I'm bored Sup Forums
I'm bored Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
portals can't move
Portal's don't real
Portals are doorways and don't interact with the object passing through them in any way. The answer is A, it's the exact same as a hula hoop or tire falling around the cube.
Once again the portals are holes, doorways, they do not touch, interact with, or impart any energy onto the cube in any way whatsoever. Tired thread is tired and should stop being made.
The bar falling doesn't add any additional forces to the cube.
But how does the cube emerge from the other side? That requires movement.
spacetime moved around it
It doesn't require any movement of the cube. Imagine a moving wall with a doorway on it, as it moves over and around the cube it doesn't touch or move the cube at all. Relatively the cube is always stationary, the only reason the cube "plops" out in the OP picture is because the exit portal is at an angle.
That doesn't say anything.
>It doesn't require any movement of the cube.
You're right. The portal could move instead. But we can see that it isn't.
Posting this before the shitstorm arises
Even though this will probably cause it to happen even worse
Portals can't move, according to the rules of the in-game universe. They can't be placed on moving surfaces. And, if a surface they're on moves, the portal dissipates.
Therefore this question is invalid. How can we judge this in-universe without staying true to the laws of that universe?
Imagine a new universe.
Except for that one time Valve said fuck it, portals can move for no reason.
This whole debate is focused on the fact that in the theoretical OP picture the piston with the orange portal is the only moving thing. If the platform that the cube is sitting on was the moving object then yes, the cube would move because the platform is imparting energy onto the cube. The piston with the portal imparts no energy onto the cube.
Every time that webm is posted in one of these threads it always gets explained that the source engine is shit, it took forever for a mod maker to get portals to work in gmod, and to actually get them to work he had to take a bunch of shortcuts and basically made "pretend" portals that are actually forceful teleporters that don't follow the actual portal design or work like portals in Portal 1 and 2 work.
It's just a paradox that depends on which portal you observe it from. That's why you aren't allowed (except in the one sequence in Portal 2) to move one portal relative to another
If you stood next to the cube and looked up though the Orange portal the cube would stay stationary because it didn't move relative to you
If you stood next to the ramp and looked through the Blue Portal the cube would fly at you and hit you in the head because it was moving relative to you
For instance, imagine being next to the ramp and the Blue Portal. As the piston moved the Orange Portal and you looked through the Blue you would feel a rush of air as if you were looking out the cockpit of a plane with no windshield
If you stood next the cube as the Orange portal drew near would you expect to feel the vacuum that was made by this gust of wing through the Blue Portal? No, you'd feel no different as the Orange Portal moved by you.
Thus, it just depends on where you observe it from (relative to the other portal)
>This whole debate is focused on the fact that in the theoretical OP picture the piston with the orange portal is the only moving thing.
It's clearly not, though. Look only at the blue portal. A cube appears. Where did it come from? Why, it moved there.
>speed lines are only on the orange portal piston
>everything else does not have speed lines
I understand that first grade is difficult and common sense is tough to learn but they really should have taught you this already.
Also b8 harder
Did the blue portal move? I see no speed lines. But the cube and the blue portal are moving relative to each other.
Although, if depending on the propeties of the ramp/dark grey metal bar, the block could slide down the ramp afterwards.
In the same way that a person and a doorway are moving relative to esch other. Sure, if you focus on the blue portal it is the only thing not moving, if you focus on the cube it is the only thing not moving. But what would be physical and measurable in that scenario is that the orange portal piston moves and the cube only moves due to gravity
I believe that it's A, but there's no way we can ever know for sure.
That only supports what I'm saying, unless for some reason you think the cube platform is the moving object, which is incorrect
Maybe one day I'll also be bored enough to post this thread we've all seen countless times.
Play some vidya maybe.
Scenario B has been proven time and time and time again with countless arguments and reasoning to back it up which haven't been unraveled yet. I remember one Afag last thread just losing his shit and accusing all Bfags of implying "mysterious forces" acting on the cube over and over when he couldn't understand the rationale.
Seeing the continued existence of Afags is actually saddening and I mean it. Assuming you're not just baiting, I could not imagine being so mentally stunted that despite all the threads we've had about this, you still go on believing it's A. That has to be maddening.
>But what would be physical and measurable in that scenario is that the orange portal piston moves and the cube only moves due to gravity
And how did you determine that? I think if you had some sort of pressure pad outside the blue portal to register impacts, it would register the cube as moving into it. In fact, I think we can tell the speed it would register.
>typing this much to say nothing but stupid shit
It's over, Afag. Anyone with a brain knows the true answer by now. These threads are just bait threads at this point.
A. The platform with the block would have to be moving for the block to shoot out.
Both scenarios are functionally identical because speed is relative and crossing the portal threshold puts you in a new frame of reference.
A-fag arguments:
>portals are hulla-hoops
>conservation of momentum
>repeat ad nauseam while ignoring counter-arguments they don't understand
B master race arguments:
>portals are more complicated than hulla-hoops
>conservation of momentum is a consequence of the homogeneity of space which portals break
>the cube comes out of the blue portal at high speeds and it has no reason to suddenly stop since no force other than gravity and air friction act on it when it comes out
thats just wrong though, if the platform with the cube was moving up, it would enter the non moving portal which means it would be answer A.
The normal problem means the cube will go flying out because of the movement of the portal.
all of this has been proven in game already.
You realise that with the moving platform it's just a regular old Portal scenario with two stationary portals?
A-fags = high school level physics
B-fags = knowledge of analytical mechanics or good physics intuition
wrong, retard
spacetime being distorted or not does not influence conservation of momentum
Well, yes and no. Relative to the portal, you're right, but in relation to the environment, it depends on how the portals are moving relative to each other. If both portals are moving at the same speed relative to the environment they do function rather like hula hoops.
quit that bullshit
moving portals don't impart any energy to the cube
fuck off retard, and go read up a little
Videogame engines are built on telling clever lies, they don't perfectly simulate reality.
If it was built based on real world physics, the correct answer is B.
However, Portal's engine does not allow objects to pass through portals when tge portal moves along a Z axis, thus, within game, it's impossible. However, again if we apply real world physics, the answer is B, the velocity of the portal = the velocity of the cube as it enters and exits the portal.
So you say, and yet we can all see the cube move.
I'm a professor of physics and it's A
Then you're a bad teacher and should be fired for not understanding the law of conservation of momentum.
energy is not conserved as items go through portals, which means portals either impart energy or they simply break the rule of conservation of energy, either way that is not a valid argument against B
How bout now, Sup Forums?
Its still A
I thought portals were basically just doorways so it would be A because if you slam a hoola hoop onto the ground with a basketball in the middle no energy is transferred to the basketball
And yet it moves.
In the cube moving scenario imagine if the moving platform stopped early (with the cube). Momentum would shoot the cube up (like a slingshot).
In the portal moving scenario imagine if the moving platform (with the blue portal) stopped halfway down the distance of the cube. The cube has no reason to move upwards (through the rest of the way of the blue portal). The only reason it would move at all in the vibration of the two platforms colliding. This is like putting a cup over a spider really quick.
Kind of, but one side if the hullahoop is moving and the other side is stationary, so it depends which side of the hoola hoop you are looking through.
Described the this post:
>The cube has no reason to move upwards (through the rest of the way of the blue portal).
Are Afags just fundamentally incapable of logical thought or what?
a portal i nothing but a door, imagine a doorframe with an open door would fall from the skyonto you. would you suddenly lep into the sky just because a door went by you?`no you woudn't same with portals.
how would the energy from the protal even transit to the cube? you can#t creat velocity out of nothing
The cube never had momentum, the blue portal did
Unless you're looking from the perspective of the orange portal, where the block appears to be coming at you really fast
The paradox is
>The cube never had momentum
It does upon exiting.
Right, from the perspective of the ramp.
From the perspective of the cube and the playform the cube rests stationary on it does not.
The portals don't move the cube at all, they move the universe around it.
From the perspective of the cube it's one or the other, depending on which side it's on, and we're only concerned with one side.
Well that's what's so good about this bait, both sides are true because you didn't pick a perspective with OP's image. If you picked a side it's no longer a paradox but because we didn't this scenario cannot be (which is why it isn't in the Portal games, they even have a cute moment where GladOS shorts out as she tries to explain the conservation of momentum between portals in Portal 1)
It's much the same as >pic related
Pick a way to solve this equation and both ways are correct (although technically 4! does not equal 4 but whatever)
This shit doesn't make sense
The cube instantly moves from one point to the other
So, does he gain momentum corresponding to the rate of change of the reference point, or does he gain infinite speed?
How about a scenario where the orange portal can keep moving? In the picture if the portal moves back and forth across both the person and the bar, I think we can both agree that it will appear that the person would appear to be moving back and forth on the opposite room. A would say the person only needs to hold himself up against gravity, but does not need any horizontal force to keep from being pushed off the bar. B would say the person would flail around trying to hold on.
The point of this is to ask at what point the portal looses its influence over the person. What if instead the person had a jet pack that allowed them to hover. Would they continue to move around in the opposite room to match the motion of the first portal or would they just stop after their body is fully though? Both of these two scenarios seem to be the same since there is only an upward force, but it is harder to justify that moving the orange portal would cause the hovering person to appear the continue to appear to move. It would make sense using the logic that you directly connect the rooms at the portal like I think people who support A are trying to do, but there has to be some point the guy would be definitively within the physics of room B.
A is impossible because of special relativity
B is impossible because of general relativity
tldr portals dont move.