How do we stop liberals from ruining video games?
How do we stop liberals from ruining video games?
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Stop giving them the attention and clicks they so desperately crave.
Well no shit, WWII was about white imperialism. That's why don't think we should show it in a positive light in media.
Everything is about white imperialism. Modern society is a product of white imperialism.
the amount of liberals trying to do shit in games and the amount of dumbass conservatives trying to do shit ing games are so insignificant it literally matters nowhere else besides like Sup Forums and tumblr: the two places where everyone talks and overreacts, but nothing gets done
I guess we should have a non-white woman's war?
Who the fuck cares about what Polygon thinks you dense cunt.
might as well just change US history and say we had multiple black and asian presidents in the past.
kill them
stop following polygon.
basically the cancer of the already cancerous gaming journalism industry
yes, let niggers and muslim fight eachother
Im ok with that
>look I'm fitting in!
>muh politics
Life-newfag here, how is it possible exactly that ONLY white men fought in a WORLD WAR? That's just dumb
>Sup Forums-liberal watchdogs
There's that word being misused again.
Just play Japanese games.
good for you
I don't want to read this fucking garbage. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, retard!
As long as it's fought in Africa or the Middle East, sounds like a great idea.
You don't. It's literally one of the last bastions where they can be enormous bullies without having any sort of people to tell them off. They're buffered twice : most gamers are useless betas, and those that stand up to the liberal fuckery are labelled as losers and social outcasts.
Anywhere else and they've got to deal with chads and the real media, same as us. But here they can toss out the term 'racist' and still have it mean something to the fucking betas in the group.
Holy shit I know their job is to bait people but millions of people died in battle, if instead they portrayed shoeless Soviet trannies getting gunned down outside Luhansk they'd probably call it misogynistic
Can we kill Sam too?
those are also full of thinly veiled race, environmental, and society "issues". no thanks!
Someone just make a fucking game about the Rwandan Genocide so these fucking shits can shut the fuck up goddamn holy fucking jesus Hitler christian god sucking faggots
Stop playing Western trash where devs cave to this shit.
yes let's have a WW2 game where you play as a female factory worker i'm sure that'd sell well
What? Admitting you let the crazy's rule the roost?
This is what happens when you let that happen so deal with it "libtard"
Stop letting them ruin it for you
you can try, if you truly desire an early death
>white man's war
>native americans
>black americans
I want liberals to die.
poltards too
When will people understand that you can't pander to them? They'll never be satisfied unless they have full control over the project
Doesn't count, it's okay when Japan does it
Stopped reading right there.
The better question is why does a polygon article make you butthurt? Are you as addicted to outrage as they are?
Western video games have been liberal for 30 years, why the fuck are you complaining now?
>Call of Duty's 'diversity' is nothing more than marketing
I would adore it if they actually start coming down on devs and publishers for this.
>White Mans War
>Japan, China, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Iraq, Brazil, The Phillipines, Thailand, Vietnam, Burma, Ethopia, Malaya
Japanese games are fucking worse.
Liberals are the only ones who play video games.
>look im missing the joke!
>Laquisha vs Activision
>Using blakc heritage as a marketing tool
Don't forget ethnically asian russians, US and canadian native americans and blacks
You stop being a bigoted piece of shit
>game doesn't have niggers
>it's racist
>game has niggers
>"omg you can kill niggers its racist"
Just pretend liberals don't exist. That's all you gotta do.
yakuza has been making fun of trannies for a long time. Kiryu is literally a mary sue in every game as well.
>Republicans and millenials are two mutually exclusive groups
Give them free helicopter rides.
I'm pretty sure you are using this image out of context because it sounds like you are haggling the guy.
I'm not liberal, so I'm not sure why you're calling me a "libtard", retard.
My point is that calling SJW regressive types "liberal" is like calling Stormfags "conservative". It's just flat out incorrect and lets you know immediately that the person doing it is an idiot.
I don't think they're saying WW2 is entirely a white man's war just that this COD is only showing that part of it.
i wanna love allison so lovingly that she turns back to a normal person!!!!!!
>tfw found out today that the year range for Millennials is 1980-1995
>tfw I'm what I've been making fun of
It's a game about all countries of Earth banding together and assembling a team of scientists to combat a global threat.
Do you fucking edgy faggots want them to represent Mexico with Aryans?
>Minorities not featured in a game about something negative like war
I don't get it
Blame the sisterfuckers, I'm not the one who made the image.
>in america and europe you can either be a right wing insecure baby or a leftist cuck
goddamn does it feel good to not be one of you guys
top fucking kek
when will devs realize that there is no pleasing these people?
It's more of a mentality than an age thing
You are a liberal
>E3 2017
>Sony E3 Press Conference
>"I know all of you can't wait to play CoD:WWII and we can't wait to have you play it."
>"And right after this press conference is done we're releasing our new mobile game, CoD: Factory Girl Force, free to play and enjoy!"
Generations are less about the year you were born than your views on various issues.
>Implying millennials who are republicans don't exist
>Implying you can't be a self-sufficient hard working person who plays video games
>Implying doing nigger-tier manual labor because you were too much of a failure to pursue a career is something to be proud of
>Implying I'm not a retarded faggot who's writing a long-winded butthurt reply to an obvious bait image that no one gives a shit about or will bother to read anyway
Wherever you are from I can make fun of you, so let's cut to the chase and assumed I roasted you with an overused stereotype joke that still makes people laugh.
go and make right wing games.
oh wait...
right wing retards can't produce games
>americans think less of someone in college than someone in the armed forces
holy shit
Except it isn't.
It's a term created by demographers that has been twisted into a pejorative by baby boomers who fear the nearing of their inevitable deaths and loss of control.
Meanwhile, conservatives are throwing a shitfit because Bill Nye the Science Guy offended them and hurt their feelings in a show they don't watch.
>that pewdiepie tweet
even he knows this is bait
>people who were 15-20 in 2000
>millenial term didnt exist til like 2010
Shits all a bunch of retarded know nothing buzzword gibberish
I mean, from the American perspective, it basically was. Not saying niggers didn't contribute at all, but if you read letters by niggers at the time, a lot of them complained about their duties being relegated to the kitchen preparing meals.
So what does Polygon even want? Military soup kitchen simulator?
I would agree however that a WW2 game set in something like the Pacific Theatre, but from the perspective of a Chinese or Filipino would be cool. But this is not that game.
Lmao I can't believe people read this shit
>uses the term regressive
>claims to not be a liberal
Yeah I agree. Baby boomers are newborns imo. The word baby is right in the title.
I fucking hate baby boomers shitting and crying and being unable to care for themselves.
Throwing a shitfit? They're delighted. Normies are disgusted by Nye's show.
i'm from a country in which our protests make the US' drumpf-antifa riots look like peaceful friendly discussions and I'd STILL rather be here than in the us or europe
you're basically victim blaming conservatives kiddo. stay mad lol :^)
Why is she even on that list? She committed no sexual offences. Her political opinions are clearly intended to be the worst thing about her here.
Remember when Millennial used to be Gen Y, before they found it was easier to twist into another HOT LABEL to further separate us into neat categories that allow for more BUZZ MEDIA CLICKBAIT.
There was a time where being a liberal was the right, and now it's just embarrassing desu. Only sane way to be is moderate these days.
Polygon should burn, seriously.
As much as Polygon is normally full of shit, I think they just mean that the developers are trying to pander to people by calling this game "diverse" when it's just the same WWII shit as usual.
>diversity checkboxes
They're in their back pockets, why would they do anything other than fellate them?
Delighted? The first episode of his new show talks about climate change, the thing conservatards like to close their ears and scream la-la-la whenever it's talked about.
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who unironically agree with Ben "The Bigger the Nigger the More He Pulls the Trigger" Garrison
Mods delete this thread it's not video games
>Society is a product of white people
good for you
I wonder how it feels being a polygon or kotaku writer
How do we stop conservative from giving weapons to Saudi Arabia?