What's your opinion on localization?

What's your opinion on localization?

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>Sup Forums calling nintendo's translators "nazis"
hilarious if not sad

I wish I didn't have to worry about any particular localization teams fucking up a good game for an entire region

I like it localized out of my games

For Nintendo's particular case, the Switch isn't region-locked, so if worse comes to worst, there's always the option to import if the localization gets too funky.

Orwell told me to stop using Latin words so I hate it pretty much.

When did he say that.

It's been a while since I've read it but in Politics and the English language he complains about overuse of Latin and Greek among intellectuals in a superficial way to appear intelligent. Kinda the opposite problem as Newspeak actually.

But no one uses them to appear inteligent, they are used because a lot of english words come from those languages and most people don't even notice that.
Like localization. It's come from latin locus and I use it all the time but it's not to appear intelligent, I didn't even know that's where it came from until now 'cause I looked it up.
Or is he refering to stuff like "a priori"? Even then, you use it because that's the word there is. It's latin but what are you gonna do? Invent a new word to mean the same thing because you don't like the origin?

They should allow to just sub games they don't wanna translate, the game is already made, just release that son bitch digitally, you only need one nigga to translate, what do you have to lose?

I couldn't play without it

Explain what you mean by localization.

Orwell also wrote that in 1946. A lot of the pretense of formal writing and speaking has been abandoned since then. In hindsight, even in 1946 a lot of the pretense of the 16th-19th centuries had been abandoned.

It's great. When I play games, I can fucking read the text!

>George Orwell

He's, right though. Using a foreign language in a superficial way of appearing more intelligent falls in line perfectly with his entire point in 1984; it's a method of oppression based on intellect. It's a power thing.

It's the same issue with jargon. Jargon exists as a method of exclusion; it promotes the idea of "tribal knowledge."

>if worse comes to worst
>already came to worst

What did they mean by this?

The exact wording in his essay escapes me, and I'm far too lazy and don't give enough of a shit to look it up, but it basically boiled down to "Never use a foreign word when an English word will do." His issue wasn't with words that have foreign roots; if that was his problem, he would have written all of his works in Saxon.

Just read the essay. His criticism is generally 'consider your audience'. Latin obscures your thoughts if the audience can't follow your train of thought. Use of Latin in ways that can reasonably be assumed are understood by your audience are fine. The takeaway is: be clear and precise in your thinking and writing. That, I think, is something that every writer has had to grapple with since the invention of writing. His advice is perfectly valid, but his concern of decadence etc., in hindsight, are kind of chicken little-ish.


What is this idiocy and why should anyone care?

In Japan and every other region, Breath of the Wild is set before Ocarina of Time being the origin story of the Sheikah and Yiga, which go way back to A Link to the Past. In English, it's now set after. NoA changed the translation to match what they wanted, despite it being correct at E3 when the game was first demoed. Now it makes no sense.

Again, why should I care? And what is the exact evidence for each side? Is it possible they changed it because having all this technology around for eons would make this being an early game seem totally retarded? And how does that make no sense?

Maybe you don't care, because you're not invested but it's pretty damn important to discussion when one region thinks something is canon that is not. Also, sides? What? And the time-spans between major Zeldas is huge as the game clearly shows if you've not played it yet. It being lost technology once already sets a precedent. The tech is not so much an issue of concern as are the prolific Sheikah going to a total population of 1 in all later Zeldas. Especially since in TP they frequently mention lost technology.

Is 'localization is censorship' Sup Forums's latest meme?

Only Nintendo's localization is cencorship. And only the American branch. NoE is alright.

>Only Nintendo's localization is cencorship.
t. I have never played an Ace Attorney game in my life

I hate when localises try to hide a games origin like changing Japanese yen to dollars like what Nisa does, seems pointless

>NoE is alright.
Then explain Fatal Frame 5 and Xenoblade

I did play them and they're not that bad. Honestly any ire you have should be aimed at Nintendo who are what Capcom are copying. They're monkeying what their big brother does.

I don't know anything about either of those, but I do know NoA was probably behind Xenoblade X's censorship. Aren't they voiced by Americans? Direct your blame where it belongs.