> that moment when Javik reveals that Protheans used to regularly fuck Asari back when they were semi-retarded primitives who couldn't read, write, or count
How did Bioware get away with this?
> that moment when Javik reveals that Protheans used to regularly fuck Asari back when they were semi-retarded primitives who couldn't read, write, or count
How did Bioware get away with this?
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I believe it was the conversation where he praises the tastes of half of Shepards crew but said expect asari since they looked nice
> game goes full SJW
> bestiality becomes a joke
You shouldn't be so surprised
>jamaican bugs turn out to be rapists
>it's swept under the rug
This. The game is literally fake star wars for horny gay people, im not even joking
The games are full on cringe territory and it doesnt let up. I would laugh if it wasnt so pathetic
I miss me1, you could be a piece of shit, a racist, a good guy, and some of the best companions
Are you saying you wouldn't fuck an extremely attractive primitive?
Hello post high school angst!
>tfw no asari cavegirl to fuck
Javik was a good party member stuck in a mediocre game
I expected javik to be one of WE WUZ PROTHEANS N SHIT.
Instead he turns out to be some elitist on everyone with bantz. Good times.
I don't remember this at all
ME1 Renegade was fucking savage.
Expect he actually was a prothean?
They paid reparations by giving all of the Asari natural biotic powers and making them kangs n shiiiet.
But he actually was a prothean
are you saying that the WE was actually KANGZ?
Well it's not really surprising considering the general Prothean response to primitives was
>either enslave if they're willing, or genocide them if not
The Asari, like the rest of the council races, just got lucky the Protheans got REAPER'd
It's like how American southern slave owners eternal weakness was slave pussy
i can't believe the galactic cocksleeve race would do that
Slave pussy is so good the muslim slave trade went out of their way to acquire Irish slaves for concubines so I guess art imitates real life
Wait, what?
This meme is fucking autistic
Technically, the Kush empire did take over Egypt for a little over 50 years. But Egypt was already in decline by that point.
so real talk, is curing the genophage a good idea? I was always pretty pro genophage throughout the games, but in 3 it's pretty hard to make that call since you've got to betray 2 bros.
The ME3 Tuchanka arc is probably the best writing in the series imo. The build up and the different ways it can play out make me convinced ME3 could've actually been good if Bioware weren't rushed and didn't have suits from EA breathing down their neck.
Egypt was a clusterfuck. Niggas got overthrown by a bunch of Greek workers because they had better axes.
so they literally actually thought they was kangz
How exactly has it gone full SJW?
There were black kings, just not many black pharaohs. And American slaves came from the west coast, nowhere near Egypt.
How retarded. How does one lose to someone with better weapons?
so real talk, is curing the genophage a good idea?
Yes, but only if Wrex is alive, I believe Wrex could change the Krogan for the better, and continue that work with Grunt or some other successor.
If Wrex is dead? Nah.
I felt like the krogan deserved a chance after all that time, especially if bakara and/or wrex are in power since they may actually learn and be better and shit.
Honestly though, that doesn't matter. Practically speaking the reaper invasion is way more threatening than the possibility of the krogan repeating their mistakes so unless you can successfully trick them into helping without curing it (as with wreav in charge), the pragmatic choice is to cure it.
only if Wrex is alive
Yes, but only because Krogan are objectively the best species in the Milky Way.
>live forever
>love killing shit
>breed like bugs but not bugs (fuck bugs)
>immune to basically everything
>ride giant lizards into battle
>literally have an extra set of balls
>kickass architecture and culture
>willing to be bros with humans that prove they aren't pussies
I'd let the Salarians go extinct a million times before giving up the Krogan
No you are
I would probably fuck an incredibly hot, blue retard, desu.
>literally dog aids infects several crew members in ME2
Who do you think brought it on the Normandy?
It was space dog aids actually.
>implying your sexually frustrated dick wouldn't fuck anything
>Literally the Thraddash but smarter