>tfw from a culture where they shame cheaters and whores
Good ole small town America

>wanting children
lmao are you fucking crazy

Something something save the white race preserve our godly genes something Sup Forums