The worst common enemies in their respective video games
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What is it with spiders?
I dont have a picture but the bats from Downwell. HOLY FUCK I SWEAR I WAS ON TOP OF YOU SLIPPERY FUCK
filename related.
They're common in Plutonia
>decide to watch howl's moving castle
>get comfy
>feel something on my feet
>red spider
>don't kill it and trap it inside an empty water bottle
>later get thirsty
>grab the first bottle i can feel in the dark
>open it and prepare to have a sip
>remember the spider
>it's too late
The fucking bats in Vagante are terrible, too. If you accidentally go underneath them you're fucked
ITT: spiders and bats are bad?
>playing on hard mode
>you can't shoot them while they're on the walls
You mean TNT? Plutonia isn't so bad with zombies.
You're right in that there's much less zombiemen (443 vs 86) and shotguys (1041 vs 315), but there's a copious amount of chainguys in TNT and Plutonia when compared to Doom 2.
Jesus man.
Not pictured but the bats from this Spooky Castle
weet weet weet weet
that game is harder than any Dark Souls
how can you be so bad at platformers?
i hope you like diseases
LOL you can just run past the spiders in every cave you come across.
>drinking a spiderbro
you should be ashamed
they were fine when the level design didn't make them unstoppable