Why don't they make cube cartridges?

Why don't they make cube cartridges?
Look at all the wasted room they could put more graphics on

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They would be a bitch to package and carry around


that actually sounds kinda nice.

why not just make it a sphere. You're wasting too much space with those sharp corners

Shit dude that's aesthetic as fuck

That's ridiculous. Why not just make the cartridges wider?

You'd have to make the sphere bigger to contain the same amount of graphics

People would probably put it in the wrong way if there weren't a clear up/down/front/back.

Visible connectors are enough for enthusiasts, but not the general public.

what about a dodecahedron

Why don't they forget about consoles and just release cartridges with buttons and a screen?

Those already exist dipshit

there's literally no need

Why don't they make them triangles?

Good post op

What if that was a cube though

>you will never doug faster

Damn you're right

is this loss?

Mobius strip cartridges when?

how someone can be this autistic

Yeah but only shitty Mcdonalds toys. I want a dedicated Overwatch machine

Don't need more space for graphics if you're just upscaling N64 looking games.

What if you put the graphics inside the console instead of on disks?

I missed this type of sarcastic retardation on Sup Forums

What if you put the graphics inside the tv?

you already have rectangles with flash drives. SD cards are the next evolution, you literally don't need cubes

>sexual innuendos: the controls

nigger graphics are already inside the TV this isn't willie wonka shit isn't literally being teleported to your tv box

Oh my god... you're fucking right.

How did you make that?

What if there was a central graphics database?

wont be able to fit in the switch then

I had that console, it SUCKED

How much graphics could you put on this?

no, the graphics are inside the disc or cartridge, the console takes them out and puts them inside the tv
If the graphics were inside the tv we would need no consoles

>all this newfaggotry itt
God damit

Yeah but what if we use SD cubes instead of SD cards?

What made you think streamed vidya would be remotely playable?

I see it now, too. I hate you for this.

Why not round and flatter?


I don't think I quite understand. Maybe you should say it once more, for emphasis?

how come the graphics are real if we aren't?

I had the best internet connection money could buy at the time

>gamecube disks were smaller than ps2 but contained more graphics
Clearly we need to keep shrinking the disks until they're microscopic

7. Seven graphics. Maybe even eight

yeah that's nice and all but
>sphere for more graphics
whoa.....so......this is the.....power of.....dataspheres.......

I'd be terrified of breaking it, but I gotta say that cubes sure are very cool and would allow a lot more graphics.

video games should be edibles like pills desu

or armor

>Clearly we need to keep shrinking the disks until they're microscopic
I can imagine it
>help I accidentally my disc

you're not thinking far enough


But the input is still a card, which bottlenecks the graphics!

What if you made the data storage fluid then all the empty space in the switch could be used for graphics

But that tiny port would bottleneck the graphics coming out

What would happen if you drank graphics fluid?

Of course! we'd need to make the console plug into the icosahedron, not have the icosahedron plug into the console!


You shit AAA games

you would die

What if you make them sub-atomic particles?

mustard gas

Would it be extremely painful?

user you can't hold sub atomic particles how are you going to get them in your tv

pour vous

>Not storing your games on engineered grey matter

you can't hold music but that gets to your TV

is this the birth of an epic new meme?

Just store the graphics on a piece of paper amd fold it 8 times. Infinite graphics


They already (were) in your TV user
>tfw your the only kid on your block brave enough to crack open your tv and pull out the electron gun
>Kids outside playing with toy guns
>You vaporize them instantly
Was great till they banned them and we had to switch to inferior Lunar Crystal Dagger televisions

>too intelligent for games

By using a special force to bind them into cartridge that can unbind once you plug it into the console

>Lunar Crystal Dagger televisions

>Lunar Crystal Dagger television
I don't know if I was too young or something but I could never yank them out of the little stone in the back of the TV. Did they change the anti-tampering measures or what

>not playing games with glorious nippon graphics folded over 1000 times

How can Western games even compete

hm, I understand
how about this? there's five times more graphics output which should definitely be enough graphics at once, no?

>cut strip of material
>twist one end 180 degrees
>fasten the two ends together
Not sure how they fastened the ends, though. Looks seamless.

not only is this a dumb thread, it's also unoriginal. It was decided years ago on Sup Forums that games should be made on cylinders

Those tubes look flimsy.

if its not watercooled then the graphics will be too hot and damage the tv when they enter



It's a good start. Hopefully future R&D will allow us to place the entire dodecahedron inside the console for maximal graphics output.


The fastened part is probably obscured by clever angles.

I want to pee in Hakase's butt.

its too early for this shit user

I would her pussy and it ain't gonna be pee.

user do NOT poop in her vagina that's disgisting. What is wrong with you

Borderline overclocked
I think we need to increase the number of cartridges and consoles, with each pair on a different face of the icosahedron

Never change

im this faggot and i actually think your onto something user

what else is there? Poop?

please do not spit into the pussy

heh... nothin personnel... kid...
make way for ultimate graphics

you user's aren't ready to stare into the abyss.
sometimes, it stares back

I am so glad tube posting went away, some obnoxious shit

What if you made a graphics balloon that you could just put more air into to get more graphics?

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=SLCuL-K39eQ