Should I just bite the bullet and buy NieR Automata? The crack is taking too long. This would be the PC version so I don't know if its unstable or anything.
also POST 2B ASS
Should I just bite the bullet and buy NieR Automata? The crack is taking too long. This would be the PC version so I don't know if its unstable or anything.
also POST 2B ASS
That's a guy isn't it?
no its some Taiwanese cosplay girl as far as I know
I bought it for $80 in march, probably the best game I've played that was made in the past 3 years
Fuck, Ban all third world monkeys
I can't stand to share a board with those poor faggots
I want you fucking brazilians to be range banned
yeah but im white and i live in fucking Iowa. calm your tits
Automata is complete trash. Don't bother with it at all
Stay mad buyfag. I will keep playing my 3.5 tb of AAA games that i got for free and im a South African btw
Don't you have a cow to be fucking?
calm down you sperg im white. i mention cracking it because i like to try shit out before i pay full price for a game. i usually wait for a sale or something at least. just wondering if its worth buying at full price
yeah but your mother isnt answering her phone
>i mention cracking it because i like to try shit out before i pay full price for a game
What's the last game you purchased after pirating it?
fucking Sup Forumsv/ missing the real point of the thread
Yes, you wouldn't be able to getting E otherwise unless you're unbelievably good. Also
Take that back you tasteless faggot.
RE7 fuck you i liked it
>mentally ill degenerates still trying the confuse tactics to gather more adepts
It's hilarious to see you try
the cosplayer is Chihiro Chang
>not the epitome of shit taste
You probably haven't even played the game faggot, she's a walking plot device and marketing tool. Fucking Pascal probably has more lines than she does. Not to mention that if you waifu her you are a literal cuck.
Still haven't met a single girl irl who walks like this....
Why is there no doujins yet?
A 350lbs war machine designed to terminate terminators?
A2 is best girl!
> the BEST!
>tumblerinas landwhales and roasties getting triggered because within 10 years they will be replaced by androids and artificial wombs
>ywn have a gf to cosplay 2B and rip hot farts in your face
fuck this shit life
>generic waifushit #32932033234234
yawn. Yoko Taro needs to fuck off already
> A2 will never molest your waifu.
just end this gay world already!
2B gets my BBC harder than anything.
we got a live one
>ywn BE cute and girly enough to cosplay as a flat chested 2B.
>Sup Forumsfag forcing his hate of fun into Sup Forums again
Fuck off weebtrash
fucking hell user thats amazing
>TFW have the hottest fucking gf
>want her to display for me
>too afraid to ask because she's the most jealous person I've ever known
Calm your tits Shamu, some people prefer fun over western movies.
>some people prefer fun
Yep, thankfully these people are calling out Nier for being bland generic weeb bait.
ask her user, dont be a pussy
Fuck, the commander is such a qt.
I already know what she'll say though
>what I'm not pretty enough just being myself?
>you want me to be someone different?
>you think she's hotter then me don't you?
>No, I think that character would be way hotter if it were you in the costume instead.
Your girlfriend has some deep rooted issues.
You should have her talk to someone about them, it'd make you both happier.
Idk what to say other then thanks
I guess I'm an idiot for not thinking of that
Well she does always say she's ugly and always puts herself down
She's so hot though
>shit all girls do
That's true
Anyone else think her ass is too big?
Of course you haven't. 2B is an android.
If you watch fashion shows ala Virctoria's Secret etc the models there DO walk like this down the catwalk.
she obviously has no ass and you just want to meme, well here's your (you)
Here's your meal
i would give anything to feast upon that ass
Ireland please leave
Fuck off. Buy it or don't. No one cares.
>buy nier for 60 dollars
>die during the tutorial
>game makes me play all that shit again
>uninstall and get refund
>came for the pirating shitposting
>got the keks
Finished ending E. Overrated game of the year
got 70 bucks but i don't know if is worth it , never saw someone having trouble with bosses or getting stuck somewhere, is the game that easy? and how about the enemy variety i got really disappointed with nioh in that aspect and the gameplay is just like another platinium game?
please help
>spamming copypasted lies to get attention on an anonymous image board
Wish I could have gotten black box edition for 200, now I have to buy it off a scalper for half a grand.
Play on harder difficulties, enemy will one shot you there. Enemies look the same but have a decent amount of variants. The main draw of the game is the story, narrative and music. It's more of a Taro game than a Platinum game, just this time it the gameplay is good enough to not make want to kill myself.
It gets easy once you get your levels. I would recommend starting on normal and switching to hard if you get overfarmed on side quests.
And you fags were delusional enough to say anti-piracy doesn't raise sales.
Exactly what would happen to me.
The game is bayonetta but for casuals. You'll never have any problems
I just finished my exams. Going to finish Berseria then if the crack isn't out I'll buy it. Yoko Taro deserves my money but holy fuck $80 Trudeau fun bucks is entirely too much.
>Oh good the dollar dropped again, we can double the price of games then never drop it again even after the dollar improves