Huh. I can't say that's what I'd have picked for you, but if that's your name that's your name

Huh. I can't say that's what I'd have picked for you, but if that's your name that's your name.

I killed this guy every time.

>side with powder gangers
>they all just stand in a small dark room in the saloon forever

what did they mean by this

I believe it means

"why the fuck did you side with us?"

to get to the prison and do more quests

give me reason to tag survivalist

Just dress up as a powder ganger innit

>the adults from vault 22 say they called him "mole butt" as kids because of a mole he had on his ass
>but when they were kids, he was already middle aged
>a bunch of kids somehow regularly saw a grown man naked

makes you think what he was doing naked around kids

doesn't work on the guard outside, or anyone in Eddie's building

Believe me I've tried

Dressing up won't let you do Powder Ganger quests, named NPC's will aggro on sight

Why not just book it straight for the prison then go back to Goodsprings to finish the fight?

is it possible to do a charisma/speech playthrough

Absolutely. Just don't count on it to save your ass in any of the DLC

Oh right, every single time I play the game I'm like I'll side with the powder gangers this time and yet 5/5 times I've forgotten and murdered them dead

>he doesn't wait until after clearing the prison to murder the criminal scum

You'll still need a combat stat for vault 34,11 and boomer stuff but yes

you could, but that's out of the way and you'd have to get the location from Joe Cobb anyway. Plus you'd have to pass the respec point on the way

Not like it even matters anyway. Don't even pretend you ever went back to goodsprings after leaving

There is no good reason to side with the Powder Gangers

>end of Honest Hearts DLC
>Joshua is about to execute Salt Upon Wounds
>your courier grows a conscience and tells him to stop killing the piece of shit that razed his town

>Don't even pretend you ever went back to goodsprings after leaving

I used cowboy robots house as a stash point until Novac. Also, Chet is the only merchant that sells weapon mods for low tier weapons. Also, if your using a bottled water mod, then Goodsprings is one of the few places to get clean water on that side of the map.

Does anyone know where you can get the enb 2.67 binaries? A bunch of them don't work without it but I can only find later or earlier versions

>not choosing best option pic related

>tfw you realize the Courier is Venom Pete

I enjoyed that speech check because it's obnoxiously high as it should because you literally challenge his faith and doctrine to his face, making him realize he's not the coinflip in no country for old men.

But letting salt go was a dumb idea considering what he had done, I was surprised if you save him he "flees" magically - like he's not a feral mook anymore.

>help goodsprings
>thanks goodbye

>help powder gang
>here take some dynamite
>also check out my buddies in the prison for fuckloads more dynamite


that was a pretty ham-fisted and lame way to force the boss fight but you can get around it by taking the Sneering Imperialist perk, in which case you have the option to say 'lmao put a bullet in that dirty injun' and Joshua goes on about his business.

>not just using common powder ganger spawns as an unlimited source of exp and dynamite anyway

there's also tons of free NCR gear if you help them in the prison raid

>helping NCR


>you were right you were right you were right
>Had to put Sylvie out and she never woke up.
>I don't want them to find me, though. "The Father" is a broken-down old man? Disappointment.

Yeah but there is no reason to invest in Charisma even in that kind of playthough.

Survivalist was a real human bean

The best character of Honest Hearts

>helping Legion

>helping anyone but yourself

>playing New Vegas


Like it matters. The White Legs are fucked no matter what happens in that ending. It's better for Joshua to let go of the Legate he once was, though.

>helping House

>Not helping another settlement I'll mark it on your map


>Dead faction

>helping Enclave

Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?