Never played the isometric Fallouts, what am I in for?
Never played the isometric Fallouts, what am I in for?
dialog trees and randomness.
An isometric view.
40% of the game is saving and reloading.
entire towns turning hostile because you didn't read a dialogue option well enough
You can do morally bad things, which you probably aren't used to if you're coming from F4
A lot of quicksaves/quickloads, a fair bit of pixel hunting for grabbing the right things, and depending on who you are, a lot of fun.
go with 1 INT 10 STR
Some of the best rpg's of all time. Difficult as hell if you don't read the manual.
>meme builds on your first run
the manual is a litteral book. love black isle
i was saying that to see the dialogue options. your character is retarded and can only speak in mumbles
Yes but that's not really fun for a first playthrough.
meh true
A terrible boring chore with le edgy dialog, save yourself a few hours and uninstall
obvious troll is obvious
Fantastic RPG's. Would only say that pic related is better, and maybe Jagged Alliance 2 because I love it so much.
boring garbage that people tricked themselves into thinking was fun because there were no other games made before the year 2000
Play Fallout 1 first dummy. It's easier and shorter so that you'll halfway know what the fuck you're doing when you fire up the Dante Must Die Mode that is Fallout 2. Also install Killap's patch otherwise you will hit a random encounter on the overworld map once every 2 milliseconds, and random encounters in Fallout 2 will murder you before your turn even starts a good 50% of the time. You can somewhat avoid this once you've read enough Outdoorsman books or can sequence high enough to run away.
I like to play permadeath in RPGs but Fallout 2 makes it impossible. It's doable until you start encountering Enclave with energy weapons who will increase the random encounter death rate to about 80%
Fallout 1 is crap, you are literally railroaded into saving the vault no matter what cause if you don't you get a big fat giant game over screen because fuck you how DARE you try and roleplay not giving a crap about a vault you can hardly remember it's inhabitants names.
Fallout 2 is much better despite still having some flaws so if you want an actual RPG go play that instead of the first game.
Regardless both game's trading systems can go suck the big one.
just put your fucking weapon away you dumb fuck.
This and essentially a board game
Yeah I think I'll start with 1 then. I'm kinda new to isometric RPGs in general so I should probably play whichever is easier. Any build recommendations?
INT gives you a fuck ton of skill points and AGI dictates how many action points you get. Don't tag energy weapons straight off the bat. Start off with small arms (don't go over like 85 here) and use the TAG! perk on energy weapons later on in the game (it'll give you a huge boost to whatever points you've invested in it so you can drop a few points in it every now and then). Toughness and swift learner are good perks to take early. Traits can be kind of a pain. I like gifted and finesse usually.
Once you get power armor and the turbo plasma rifle the game is ez mode.
Thanks, user.
Actual good games.
>"everything is a meme" meme
the fallout 1 dipped in vats ending arouses me
how worried should i be
I replayed them just recent for the 4rh or 5th time. Dont set your expectations to high and before playing fallout 2 installiert the content Restauration mod which Puts alot of things into the game that the developers could not finish at release date.
Also dont expect the games to babysit you into the "right" choices like 3 did.