I beat it. Did anyone else feel the ending was rushed? Plus ending in December and then 3 days left

I beat it. Did anyone else feel the ending was rushed? Plus ending in December and then 3 days left...

ending was a steaming pile of generic garbage. rest of the game was great though.

Best time for the game to end was when they were disappearing in the city.

Yes, the bullet to the brain was hype but that was expected. The boss was also way too easy.

Common complaint, actually.

I'm still holding out that P5C will feature a playable January, where the rest of the Phantom Thieves have to take down an Erebus-like being. While being led by Shadow Akechi for whatever reason.

It had some hints surrounding it if you paid attention. Did you think Meme Toes was literally nothing?
it still makes more sense than P4's ending

The game was already too long. There could have been more buildup, but I liked that the true villain was just the treasure from mementos that gained an absurd amount of power from all the people subconsciously wishing for someone to take their responsibilities away. It didn't feel like it came out of nowhere when I thought more about it. What's a little disappointing is how Shido had a hand in everything. Even your school principal for some reason.

I kind of wish they left it up to the player to figure out that something was wrong with the public.

A lot of people seem to think it's just an optional dungeon at first.

human final boss P5>P4
hidden real boss P4>P5
Not a real hard achievement for the first though, you just needed a reason other than lol, bored

I didn't like Yabbadibadda too much. I mean, sure, he's kinda foreshadowed, but the reveal kind of pales in comparison to the fake suicide. I also feel his motivations and end-game threats were too close to Nyx's and Giant Disco Ball's.
Then again, I tend to enjoy the "human" part of the story more than the "mystic" one, so I'm a bit biased on that.

One stuff that I did really like at the end though, is how your maxed SL try to help you when you're in prison, which is a better way of using this that going "power of tomodachi" during the final boss. It's kinda sad that it doesn't do anything for your teammates though (Haru's fiancee could have tried to redeem himself by helping you, Ryuji's friend whose mother is part of the PTA could have intervened, and so forth).

>What's a little disappointing is how Shido had a hand in everything
This. I cringed hard when it was revealed Madarame and Kaneshiro were funneling money to him. I was waiting for them to link Kamoshida to him some how but thank fuck they weren't that retarded.

what I want to know is how important was having control over the potentially useful teenagers of just one school that a random principal is that close to your inner circle he was one trip the cops away from fucking up the whole deal

One thing I didn't understand with Shido, is that Soichiro acknowledges at the start of the game that you were arrested over a fight when trying to stop a sexual assault, but later on they show that Shido made the woman lie and had it look like you just randomly attacked him. So did both sides of the story get out?

Isn't he imprisoned in January? Playable February sounds more likely

I just expect these kinds of plot holes in pretty much any Japanese stuff now. Something like that always seems to happen.

It could be what Joker told his parents who then told Sojiro.

i think it's always been consistently referred to as an assault. But since Shido wanted to keep his name out the paperwork to make shit less complicated for him, they probably had to shift things around until it was credible enough to stick

Yeah, I'm not sure what Gru's position in the organization's plan was.

Heck maybe he was just moonlighting as a principle. The only work we ever see him do at the school is pushing work onto Makoto.

eh, maybe I'm just being too picky. Maybe I just wanted a faceless middleman, that the person he's always talking to on the phone is a higher up on the board of education who was part of Shido's party and not... I'm remembering right that he reported directly Sae's boss? At least that added layer you can say Shido benefits from someone loyal to him in control of multiple schools in order to either headhunt potential future toadies or influence them

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I just wanted it to be over by the end. the mementos depths dungeon was a fucking drag, then you get a final boss fake out, a fucking hour of story stuff, a mini dungeon with 3 mini bosses, then a two phase final boss with another hour of epilogue stuff.

they should have just done the mementos depths shit with the hell shibuya mini bosses, then had the final boss at the bottom of mementos and gone to epilogue, would have cut out like three hours of padding right at the end

>P5C will add a playable juvie section with a canon waifubait for the true, true ending