ITT: video game franchises with toxic communities

I'll start

literally every game ever created
you cant argue with me

Get the basics out of the way
>League of Legends
>DotA 2
>Rocket League

every multiplayer ever + dark souls


When did this become a thing?

Rainbow 6 has the most insufferable online community

>every multiplayer ever

It's almost like humans are toxic


>tfw the community literally killed the game
seriously i'm still fucking mad

man, people list dota 2 and other games like they're equal community wise.

they aint the same. Dota 2's community is the worst shit ive ever seen in my life. 50% of your matches you will be teamed up with some mentally ill adolescent who is awful at the game and blames you for everything.

What did they do?

Let's just get this out of the way

Forgot pic

Fistful of Frags never really seemed toxic to me.

Siege community is fucking horrendous. Can't tell you the amount of fanmail I've gotten over "kill stealing" during 5v5s, 3v5s, and even 2v5s. I can't tell if it's pure autistic rage or children to be honest.

People got really upset about people pulling off silly ballerina-esque physics abusing moves despite them being countered very easily once you get used to them and having almost no use in high level play.

But instead of gitting gud they just bitched a bunch then quit the game

>go into game
>pretty fun
>eventually lose interest
>come back to see what's new
>no new weapon types since the first weapon update, it's all just overpriced shitty skins
>get into a match
>some faggot approaches
>crouches into a ball and flails his sword around like a spastic
>keeps flailing until I die
>"haha it's just a feature dude"

Mordhau can't come soon enough

Try playing it. They abuse the swing mechanics, all act like they're celebrities or some shit, and only talk shit. It's hard to find a decent person who doesn't do any of the shit above.

>go into game
>someone kills you
theres nothing wrong with chivs combat. you're just a massive pussy

*runs at you*

I did play it. How is that the communities fault that the game has a retarded swing mechanic?

>game has a couple patches and is for all intents and purposes extremely well balanced for the Team Objective mode which was incredibly fun and required a good amount of teamwork
>duel-fags complain that x weapon isn't good for duels and Y weapon is too OP for dueling
>they nerf and buff weapons for duels instead of for the Team Objective mode (the most played gamemode)
>bring in a ranking system
>there are bugs in the game that allow you to hit earlier and later than you should in a swing and were never patched because duel-fags considered it skill
>eventually everyone looks like a fucking windmill, throwing their mouse cursors all over the place
>the best counter against this nonsense being feinting was nerfed into the ground by duel-fags
>add paid cosmetics that are ridiculously overpriced
Basically the community demanded shit and bitched up storms until shit wasn't fun anymore.

and then there's this asshole
It was complete and utter nonsense and you know it faggot, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with skill, once that shit started there was no ending it without a patch that the devs never gave us.

This, it's shit now.

>despite them being countered very easily

teach me

This, almost every player I met in FoF are pretty chill

Every remotely popular game has a shitty community because of the majority of people are utter pricks over the internet.


these are the same shitters that cry about feints.

go vanguard and spam poke
bathe in tears


duel-fags ruined Chivalry, prove me wrong
>see two chucklefucks fighting
>kill the enemy
the beginning of the end.
>use feint
>wooooooooow reported
my second favorite.

The lead dev comes off as a cock

Fucking this, also you forgot
>ayo im soo high and drunk right nao xDDD

Literally every stupid motherfucker in this game can't wait to tell you how high and drunk they are.

>go into an elimination game like 3 years after I stopped playing
>two guys are fighting
>I try to help my teammate
>we end up killing the guy but I accidentally hit my teammate in the process
>he team kills me while I have my back turned because I thought he would just shrug it off
>next round
>I hit the guy at the start out of spite
>him and his friend kill me
>"user is teamkilling"
>you've been kicked from the server

This game is trash.

>nobody whines about that shit in duel servers, and if they do they're sub level 40
>they have never nerfed or buffed anything for duels, hilarious how you have to come up with blantant lies.
>what bugs? please enlighten me.
>windmills are easily countered if you arent garbage.
>no balancing was ever done for duel servers. ever.
>paid cosmetics that go on sale and are cheap. also, the base weapon aesthetics are GOAT

you're one of those people that hits level 15 and gets out of the noob servers and then whines because he doesn't understand how to play against people who arent shit.

The reason this game is ass is cause of the "git gud" attitude. A war hammer traveling at 2 mph shouldn't do the same damage as the same hammer going 10 mph.

Imagine starting an overhead swing but crouching and turning around so that it instantly strikes.

Fuck That.

>complaining about drags

oh boy, you're going to hate mordhau.

>*kills you from 2 miles away*

no i stopped playing years ago, I got a good 200 hours out of it
>>no balancing was ever done for duel servers. ever.
>t. didn't play pre 2013

(You) guys are exactly the reason why this game scene is fucking DEAD.
Also lmao Mirage is fucking shit, RIP TornBanner

B-but its supposed to not be Chivalry...

But its supposed to do some sort of damage penalty to balance the swing, right?

For Honor is pretty toxic. The game is only fun when the players get mad though.

>That guy that always played left and negotiation was out of the question.

dragging is fucking stupid and made absolutely no sense



almost every game i ran into some teen or preteen that called me a hacker because they were shit.

The community for this specific game is pretty obnoxious

Shit, wrong picture

>it's the consumer's fault our product is bad
Come the fuck on