
Sales data continues to pile in for Nintendo, and it continues to show a trend that suggests that the console is selling better than people expected. According to IHS Markit data, the Nintendo Switch sold almost 2.3 million consoles around the world during March, the console’s launch month. As a result, they have upgraded their Switch country level forecasts. This is because Nintendo’s Q1 2017 forecast of 2 million Switch sales worldwide has been “significantly beaten by a minimum of 20%”. Sales of the Switch have been larger than they expected. They also said that “sell-in to the end of March is likely to have amounted to between 2.4 to 2.6 million as Switch continues to be out of stock across major sales territories”. However, don’t cheer just yet. IHS says that the second phase of the Switch’s launch, the period of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’s release, will “give us a better indication of how the console will retain its sales momentum”. They are also curious about how Nintendo’s paid online subscription service will go. As a result, they say that things are looking promising, but it’s still early to say for sure at this time.

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Theres no evidence at all that it isn't selling primarily to people upgrading from the Wii U.

2.3 million people with no games that are tired of open world zelda

Let's be honest. No cunts stupid enough to take it outside unless you're desperately seeking other weebs to talk Zelda with. Unless you live on rice island with the rest of the Jooks.

Weeb autismo/10.

>the entire world downloaded Mario run and pokemon go
>people won't play video games outside

On a phone, they already have. Not a dedicated weeb machine.

No wonder developers are abandoning the Playstation and the Xbox for the Switch.


No what? Explain to me you little fried chicken wing.



No. Yes. Maybe. xD

Mario Run had a big install base? Did they only play it 5 minutes and never play it again? No one's talking about that game.

Regardless of sales devs will continue to make up excuses on why to not develop for the Switch because no one in the industry likes Nintendo

>Regardless of sales devs will continue to make up excuses on why to not develop for the Switch because no one in the industry likes money

Its all about money. Doesn't matter who likes who

>vulkan is hard
opengl games will look worse than PS3 games if they don't implement vulkan instead. Extra knowledge and learning new things could turn off shitters.

Explain Capcom's bullshit

>Disney Afternoon Collection, literally NES ports not coming to Switch
>RE7 not coming to Switch
>MvCi not coming to Switch despite it looking like it could run it
>God awful SF2 XBLA port coming to Switch

>TFW you still can't find one and have games to play for it

I actually lost my virginity thanks to Snipperclips

When will the shills understand thst no one except people who are already Nintendo fans care about Nintendo consoles. Yes the console 10 to 20million off the back of their fanbase and maybe a little extra since people in Japan love handhelds but this thing is still going to be a flop in the long run becasue it's an underpowered, overpriced, gimmicky piece of shit with no 3rd party support and children's games.


as a neogaffer sony bornie. I am in doggy style.

Waiting for that joycon insertion.

Give it to me daddy.

Sony just can't compete.

so mad

Time to "switch" off the life support lmfao

Reminder. 14 million asshat retards bought a Wii U.

That means there are at least that many stupid people to buy a Switch.

Not at all friend

This is the same Nintendo that brought us such great games like

>Star Fox Zero
>Paper Mario Color Splash
>Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival
>Mario Tennis Open
>Metroid Federation Force
>Chibi Robo Zip Lash

and this was all in the last couple of years. I anticipate when Switch hype hits the floor when fans realize 3rd parties aren't going to port their games and most of Nintendo's 1st party games have become garbage. Hey Pikmin seems to be following the same shit pattern.

I bought a wii u and LoZbotw from a guy on letgo for $170, if it's worth it to you then it's not retarded

You can't leave us hanging, how did it happen?

>literally screaming at a journalist reporting data

I reckon the switch is pretty dope. I went to a mates house the other day and he was showing me all the shit it does. He id thinking about getting Smash brothers on it when it comes out

hello there shitposters. I REALLY would like if you could post a livestream, or account, or really anything so we can laugh at you being a retard a few month down the line

Please, do provide

I take it to college all the time. One guy who doesn't even play games approached me about it, asked me what I was playing. Told him Zelda, and he was like "I hear it's pretty fucking awesome" I said yes it is and that was it. Of course I'm not fat, ugly or a sperg so that might have to do a lot with it.

Hey if you want more shovelware garbage, I won't stop you from buying the Wii U 2.0

Eh, it might not be a big as a flop as the WiiU but again we cant tell. They def fucked up on release tho. If 1 2 Switch just came with the console it would have sold TONS. People don't understand that the real system seller on the Wii was Wii sports, not anything else.

what are all the things it does?

What else can it do but play games.
What are you fucking talking about.

1-2-switch as a pack in wouldn't have increased switch sales, it just would have justified 1-2-switch existing.

$60 for flash games and FMV tutorials is mongolism.

I sold my Switch for 400 dollars last week.

No regrets since I beat Zelda and made a profit off the thing. Not sure why anyone is holding onto theirs when they're just going to release a cheaper bundle during the holidays.

>show up to class early
>see QT at the table i usually sit at
>she says hi
>i ask her if she wants to kill some time
>i pull out the switch
>she got wide eyed and asked if that's that new nintendo thing
>detach joycon and hand it to her
>proceeded to play snipperclips together for about 20 minutes.
>fastforward to end up class
>I ask if she wants to get lunch sometime
>went on a date the following friday (i brought the switch)
>ended up at her place after and we got it on after playing for an hour.
>we are still together

i'll take "things that never happened" for 500

this is basically the equivalent of offering a child candy from a van parked next to an elementary school and I hope you realize how braindead she is.

Fuck I don't remember dude I was stoned but he said you can play on the go. Like if you're at work or whatever. That's dope af

What the fuck else would you want it for? You buy a fucking console to play games.

>Release SwitchU next year and negate all profits of the switch

they just never learn do they

>it's selling alot, that means it's good
>but the ps4 and Xbox are bad despite also selling good because I can't take anything that would subvert my narrative

Very interesting OP. Do tell us more!

>you can play a handheld console away from home
how novel

What sales? Zelda and 1, 2 Switch sales? What else?

I doubt they've even shipped 3 million units yet

It's way too soon to get optimistic about a new Nintendo hardware selling well. When even the shitty Wii U sold 3 million in its first month, it can be expected for millions of early adopters to exist. The problem is that they're drones and they are only so many

You are the only one bringing sony and microsoft in this you underagefag.

I don't know of any handheld console that allowed me to play mobile while also being able to be played on TV. There was Zelda on the screen and it still looked good

People keep using portability as an argument, when I already have a samsung phone capable of playing games. So why should I switch to the Switch?

Hardly, the Switch just more of broke the ice by giving us something we both thought was enjoyable.

Sony Defense Force back in action

You think almost a fifth of Wii U owners bought a Switch in the first month to play a single game that runs just as good on a system they already own?

seeNot allowed to make any criticism without being called a sonybro.

SDF thinks a lot of funny things

its already happening

That post was made after his post and your post user. Do you know what chronological order is?

Hmm, maybe you are reading the thread backwards...?

Why the fuck are you doing criticizing on a thread about sales report in the first place

>OP reposts his sales thread every single hour, on the hour
>people called sonybros constantly if they disagree
>this is somehow okay and not shitposting

I'm ujust saying,

Ctrl+F "Sony"
>6 results
>Mostly from you

Your phone and a dedicated video game machine are vastly different.

This is what Nintendorks actually do.

>Your phone and a dedicated video game machine are vastly different.
But Nintendo has already released 5 games exclusive to my samsung phone, and I can play them all for less than the cost of a single Switch game.

And you can't say they're bad games, because that would imply that Nintendo makes bad games, which is apt reason for me to avoid the Switch.

Sonybro is using his backwards compatibility

>No one's talking about that game.
Pokemon go was a much more social game

It's a new thing and people have money to burn if it's still selling well in a year then Nintendo struck pay dirt.

You sound like a fucking fag mate. This isn't even anything to do with whether you like the Switch or not. You just come across like a fucking fag

>only argument is a homophobic slurr


There's literally only one game for people would even want to play on the damn thing.

I have no idea why it's selling.

I already told you I'm not arguing with you. You're just a fag and this post proved it

If you can't easily discern the fundamental differences between something you can pull up on your phone and something created for dedicated gaming hardware, you've not played video games for very long.

I bought a wiiu and that's why I won't but a switch

Nigga, Blaster Master Zero. I know I am like one of 5000 people who bought it, but I'll be damned if it isn't amazing. Also can't wait to jettison to the top of the Puyo Puyo Tetris boards since I have had the JP release for some time now.

I'm getting a real badass 90's vibe from this picture.

at what time do they release the fiscal quarter report

I never had a wii-u, it's actually the only main nintendo console i haven't had since SNES

I think Friday.

>talking about sales figures
>because you don't have any games to talk about

sounds like buyer's remorse to me

I know Nintendo's allowing third party devs to make games for the console and all but if No More Heroes 3 drops as a cross platform game I will no reason to pick this up. Nintendo consoles are made for the exclusives, just how it is, but if Grasshopper can save the series by escaping Nintendo's grasp the Switch means nothing. Still waiting on the new mario game that'll be 64+ irl, and that's all I can think of really. Stopped caring about Mario and their other series they keep beating into the ground and the last games announced were shovelware including fucking RPG Maker. If any version of RPG Maker is on your console then get ready for letdown.

What do I need to apologize for? Saying that it doesn't have anything I want at the moment? It doesn't. Saying that the controllers are overpriced? They are. Saying I would rather them ditch the screen and just make it a home console? I would.

I have nothing to apologize for.

probably people that didn't own a wii u

Apologize for being an entitled crying absolutely correct crybaby

I'd rather have them make a vita 2.0 than this halfassed shit.

>moving the goalposts


I'd almost agree with you, but I'm still fucking raw about the memory card prices.

So does MK8 on switch actually look better than the Wii U version? Haven't bothered to check myself.

>GPD running TW3

Where's the cheapest I get buy one of these?

It is a vita 2.0 in terms of specs etc..
The only thing that could be improved would be to spent billions in a custom pascal chip that is just 50% faster.

Considering MK8 for the WiiU was 60fps 1080p on single player, I sincerely doubt that they sunk money into rebuilding it from the ground up, graphically.

Yes. It also controls and plays better.



Two months in and the Switch is still sold out you dolt. What the hell would giving away 1-2 Switch accomplish?

MK8D is just a 720p60 upgrade to 1080p60.

Looks a lot nicer because of this, but that's it. They also fixed the 59fps frame drop issue that caused a noticeable stutter.

14 million people were dumb enough to fall for and buy a Wii U so the Switch will power on until at least that much.
Based on the fact that portables are popular in Japan it will sell more than what the Wii U did.

In the end though it won't sell as much as even the N64 and be considered a failure. Why? Because Nintendo haven't changed what they're doing since the last console - we have another weak, gimmick console with nothing but children's games that appeal to autistic kids. (This isn't an insult btw - autistic kids are attracted to Nintendo's games.)

these people are not and never will be legitmate journalists. they're glorified bloggers

you're a fool