>GAME (pun on the number 2)
>GAME (pun on the number 3)
>GAME (pun on the number 4)
>GAME [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 2
>game 2
>game 3 [subtitle]
>game [subtitle]
>game [subtitle]
>game [subtitle] 2 [subtitle is previous games subtitle]
>game 4
>game [subtitle but sequel to other ongoing series]
>game 0
>game 5
>game [subtitle]
>game [subtitle but not releated to previous subtitle game]
>game 6
>game [subtitle] 2
>game with pun on game name
>game 2
>Game [Subtitle]
>Game [Subtitle]
>Game [Subtitle]
>Game [Subtitle]
>Game [Subtitle]
>Game 7
>Game 8
>Game 8 [Subtitle]
what game is this
>GAME 2 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 2 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 3 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 2 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 3 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 4 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle] HD
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 5 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] 5 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle]
>GAME 2 [subtitle]
>GAME 3 [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle]
>GA [subtitle]
>[subtitle] ME
>GAME [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] [subtitle]
>GAME [subtitle] (continue for two more games)
MGS, too easy.
The Puyo Puyo thread is over here:
Game Name: Series Name
Game Name: Series Name II
New Series Name
New Series Name II
New Series Name: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle
New Series Name IV
New Series Name IV: Subtitle
Subtitle: Subtitle
Old Series Name Gaiden: Subtitle II
Subtitle III
Another Subtitle
Old Series Name Gaiden: Subtitle Special
Spinoff Name Close To Old Series Name
Spinoff Name Close To Old Series Name II: Subtitle
Spinoff Name Close To Old Series Name: Subtitle
Spinoff Name Close To Old Series Name: Subtitle II
New Series Name: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle 2: Subtitle
Older Spinoff Name: Subtitle
Subtitle 2: Subtitle
Subtitle 2: Different Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle 3
Subtitle 3: Subtitle
Subtitle 3: Subtitle
New Series Name: Subtitle 4
Subtitle 4 Subtitle
Subtitle 4 Subtitle: The Subtitle
Subtitle 4: Subtitle
Subtitle Letter: Subtitle
Subtitle 4: Subtitling All Night
Subtitle 5
I know an user in a different thread wanted me to do the entire series but fuck, I can't go on. There's too many games.
>GAME 2 (subtitle)
>(subtitle) GAME
>GAME (subtitle)
>GAME 3 (subtitle)
mario kart
the start should be
>GAME 2 [subtitle]
which is even worse
>GAME II: (insert enemy here) Strikes back
>GAME The Third
>GAME (2006)
>Tales of GAME
>Legends of GAME
>GAME REDUX: directors cut, GOTY edition
You forgot the PSP games.
Nocturne is numbered
Only in Japan
I'm not Japanese
Name 15 games that do this
(interjection) GAME
>Game 2
>GAME [SUBTITLE] (mobile)
>GAME [SUBTITLE] (mobile rebrand)
>GAME 3 (not yet released)
>game [subtitle]
>game [subtitle]
>game [subtitle]
>game [subtitle [subtitle]]
>game [subtitle [subtitle [subtitle]]]
>game [subtitle]
came here to post this
Subtle as fuck
Kingdom hearts series pisses me off so much with their stupid naming scheme
>game 2
i can't hold my rage
>GAME [prequel]
>GAME [sequel to prequel]
>GAME [prequel]
>GAME [sequel to prequel]
>GAME [prequel but not as prequel]
>GAME [prequel but not as prequel]
>GAME [sequel to prequel in alternate timeline]
>GAME [sequel in a different alternate timeline]
>GAME [prequel to previous sequel but still after other prequels]
>GAME [prequel to all other games]
>GAME [sequel to other sequel in alternate timeline]
>GAME [see above]
>GAME [prequeliest prequel]
>GAME [sequel to prequel but also direct prequel to the original]
"Tactical Espionage Action/Operations" isnt a subtitle you tard.
Solid is you fucking autist
No its not, the game is called Metal Gear Solid; not Metal Gear: Solid.
I'll show you Solid
The first 2 games were called Metal Gear. Metal Gear is the series name, Solid is a subtitle. It's why Metal Gear Ghost Babel didn't have Solid in the name outside of the US, why Acid doesn't use the Solid name and why Rising doesn't use Solid
God I hope youre just baiting.
>never got a sequel because fuck you
;_; rip in piece Wonderful 101
I'm not baiting cause I'm right
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game 4
>Game 5
>GAME (year)
>Game 2: Subtitle
>Subtitle: Game 3
>Subtitle 2
>Subtitle 3
>Subtitle 4
>Subtitle World
>Subtitle: Subtitle
Explain why Solid isn't a subtitle as Metal Gear is the series name
Yeah, youre baiting. Heres your {you}.
>doesn't give any explanation
>assumes i'm baiting so he can pussy out while looking like he knows anything
What's anal stimulation like user?
>Game 7
>Game 8
>Game 9, Game 10, etc...
>there is no Game 1-6
I've never understood this.
literally what game are you talking about
>Game [Subtitle]
>ゲーム 3
>ゲーム is now: Game [Subtitle] (prequel)
Killer 7 in the alternate universe where the genera public has good taste.
final fantasy
but there is an FF1-6
Why would there be a killer 8-10? Killer7 only works as its own game.
Inazuma 11
I think it's based on the "Final Fantasy starts at 7" meme.
Final Fantasy.
I could be wrong but afaik it started with 7 on playstation.
I don't know, I'm sure Suda51 could manage to come up with something if the game were successful enough to warrant it. We're living in the timeline where fucking Nier got a sequel, and that has one of the most final and perfect endings of all time.
I'm pretty sure that Yoko Taro made Nier Automata and Drakengard 3 sequels because nobody was willing to let him make a third new IP so he just made a new IP and slapped a previous game's title on it.
Killer 10 would probably just be No More Heroes and Killer 15 would be No More Heroes 2
>Video Game
>Video Game: Location and year
>Video Game: Location and year
>Video Game2
>Video Game III
>Video Game: Fictional Location
>Video Game: Fictional Location
>Video Game Advance
>Video Game: Fictional Location
>Video Game: Fictional Location
>Video Game IV
>Video Game: Subtitle
>Video Game: Subtitle
>Video Game: Subtitle
>Video Game: V
Fucking final fantasy